Author Topic: The right bra for the job!  (Read 4533 times)


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I went ATV riding this past weekend. I guess I was in a hurry packing, because I had packed a few of my regular underwire bras which are great support for everyday activities but, they were entirely inadequate for trail riding. Maybe if I was a B or C cup I could've gotten by but, I'm not. I'm At least a 36G or H in most of my bras. 
While I pride myself on knowledge of my bras, I did learn something new. If you need extra support for an activity such as trail riding and you don't have a good sports bra at your disposal, you can wear either 2 or 3 bras over each other (in my case 3) to gain the support you need.
This was a great help, however it's still best to have the right tool for the job.

Offline chestyoldman

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The best lessons I have learned about packing for a trip have been the ones where I forgot something important. That item moves to the top of my list for the next outing! I'm glad you came up with a work-around.


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Funny, I don't even think about bras when I'm loading my ATV, whether its for ice fishing, deer hunting or just riding! I just put one on in the morning, or not and if I'm using my ATV I'm focus on the activity and nothing about my bra!

One big difference is, due to my back issues, when I'm driving my ATV 99% of the time I drive it like I'm an old farmer checking the fence for any broken wire, I don't get hard on the throttle very often! Now when I'm on my trike on a nice smooth road, that's another story!


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For me, I wear a bra everyday. I'm used to the support that I get from it. And I always wear a sports bra when I'm riding. Trails we were on were rough yo begin with and had a lot of miles to cover so we were truckn right along. The "extra bras" trick worked pretty good. One of the women we riding with gave me  the suggestion. 
I know that if I don't wear the right support, then I get a sharp pain between my shoulder blades and upper chest and I'm miserable. I'm just grateful to have so many well designed bras available to me to be able to do what I need each one yo do. Sleep bras, t shirt bras, sheer, underwire, sports, minimizers ect.... Doesn't matter. Just make sure it's the right bra for the job.


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I guess I'm not that "in to" bras as some of you! I wear them to avoid the rash that I get under them and sometimes the pain, but I live with so much other chronic pain I don't notice that pain as much as some of you talk about, even being as big as I am!

I don't have a bra for this, and a bra for that, I have 2 kinds of bras! I have the kind that I have pictured in "I'm bigger then I thought" and I have a 6 pack of  "magic Genie bras" that I use just to hold them down and still, no support.

Yes I have big breast, bigger then most of anyone here on the forum, but I can't get that excited about having a bra for every occasion! I don't even own a suit or a tie, and if the VA didn't provide me with the nice shoes because I'm a diabetic, I wouldn't worry about that either!

I have other things that are a lot more fun to spend my money on!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 10:34:56 AM by hammer »


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No shame in wanting nice bras for your breasts by any means. I have some push ups that I wear around the house that are just white black and nude colored. But other than that I have a couple padless wired bras for when I am doing some running around and want comfort without the projection. And then I have my playtex and barely there styled comfort/sports bras that I wear to work and in certain outings. My breasts continue to grow and while they aren't rampant in growth I see the tissue crease getting more defined and feel the volume of it all becoming more dense which leads me to believe them becoming more noticeable may be inevitable. No one i know would really understand me wearing a bra so I have a few for certain occasions when I won't be around that setting, then some as mentioned for laborious environments for support and concealment and oh yeah 2 cami bras for lounging around the house and such in. Which I like a lot because it's spaghetti strapped but it does not show and unless you are really digging in on a hug or something you aren't going to see or feel it. 


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Nothing wrong with wearing what you need. 
I have some molded molded cup bras that I wear. It's easier for me in certain situations to keep the headlights on lowbeam. I have bras for lounging, for work outs (and ATV riding).
That's why they make so many different types of bras. I'm grateful to have so many well designed bras available to me. 
I never asked for my breasts. But between genetics, medication and hormones in our food, I have them. Wearing a bra that fits and functions is how I deal with them.


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The black bra that I have pictured in the post "I'm bigger then I thought" gives me plenty of support for ATV riding, and I've been doing that a long time I've had both breast and an ATV for years, I've wear bras off and on since the mid 90's,  had gyno since my teens, and my ATV is a 1994 in mint condition, (I get collectors plates next time I renew)!
I know that we all feel that bras are for supporting breast! I get that and I agree with that, no problem!  However,  when you start adding a collection of different bras, does it become an obsession?
Then, I know many of you add woman's underwear to the mix too, then what do we have here?

