Author Topic: new member  (Read 4872 times)

Offline ced

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Hello everyone,
I just joined this forum today. This is a new adventure for me. My boobs began to grow in the last few months. I am a 61 year old man and have had many medical issues over time. Heart by-pass, Diabetes, Stroke, and now cancer. I take lots of meds. I think the cancer med, a TKI, is the cause of my gynocomastia. I measured my-self as a 44 band and 47 to 48 across the center of my breast. so I bought a 2x playtex sports bra with a zip front. I have had a lot of pain in my breasts and nipples lately and now wearing this bra my breasts feel so much better. I also have alot of side boob and it is still there in this bra. Does anyone know of a bra that is good to force side boob to the front?
Hope to hear from you,

Offline TigerPaws

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Hello everyone,
I just joined this forum today. This is a new adventure for me. My boobs began to grow in the last few months. I am a 61 year old man and have had many medical issues over time. Heart by-pass, Diabetes, Stroke, and now cancer. I take lots of meds. I think the cancer med, a TKI, is the cause of my gynocomastia. I measured my-self as a 44 band and 47 to 48 across the center of my breast. so I bought a 2x playtex sports bra with a zip front. I have had a lot of pain in my breasts and nipples lately and now wearing this bra my breasts feel so much better. I also have alot of side boob and it is still there in this bra. Does anyone know of a bra that is good to force side boob to the front?
Hope to hear from you,
Look for wide side panels and welcome to both the forum and the club


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Hi Ed, sorry to hear about your health issues, I pray that you can kick the shit out of the cancer!

I'm a 46H and find that a good quality bra works best for me! They cost $60-$70 but work and wear well and I get them after a formal fitting.

I got this big due to health issues too, just as most of  the other members of this "club" have.


Offline igotum

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From the measurements and description you need a "heavy duty" bra. This is what I wear now. It has stays about 2 inches behind the cup. It is a Cacique and has pockets to put falsies in. I don't need what I have much less a falsie!  If the sports bra is doing what you need stay with it. In my case the sports bra don't stop the bounce that causes soreness and pain.

Offline TigerPaws

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Well then you are likely wearing the wrong sports bra, consider a compression bra or a different style before moving on to a standard bra.

Offline ced

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Hello again,
this is Ed. I have a question. I am wearing my playtez zip front sports bra and I am finding that the zipper kind of rolls over and sticks out especially when I sit down. what is wrong or is this normal?
thank you,Ed

Offline TigerPaws

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Hello again,
this is Ed. I have a question. I am wearing my playtez zip front sports bra and I am finding that the zipper kind of rolls over and sticks out especially when I sit down. what is wrong or is this normal?
thank you,Ed
Some front zip sports bra's will do this, try another manfacturer, read the reviews by women as they will have the same issues.

Offline walt

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hello I have side boobs but wear just my size 3x bra they are cupped and have wide side bands. wallymart has them for 17.00\

Offline TigerPaws

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There are some styles of push-ups that push from the sides rather from the bottom. The key to these is to look at how the padding is arranged, also look at the junction of the cup to the band. Look for 2 and better yet 3 vertical supports will push the Aptos fat inward towards the cup.

I have even seen where an Italian bra manufacturer had vertical silicone strips at the junction of the cup to the ban to better hold the breast tissue towards the middle.    

Offline ced

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Hello Gentlemen,
I would like to thank everyone who responded to my post. You have been very helpful. As I said this is a new adventure for me. but when I found this site and looked around a bit the only logical place for me had to be the acceptance area. With my age and all of my health issues it would make no sense to consider surgery. It is nice to know that I am not alone in this.
I have been looking around this area and have read many old posts trying to see how others are handling  this problem. There seams to be a lot of  differing opinion about bras, sport bras, compression shirts and vests.At this point I am not real big (although they feel huge to me) but the bra calculators I have used call for either a 44c or 44d. I am trying a b at this point and feel that I can tuck my boobs into that size cup.   I hope to chat with everyone as we all nove through this journey  .      Again, Thank You!     Ed

Offline Paa_Paw

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For most of us who are older, the only area that seems to make any sense at all is acceptance.  Safe effective surgery did not exist until I was about 50 years old.   By that time my priorities had changed and, as I have said many times: "If someone gave me the price of surgery, I would probably use it for a down payment on a Sailboat."
Grandpa Dan

Offline TigerPaws

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For most of us who are older, the only area that seems to make any sense at all is acceptance.  Safe effective surgery did not exist until I was about 50 years old.   By that time my priorities had changed and, as I have said many times: "If someone gave me the price of surgery, I would probably use it for a down payment on a Sailboat."
Priorities Paa_Paw, priorities.

Her is an image off the stern of a 52' Cat I used to own during a beautiful crossing.


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