Author Topic: Gyno surgery tomorrow in Poland - need advice ASAP please!  (Read 3471 times)

Offline GynoLad

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So I'm here in Katowice City, Poland...

After many years deliberating (and not knowing there was a suitable solution!) I finally decided to go ahead with surgery. Have suffered since puberty and feel like the time is now right personally and financially to get this fixed once and for all.

Having done plenty of research on this board and others I decided to make the trip abroad to save a couple of thousand of pounds. I hope this is the right choice as I feel very nervous now!

So I have been for my blood tests this morning and met Dr. Mekle this afternoon for a brief consultation. The operation is due tomorrow morning at 8am. The clinic seems clean and professional but the consultation was rather brief and a couple of questions have been raised off he back of it. Primarily I'm concerned about where the incisions will be made. The main concerns which require help are as follows:

1) He said the cuts for the liposuction will be small but are to be made in a central position under the pecks - is this standard procedure as I have seen them on the sides during my research online?

2) He said that the cuts on the nipple will not be where the areola meets the skin on the underside of nipple. Instead he said that its a newer technique to do the cuts on the areola itself (half way between the centre nipple and the bottom half). This is my major concern as I have never heard of or seen this before?!

I would like some advice urgently as I am quite concerned that this could leave an obvious scar and is not like any procedure I have seen online or in my research... Please if you have experience or advice on this then reply ASAP so that I can allay any fears and potentially get back in touch with him today to question this procedure.

Thank you so much in advance! ;)

Offline GynoLad

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The main reason I'm concerned about this is because there must be a standardised or generally accepted best approach for making non-intrusive incisions? So why would he choose to do different cuts than those I have seen hundreds of times before?

Look forward to your answers and hope I have enough time to raise any issues with him before tomorrow!

Thanks again

Offline GynoLad

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If anyone with medical experience could please give me their view on this ASAP it would be very much appreciated.

I go under the knife in 12 hours so keen to get more info, particular regarding location of incision on point 2 above.


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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The choice of incision is basically up to the surgeon -- what counts is the final result -- a nicely contoured masculine chest (the scars should heal quite nicely over time).

I tend to make my small incision on the side of the chest.  This provides ergonomic access for me to perform lipo across the entire chest and also into the lateral chest if needed.  Other surgeons may differ and use an accession incision which works best for them. 

Incisions around the edge of the areola can be made either at the border of the pigmented skin with the normal skin of the chest, or 1-2 mm within the pigmented skin.  Some surgeons actually make an incision horizontally through both the areola and the nipple.  All of these incisions work and are acceptable.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to incisions.

What you should make perfectly clear to your surgeon is that he should be prepared to perform both lipo AND gland excision (together) if needed.  You should not be content with a "lipo first and then gland excision at a second operation if necessary" answer.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline GynoLad

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Dr Jacobs you've made my day and allayed my previous fears - I'd buy you a beer if I wasn't in Poland and about to go under the knife!

I'll make it crystal clear before the operation that gland removal is a must. I mentioned this during consultation today and he said it's a "classical surgery technique" and made it sound very simple. I didn't ask for pictures of previous clients but I trust his skills because he seemed very confident. His description was that the look would be a "sports chest" after recovery which sounds promising...

If anyone else in Europe is reading this and looking for help or advice then please message me. The price was around £1,000 including all medical, flights, hotel, chauffeur and after care which seems great value for money!

Offline GynoLad

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Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You are most welcome!  Hope your surgery goes well and that you are eventually freed from the bonds of gyne.

And if you are ever in NYC, I will take you up on your offer to share a beer!

Dr Jacobs

Offline GynoLad

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So the operation was a success - looks great, feels tight and no major complications. I had some mild bleeding so drains were used and a stay overnight to check progress... 250ml fat Vaser Lipo from each peck and glands fully removed (which he proudly showed me this morning). There was a guy next to me who had a full body sculpture with back, chest, torso in full - he had 6litres of fat drained and moulded in total - that's some serious work right there!

One final question I would be keen to understand. After the drains were removed no stitching was put in place of these two holes. Is it safe to assume these will heal naturally with minimal scarring or should I get steristrips on there when I get back to the UK? Perhaps there is a lotion or ointment you recommend to aid healing and minimise scarring? He said to just remove sutures after a week and wear the compression vest for a month with nature taking care of the rest.

I'm holding you to that beer when I'm next in NYC! 8)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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When the drains are removed, there will be a little hole which will heal in naturally by itself and the eventual scar should be negligible.  There may be a bit of seepage for a day or two -- just cover with a gauze to absorb any liquid.  A dab of antibiotic ointment on the hole will keep it clean.

Dr Jacobs

Offline GynoLad

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