yeah i guess it's a different story for everyone. When my wife and I first met and began dating. I got out of a very toxic relationship. The woman had really done a number on me in all areas. To make matters worse this is the time around my chest began budding, thinking it was just fat from stress eating, i hit the gym lost the weight but chest didn't go anywhere, went to the dr. boom clue what it was he told me and i was pretty taken forward 3 months later and countless hours of what could cause gynecomastia i met my wife then girl i was talking to. Incredibly scared she would hurt me as bad as the last one did we talked about everything and one topic was things we haven't told others and I instantly went in to push her away mode and told her i wanted boobs and that when my chest began growing it solidified the idea and told her i'd looked in to it....which i never have nor care to just wanted to push her away cause im not a courageous guy in the regards to just telling someone it's too soon for me to start dating etc. forward 3 years, we're now married, and my chest has begun growing more. My Dr did blood work and found my E2 levels were higher than normal and T levels were lower than normal but both aren't in the dangerous range so it could be a factor but its unsure with it still being in the spectrum of ok.....i say all that to say a little bit of this...I asked my wife if it was noticeable cause we were going on vacation to a friends wedding and i didn't want to risk being gawked at or letting the insecurity be on full display. She said no and thinks i'm paranoid from all the knowledge i have of growing breasts from back in the day. Now I feel the ignorance of my idiocy in discussion from back then will cause her to be angered or think im doing this to myself especially if i bust out bras to wear.
I feel when you go through a situation that identifies a root cause for this to be occurring it creates reasoning for wearing bras or wanting to,. But when the diagnoisis is idiopathic as it has been in my case it creates worry on approaching the topic with a wife who is hyper feminine as mine is and is not fond of a man wearing a bra or anything feminine in that nature. I work in a steel factory and shave my upper body except arms and she wishes i wouldn't cause men are supposed to have hair everywhere so just that sentence and thinking along with strong christian beliefs makes me just nervous and scared that if they keep growing how to approach the topic and get her on board or at least get her to approve. She's crazy understanding of things and such so i feel it isn't that tough of a topic as i'm making it to be, it's just.....i don't know. I'm only an a cup but the weight and movement when on a forklift or running now sucks. Running down stairs in our house i have to clutch my chest cause the bouncing just sucks. I wish they would stop growing but it seems they are not stopping any time soon now. Which I hate cause they grew initially in 2013 and quit after they began budding and it wasn't noticeable at all. Then years later they are on a rampage it feels like in recent months gaining volume, shape, and weight and yeah...
Here is a picture of the bra I bought I got 4 total and they are 7 bucks which beats the cost of barely there tank top style sports bras which i like cause of the design and concealing but they were fairly thick. These are pretty thin, very breathable and just comfortable all around. And can't really tell it is there even in a t shirt with out a tank top over it, it remains pretty well hidden. Best part is the strap around the back you can't feel it. And thats always my concern, someone giving me a hug and going what is on your back or something of that nature. These are so well fitting and thin in the band that i honestly don't think my wife would ever know. But still I don't think i could wear one and risk her going what is that and me going a bra, that ok? lol......anyways. .Thanks for letting me rant. Nerves are in high gear about this and i tend to ramble when anxiety hits