Author Topic: Hello Everyone....New Member  (Read 2773 times)

Offline MRD

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   Hi all, I have been following these boards for a while now and have decided to start posting with you all. I think its less difficult to have this condition knowing you are part of a community suffering with the same thing.

First of all, I am an 18 year old Male and have been suffering with gyne for few years. My case does not involve a lot of breast tissue, im quite fit and my problem is mostly around the ''puffy areolas'' They are fine when im cold but as soon as the temp goes to normal then they become really puffed out :(

Anyways i have decided to start saving up for surgery. However, it is very difficult for me, as im having trouble with keeping up my marks in school and at the same time having a part-time job. All my savings are pretty much going towards my ''gyne surgery fund"

So far i have saved up over 1,500$. I need 5000$, as i have chosen Dr. Lista to be my surgeon, he's got a very good reputation, does close to 100 of these a year, and uses the PAL method that leaves hardly any scarring.

By the end of the summer if i keep working and saving i should have close to 3,000$. However, I'm losing my encouragement to keep saving. I dont know how much longer i can keep up my job and school at the same time. Its getting so hard.

I could really use some words of encouragement here guys. And i hope that i've chosen a good surgeon for this.

Offline MRD

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oh and the 5000$ is the price i i got directly from Dr. Lista so im sure its that much.

Offline brownman

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go public my friend if your a canuck.. Dr Fielding or even Dr. Warren c. Law (see my thread) can do it for $500 with lipo even.... if your a canadian citizen or qualify for ontario healthcare........... save ur 5 grand and take my route, ill have photos up with my surgeon Warren C law by march 31 and onward...

also my 2 cents

its a  very easy plastic surjury for a surgeon your paying for a name too and a fancy office / method, screw it and go fielding or warren law and have some scarring itll be gone by the end ofthe summer anyway, far before you could afford Lista's surjury.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2006, 05:36:03 PM by brownman »

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Right there with you broseph; I've been working since I was 16 (21 now) and saved for EVERYTHING I ever wanted, mostly sh*t for my car; we're talking THOUSANDS of dollars here, into the tens.  I don't have a severe case of gyne, but sounds like you don't either, and even though I haven't gone under the knife, I feel your position. It's not the most crippling thing in your life, but it's ALWAYS there, making you feel like less of a man, even though you know it shouldn't. It's a tough thing to handle, knowing that you shouldn't care so much about such a relatively insignificant condition; but if you're on this board and saving money for surgery, odds are it's, in some way, affecting your social life just like all of us. If you wanted words of encouragement, here goes:  IT'S YOUR LIFE, nobody else's. It's tough handling the perspective that you have to start setting your own priorities and saving BIG money for the things that matter to you, even when other people would think it was stupid. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they think, because it's not their life. You've obviously thought about this a LOT, probably on a dialy basis like most of us. You have to break the cycle and move on with your life. In your case though, you have to earn it. You have to sacrifice YOUR time and energy, in order to fix YOUR problem, that simple. You can do it bro. Take care, - J.

Offline d1st

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brownman any way to get surgery for that price in the US?

Offline dav242

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yo mrd - keep the faith
if it's mainly a case of disproportionate amount of fat on your chest (little to no glandular tissue, nothing fibrousy), keep going to the gym in your spare time (or if you don't have the time, make time).

i know spot-reducing fat is a myth (or so they say), but working out/cardio will help you reduce fat all over, which includes your chest area. also continue to build muscle (not just chest but all around), as that increases testosterone, which in turn helps with fat burning and overall muscle development/tone. that may also help the chest issue. and plus, the endorphin release you get afterwards is a nice high... (also, at 18, you're still increasing t naturally, so that might help with muscle development and fat reduction, too - who knows? maybe when you hit 21/22, you won't even need surgery)

also keep in mind that you've got this body forever. you're still really young - and in the grand scheme of things, a few more years of saving money is nothing. sure, your youth is supposedly the "peak" of your life, when you should be going to the beach with friends and partying with your shirt off or nonsense like that, but the flip side of it would be not saving, not getting the surgery, and just feeling miserable for not having gone through with something you've wanted for yourself...

which brings me to the next point - as you're saving, slowly start appreciating other things about yourself that are great. i konw that sounds hokey, but i think it's really important. surgery can help tremendously, but doctors aren't miracle workers. keep in mind that, even after surgery, your chest may not be perfectly flat or perfectly "normal" (though it'll certainly improve)

i'm in my twenties, had the surgery last week after many years of contemplating/researching and even more years of hating my chest. i've said in other posts on these boards (and i'm sure i sound like a broken record), that i think it was worth every dime, not necessarily because of the final results (which i won't really be able to see until a couple months out), but because i finally came to terms with the reality of it all, with the peace knowing that i've exhausted even the "last resort" surgery option for "fixing" my chest...

my chest definitely looks flatter, but i know (and i knew going into it) that it would never be up to my standards of a "normal" guy chest... but i'm extremely glad i went through with it.

just continue to save your money with the knowledge that surgery can help you improve what you already have and bring you more self-acceptance. but don't overextend yourself and juggle tons of jobs and school just to get the $5000 soon, thinking that it's going to be a completely life changing experience.

think of it as something you need to do for yourself - not for the ladies or to get dates or for anyone or anything else. and there shouldn't be a rush on that since you'll have yourself for your entire life.

Offline brownman

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brownman any way to get surgery for that price in the US?

2500 as low as ive seen U.S

probly could do 2 grand or 1800 with Warren Law or Fielding in Ontario.. + travel though...

Offline MRD

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Thanks for all the replies guys  :D  

  I've taken into consideration all your comments and opinions. Brownman, I would go with Dr. Fielding for a considerably lower price, but after researching i just feel more comfortable with Dr. Lista. I just feel better with going to his private clinic, and his PAL method is also very good. I am sure Dr. Fielding is a good doctor, but with a surgery like this i would just rather save up more money (even if it takes more time) and go with the doctor and surgery method that i think is better (for me)

 I have counted up how much money im going to save up and i should have 5000$ in less than a year from now. So what i think i'll do is, keep working out and exercising regularly and see what my results look like after a year. Maybe by then i wont even need the surgery, and if i do...i'll have the 5000 already saved up :)

Offline MRD

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  Also, i've read some of your stories and some of you had gyne for over 10-20 years before fixing the problem, i admire that kind of if i gotta wait just 1 more year to have enough money and a doctor thats highly recommended, then so be it. If you guys got through it so can i, right? :)


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