I feel this forum has seen a surge of energy in the recent weeks, and today felt like every time I hit the refresh button there was something new posted or replied to. It's exciting to see. When I first became a member, I had just stumbled upon the forum after seeing my GP and him telling me what was causing the itching and soreness and couldn't believe it. Like, how? Googling gynecomastia, I came across a lot of things, but one was a forum that seemed honestly legit about the condition. And while I saw many like myself, asking everyone if this is fat or gyno, who had flat chests, I felt more at peace thinking well that looks like me, maybe it's nothing to worry about. Then a year or two passes and things got larger, and as my chest took on a different shape, a different weight, the issues and insecurities were high. My wife kept saying it's all in my head, but it wasn't.
This forum helped me in every moment of insecurity and anxiety. When my breasts grew more I found it was easy to deal with cause I could just log in here share some responses to threads, or vent a concern, and the community here would always be supportive and helpful. It's pretty hard to not say this forum is the source of why I'm confident with my breasts now. Why at a full b cup, i know it's not that much, but am still fine taking my shirt off, or going braless, and how i've become so comfortable in a bra in almost all areas of life, is cause of how much I came to this site and read peoples views/opinions/tips/etc. on wearing a bra.
I've shared some things in DM's and shared things here, and to everyone I've talked to in responses or messages, it's been such a blessing. Never in my life did I think I'd be at the store buying bras. Or other items as my opinion on some things changed and became more welcoming of things. I'd argue to the ceiling how contaminated this forum was getting, just to end up giving what I'd argue a shot, and going yeah they were right lol. This forum hasn't only helped me grow in that regard, but has really helped me not just accept what I see in the mirror with my chest, but enjoy what I see.
All that to say, some have gone since I've joined, some have stayed, others have joined. I've gone and come back a few times, and seen others as well, and it's continued to be a great community. Very excited as the year goes, and the few new faces continue sparking conversations and topics, to see how many more come here and leave whether as a user or lurker, feeling better about themselves because of what they got when visiting here.