Author Topic: Summer Gear  (Read 8352 times)

Offline expedient-traveller

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Since this will be my first year where I have had to wear support for the "guests", I am wondering what would be good for warmer weather. When the weather, in Michigan (upper Mid-West of the U.S.A.), turns warm, I do a lot of outdoor work (Air-conditioning, pool heater repairs and the such). In the past, I just wore a lighter shirt and put up with the bouncing (44 A/B) and the soreness and the irritation and ... I finally started wearing Champion sports bras that squash everything. They do control but they are uncomfortable to wear all day at work (boiler engineer in the winter)and make my ribs hurt. Any suggestions since this will be my first summer in a bra? Sorry if I am putting this in a wrong section. Newbie :) 

Offline Elandon

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My suggestion is a regular Tshirt  Bra


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I live in Minnesota and wear a darker color tee one size to big. This has worked fine for me the last couple years once I started not caring if anyone noticed that I was wearing  a bra. Now mind you I wear a size 46H bra and as of yet no one has beed caught staring at me nor has anyone said a word to me!

Just to add, I always have a full beard so people can't just think I'm some ugly women, and the tee is made out of high count tread.


Offline expedient-traveller

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I started looking at t-shirt bras but quickly became confused. I do like the idea of an extra large tee-shirt, unfortunately, I am required to wear a company shirt which identifies me to the customer. I have worn a tee-shirt around the house but with a bra on, I stick out. I also have a beard (goatee) but I am no where near as large as you Hammer. I did try a different bra combination today at work but felt I was sticking out too much and went back to the squash of the sports bra from Champion. I am so used to being squashed that when I use any other means to control the "guests" I feel I am sticking way out...even if I am not. It is just something I have to adjust to. Sorry for the ramble, it is just that you all are the only ones to discuss this with. I cannot talk to the doctor about it because they just talk surgery and removal. These are my "guests" and I will never go under the knife no matter how big I eventually get. Sorry, rambling again.

Offline expedient-traveller

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One of the ladies here at work knows I need to wear a bra and is totally supportive of me and has agreed with the use of a t-shirt bra for summer use. Since in the summer I am out in the sun a lot (pool heater technician among other things), so I know about heat. Ace bandages during the summer to keep the "guests/ girls" under control is very, very uncomfortable and miserably hot. This will be my first summer full time in a bra. It could be a whole lot worse.


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One of the ladies here at work knows I need to wear a bra and is totally supportive of me and has agreed with the use of a t-shirt bra for summer use. Since in the summer I am out in the sun a lot (pool heater technician among other things), so I know about heat. Ace bandages during the summer to keep the "guests/ girls" under control is very, very uncomfortable and miserably hot. This will be my first summer full time in a bra. It could be a whole lot worse.

This is good that you have a female friend to help you out with finding a bra that will do the best job for you, and you may find that you will need different bras for day time at work days and then more heavy duty supportive ones on the off duty times when you can wear clothes that conceal better.

I'm in a position that it doesn't matter as I've been on disability for the last 17years, but it still took some time for me to get to the point with the understanding that "hey, I do really have breast just like any women and they need support, so if you or anyone else doesn't  like it, it's your problem not mine"!

I don't go around trying to show them off, but as I've said before, a good high tread count tee one size to big is good enough for me! During the summer however I may wear an open button down shirt as well, but that is if I'm carry a side arm on my waist or in a shoulder holster.

I wish that there was more info out there for the general public about men like us! Dr. Jacobs and I tried to get a letter writing campaign going to the Dr. Oz show about a year ago to do a segment on it but no go! I believe that if there was more info out there it would go the way that Erectile Disfunction did and become less taboo of a subject.


Offline expedient-traveller

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Hammer: It is absolutely amazing that no one knows about what we have to live with. Certain sites state that between 30 and 70 percent of men will get it. It is very, very prevalent and nothing is mentioned about almost anywhere. Logic would suggest that this is a major, major problem with so many males having gynecomastia but why is there nothing said or done about it?

On a lighter note: could you suggest a good holster for a Ruger P-89?


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I've always been a people watcher and when I drive Debbie to work or pick her up down town St. Paul I make a mental note of all the guys in tees or other types of pull over shirts and there are far more men that have some degree of excess breast then those that don't!

As for holsters, my two favorite guns are my full size Springfield  XDM9 and my 2" 357 (winter) carry weapon. Both as far are strong side carry I prefer the paddle style plastic holsters or carry in vertical shoulder holsters. Between those two I favor the shoulder because of my bad back! The reason for the 357 winter gun is more cloths in Minnesota and need for more power. I also found in time you can get used to caring a full size weapon, just as easy as a mini, however, I also believe a mini in the hand is worth tons more then a full size in the glove box.

For deer hunting I have a 6" 357 and I carry in a horizontal shoulder holster.

