Author Topic: SPANKY -- Am I crazy?  (Read 3247 times)

Offline spanky

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Have noticed over the last 6 months, I have gained excessive breast tissue.  At the early stage, I noticed my breasts were tender and puffy and were getting larger.  No longer male breasts and no chest, arm or leg hair.   After discussing the issue with endocrinologist, I was diagnosed with hypogonadism with very low TSH and started testosterone injections - 500 mg every 2 weeks.  

I was told if I did not get the injections, estrogen would cause more breast growth. Ok, here is where it get weird.  I was also told that testerone injections could cause more breast development.  Seems that no testsoterone has many more implications that does too much. OK SO either way, I will have boobs.  Certainly, a 40A is completly filled now.  A B-cup is 3/4 filled but requires augmentation to propely fill the cup . Do I use augmentation (gel inserts) to fill the cup where it actually supports or do I not get the support and simply continue with the A Cup? I notice extra fabric really looks bad!

« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 04:43:28 PM by spanky »

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Some men like their boobs -- and others do not like them.  Either way is OK.

Suggest your thread would be better posted in the "acceptance" portion of this forum.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Raider Fan

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If you are a man and are enjoying having breasts and want to "show them off," then no, that is not normal.  Your story suggests that there are other things going on with you besides your hypogonadism/gynecomastia.


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