Author Topic: gyno caused by Gear at 18  (Read 3720 times)

Offline sjbjtm

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I just turned 18, decided i wanted to workout for before summer. went to the gym and bought got me some workout stuff. didn't know tell i had marbles behind my nipples that i took testosterone percursors. never thought i would of taken steroids cause i didn't get big, i just got a lot energy at the gym.
I'm about to turn 19 and mine is now bigger than golf balls behind my nipples. they point out, they hurt, they swell, my life revolves around my chest. not a minute gos by without the swell feeling, tenderness or the painful emotions of this gyno.

Already tried letro, and work out and tribulus and all. I have a chronic depression in my family and i don't like to say it but i already tried committing suicide cause of this. on many anti-ds and anxiety meds since this(screwing my life up more). The guy who sold me the supplements really ruined my whole life as of now, and i wish he informed me that it would change my hormone levels or even say what he was selling me is somewhat illegal. Doctors shake there head when i tell them i didn't know, same with the lawyers.

I'm really claustrophobic, and this might not make sense but i get that clauster feeling severely about them. Its almost like i get freaked out and i have to rip them out immideately or i feel ill collapse.

I see myself having another breakdown, right now its been about 1 or 2 a month. i think by july ill breakdown an get that clauster feeling and just cut it out, rather have a scar than breasts. Anyways, if your a parent and got a son whose into working out just tell him not to take anything or you'll grow breasts. he would be more than lucky to know before hand. Wish surgeons would give you more info on funding for this surgery rather than just say pay us its the best way to do it.

Offline waves

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Keep your head up sjbjtm, there is a cure, surgery.  You may have to wait until your gyne has stopped growing, but always keep in mind that you will be cured.  Just a matter of saving up enough money and waiting for the surgery.  For some cases though, very few, you can get the surgery covered and with your depression situation you may find you're one of the lucky few. 

Stay strong, there is greener grass on the other side of surgery!

Offline sjbjtm

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yeah, fortunately the anti-ds dont make me emotional when i think about it. but thats another one, bein on pills to not be depressed cause of this mishap is just another thing i get lost in. just hope im all there still on operating day

Offline fc12345678

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Hey bro, I can relate.  I'm 26 and developed gyno when I was 18 from prohormones I legally bought in a store.  I also didnt know of these affects and assumed they would have no such side affects.  But i was young and now research things much more as you now will.  But you need to lighten up about this.  My gyno continued to get worse until it peaked out to its biggest about 3 years ago.    I was only able to finally afford surgery last year.  I lived with it for almost a decade and was embarassed to take my shirt off the whole time.  I know it is horrible and can consume you.  But have hope, it can be fixed.   

What did you take?  If it was recent you might be able to get rid of it with medication.  I recommend you go to a endocrinologist and be completely honest with him of what you took and theres a chance he can get rid of it for you.  If not, surgery can completely fix this, just make sure you go to an experienced surgeon with plenty of before and after pics.

hopefully things get better for you, Good luck.

Offline skelly26259

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Hi sjbjtm

I would like to say iam in the same position as you. I also developed gyno from prohormones(didnt take a pct). Since the gyno has develpoed my life has been turned upside down. It really gets me down to the point of where iam depressed. I found it really good to talk to friends and family about it and this really does help. The main thing is keep telling yourself as these guys have said there is a cure one way or another. I went to the NHS and they didnt want to know really to be honest. Went and seen a breast consultant and he said the gyno wasnt bad enough for the NHS to do anything with. So Iam now saving for surgery and going get it done next year. GET SAVING   ;)

Offline Nutsandbolts

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A question for the guys that took prohormones... how long did you take it before you noticed ill effects? A cycle is good for what, 4-6 weeks? I have never taken anything except a pre w/o stim, but was considering it.

Thanks in advance


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