I guess my point, or questions are, have we gone beyond the scope of the forum of being a gynecomastia support forum to cross dressers forum when you get to the point of having more woman's under garments then my 2 daughters and wife combined?


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I always wonder do hormones in foods actually do much on an individual level? I feel like it takes almost a year for transgenders to see quality breast growth from high dose synthetics and feel food and plastics just can't have as much as medical estrogen to induce breast growth or stimulate tissue expansion. Idk, being diagnosed with gynecomastia and idiopathic as the reason has left me feeling very confused and a bit uneasy about how mine continue growing and the future that holds for me in regards to bras. I don't mind them now cause they are nice for support but given they get to a point where a molded cup or something is a better option or even braless and being 5'11 170lbs how prominent they'll be worries me. But I am blessed to have a forum here to discuss, share, and find solace in the situation of it all amongst others who advise, counsel, and just have a brotherhood for those brothers with breasts, cause i know my wife isn't the one to accept and talk to. Not to get off topic just appreciate all of what yall do for people who aren't totally secure yet. 
Thanks for the reminder on plates hammer i gotta renew my cars this month lol. I have to agree with Hammer on the collection of bras remark. I know I have a few for various levels of comfort and that's mainly cause I know sports bras and constriction causes not as adequate blood flow so I try not to wear a sport bra or restrictive style one too often too long. But I see some with pink and purple lacy bras and push ups with floral prints and over the top feminine victoria secrets type styles and I feel theres a difference between security in the apparel for breasts, and an "obsession" or desire to be closer to the feminine side by having such feminine bras and an array of styles in a way to connect to the female side of it a conspiracy but theres having a bra and a collection of them and then theres having a collection of bras that yell femininity. 
I personally wear womens cotton panties. I have since I was young, I work a laborious job and have always worked in the heat and in the midwest it gets HOT. I find cotton panties do not give me heat rash or break outs of acne on my legs and waist and rear end like boxer sna briefs do with holding the heat in. Now of course I wear them for comfort not sexual thrill nor are mine polka dots or silk or frilly. They are very neutral color and if mens weren't so thick in fabric I'd wear them but given womens are a bit lighter to wear I chose them. 
When I first began noticing my breasts were growing and they weren't just fat adding to the chest and when the dr asked me if i knew the cup sizes of my family members and when I said if I had to guess I'd say D cup or in that range and he told me it could quit today or tomorrow or it could persist and you could grow to a size smaller than most women in your family, that being a c cup hypothetically.....i freaked out. I wasn't sure if he was serious, he said with it being idiopathic and unsure as to whta is causing it there is no true way to stop what is unidentifiable vs if it were medications or supplements to just stop taking or switch. So I began googling the hell out of things. And came across a few pages of men who actually wanted to grow offense intended...we all have our quirks...but not my style and not my forte....I say all that to say this...I believe and agree with Hammer that often I find myself on this site trying to find advice or even helping others if I can add 2 cents...but there are quite a few who seem to have gynecomastia and adore it or even more induced it themselves and come here to flaunt. I ain't mad at anyone doing their thing and love all the acceptance shown in this forum no matter whta one's forte is. But I agree with hammer it seems we are becoming more of a forum for crossdressing and that I do kind of get upset with cause we are here to be a brotherhood for brothers going through this and finding solutions in either surgery or acceptance, for the crossdressers and trans, i love ya'll the same, but there are forums for those communities. 


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I worked construction all the years I worked too, (disabled at 40 now 59) between being a carpenter and welder I know what sweating like a pig is like! I did always wear men's jockey underwear, but I recently switch to Reebok performance underwear! They are moisture wicking boxer shorts, mix blend polyester, so they are soft, not hard feeling against the skin and if you and up in the emergency room you won't get funny looks, lol.


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I've been asked by the SA when I have gone for bra fittings in the past, almost every time she says  " I hope that they're not to girlie for you ". I tell her the same thing " they're bras, they're supposed to be girlie. 
It's a bra, it's underwear.  It's supposed to be worn under clothing. No one except my wife ever sees it. A bra is a funny thing. It's can be functional and fashionable. But what happens when you find a bra that fits, and performs the way you want but, has bows and lace..... Like I said no one else sees it and I'm comfortable. 