At 57 with 11 years in the service, some time put in law enforcement, and for other reasons I won't share, I've carried for more years of my adult life then not carry. I'm one of those guys here in Minnesota that got permits with no problems from the police  chief before they enacted the "shall issue law"! I've also found that there isn't anything wrong with the old fanny pack if all your going to wear is a light pair of shorts or sweat pants.


Offline expedient-traveller

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Hammer: Thanks for the reply. Good point on the 357 and the thicker cloths. I never thought of that. Favorite carry for me is a Ruger Blackhawk 4 5/8in barrel in 41 mag with a strong side carry. Usually if I can see it ... you understand. The P-89 is a new acquire and I have never had a semi-auto so I needed sage advice. Thanks Hammer and thanks for the more serious chest related info. Odd how we who have to wear support notice those who need support.

Last Saturday I was with my brother headed for our "local", 1 hour away, Cabelas, and I dropped by a house having some tools for sale. As I got to talking with the seller, I noticed how much he needed support and was glad I had support. Strange, but you are so correct. It is far more prevalent than is reported. Wow!


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We just got a new Cabelas not 15 min from us here in the twin cities minnesota, located in Woodbury. That makes number 4 in Minnesota! Love that store, I boght my XDM at the one in Rogers MN.

Offline expedient-traveller

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I am glad my Cabelas is not closer because by it being an hour away, it is like a small vacation and I get to mellow out after a long week of work.

On another note, I said I was getting away from the sports bras and trying something else that is not nearly as tight and much cooler since no matter what type of support device I wear, it still has to be under my work shirt.

Now, as I have been shopping and getting advice from a female friend at work about different types of bras, I have run into a problem. How to measure for correct size? Men have more material from under arm to the immediate breast area which throws the measurement off. If I go by the way a female measures herself, I would be a 44E, but I can only fill a B cup. Any advice on proper sizing for a gentleman?


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That is why you need to go for the formal fitting! You will be put in a privet room and the fitter will bring in a load of different bras for you and you will find that in one style of bra a "D" may fit just great because the straps are also made bigger, but on another a "b"cup is way to big but the straps are way to tight!

When I had my fitting my mearments are 46H and in some style bras that fit great but others the shoulder straps were way to short, and on another the "F" cup was good on my left but tight on my right boob but the straps are perfect but it doesn't come in an "H" cup so it would be tight on the right boob!

Oh what's a guy to do?

Offline expedient-traveller

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I might need a professional fitting but I am way too nervous to be able, even with a female friend of mine being there with me. I am only just now getting to the point where I am not wearing something that squashes my "girls" as flat as possible.

I did wear something a little more supportive lately and I am starting to stick out here at work. I am really nervous about when the warmer weather kicks in and I cannot hide the "guests" as easily as I can in the cooler weather. In the past I could hide myself rather easily but over the last year I have grown more than a little bit. The days of the 44AA and the 44A are gone and 44B feels like it is getting tighter by the day. I am actually having to be extra careful not to bump or wedge the "girls" in the boiler room where I am an engineer during cold weather because it does get tight in some spots where I have to work.

I am very concerned about thinner summer work shirts and having my "assets" in much greater view. I know they are part of me and if someone else cannot handle it, then that is their problem. Nonetheless, I am still nervous about it all. When you are smaller, you can hide easily, but getting bigger is a learning curve. Life goes on.

Offline 46bboobs

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I am glad my Cabelas is not closer because by it being an hour away, it is like a small vacation and I get to mellow out after a long week of work.

On another note, I said I was getting away from the sports bras and trying something else that is not nearly as tight and much cooler since no matter what type of support device I wear, it still has to be under my work shirt.

Now, as I have been shopping and getting advice from a female friend at work about different types of bras, I have run into a problem. How to measure for correct size? Men have more material from under arm to the immediate breast area which throws the measurement off. If I go by the way a female measures herself, I would be a 44E, but I can only fill a B cup. Any advice on proper sizing for a gentleman?

You really need to try them on for them to fit right on the first try.
Bra size calculators dont work right for guys. My chest is 51 inches but I wear a 42C.

Since trying them on is difficult for most, you could measure yourself, and then measure the bra in the store to put you in the ballpark.

Easy way would be to shop with your woman and have her ask you to come in with her to try them on, then you try them on.


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It still better to go for the formal fitting, but still take a woman with you for that too!

Trust me men, my wife told me that I was treated with more respect then my daughter was when my wife took her for her formal fitting!

It's true, the bras are more expensive at the bra shops that offer this service, however, they are very well made. I've called the shop since my fitting and ordered more bras, and I'm always received very well! I have no regrets, wish I would have done it ten or more years sooner, and non of the other ladies in the shop never gave us a second look, because Debbie was with.


I should add that my daughter went to a big department store at the Mall of America and I went to a specialty shop (Allure) in St. Paul, on Grand Ave for those who are in my area.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 11:31:39 AM by hammer »


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