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I hope I didn't offend I definitely don't care what style color fashion bra a bro wears but to those on the forum who are wearing crop tops and dresses and screen names are female enunciated names...thats more so what I meant. But again no intent to offend anyone just everyone has their forums and let's keep ours for us...inclusion without excluding if that makes sense lol
I totally agree though if you find a bra that works go for it. Just wish my wife was cool with it. She's conservative Christian and whole family is hardcore Republican so I don't see them or any being ok if their son in law or husband pulled out a bra even if it was obvious one was needed...i hate the stigma it's bs


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Steven618, I to am a Christian and an ordained minister,  and I believe you are referring Deuteronomy22:5! My personal interpretation of that is a man or woman shall not dress in the others clothing for the purpose to deceive others.

I was actually told by my primary care physician that I should be wearing support for my breast!

Their are many of us men here on the forum that are prescribed 20/30 30/40 compression hose for medical reseasons. They are for water retention, congestive heart failure, varicose veins and other medical reasons!

Their have been men that have said they wear support panty hose, off the shelf, sheer energy, type because they help make them feel good! ( I will not name names ), however I have said if in fact they needed support hose they could go to their doctor and get a prescription for a good quality long lasting compression hose that actually do what it's supposed to do!

I may be wrong, but I think that wearing panty hose would be in line as cross dressing, feel good, or something beyond a medical need!


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I have to be in agreement there about the hose. I don't know what 30 40 and 20 30 means I thought eyesight till I realized what forum I'm on lol. 
I got to be honest many Christians I think we can all agree twist the bible to pertain to their bias. Find a verse to back up my bias and call it belief and persuade self it's sucks but I can't imagine my wife changing her position and instead having suspicion. As mentioned before I began budding and growing before I met her and it stalled. In a night of us dating hanging out I got fearful quick she was going to hurt me badly mentally like my ex of 4 years which we broke up a few months prior to this and I was still recovering. So to push her away i told her I wanted breasts when she asked me why they grew...wasnt noticeable just talking bout insecurities to know one another better and told her that she asked why I said idk cause doctors ruled it idiopathic and said if they kept growing I wouldn't mind. She seemed put off and told her I definitely would mind just think you're too good to be true and tried pushing away.

I say all that to say this, I fear if they do grow more there will not be much encouragement for support but more so suspicion and distance created in her thinking I'm somehow doing it. This insecurity of breasts and the realization of bras being somewhat necessary in certain areas of life, work with forklifts, gym and running etc. Just makes it a paranoid situation.
Do doctors legitimately prescribe a bra for men? If my doctor legitimately wrote a note advising bras I'd imagine my wife would ujnderstand it is a necessity not a desire or fetish etc. 

I suck at explaining things so hope this made sense lol


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The 20/30 30/40 is the amount of compression the hose provide,  I wear 20/30, and I'm provided 4 new pair every 6 months, but with proper care they will last longer.

Doctors do advise wearing support, not prescribed. I have heard of some of the men here on the forum having the same advice that I received from my doctor, but I think it comes from female doctors more often then male doctors.

What you were doing with the breakup with your ex was going through greaving and your wife should understand that.  You made a statement that you did not mean while greaving and not knowing and understanding what was going on in your life.

As for your thoughts on Christian bias, I couldn't agree more! We no longer belong to any main steam churchs at all! We still tithe as we believe very strongly in that, but we look in our community and beyond at what is needed and do that! We worship in our way, and not in the way of any main steam church.

I don't believe in same sex marriage, but I also believe in love thy neighbor, I also believe it isn't up to me to judge as well, however,  I will not perform a same sex marriage. I believe that abortion is murder. But once again it's not up to me to judge.

I think you get the idea, and you would be surprise how many people don't believe that Jesus turn the water into wine for the wedding at Cana, because Jesus wouldn't drink! Well, I do believe,  and I personally like "hard wine" or as some call it,  E & J Brandy!

I know that we got a bit off topic, but what the heck. Some of this might even be educational, lol!


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