Author Topic: When to know when to see doctor or just get surgery?  (Read 1809 times)

Offline HellandBack

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So i basically know i have gynecomastia since my chest and nipples don't look like they used to a couple years ago. Right side started hurting now both nipples hurt. I have heard that this could mean it's in the process? Can somebody elaborate on what that means? Do i need to see my Doctor about pain? What will they prescribe or say? Or can i go get surgery if going to the doctor isn't going to do anything. 22 year old healthy man trying to hurry up and knock this out before football starts for me, have to do spring training and painful nipples and chest are annoying plus the sight of them obviously thanks

Offline DrPensler

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I am a bit confused by your question as I do not know how you would obtain an operation without seeing a doctor.As a general rule  I see patients prior to recommending that they see anyone else for example an endocrinologist. As I am sure you are aware its not a common problem ,so I feel seeing a physician with negligible experience is not terribly useful in the typical situation.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 04:33:37 PM by DrPensler »
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline Litlriki

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I am with Dr. Pensler.  You haven't given us much information, but based on what you've provided...If you're 22 and out of the blue have developed gynecomastia, you need to be evaluated for the cause of the gynecomastia. In that case, you should see your personal physician for testing.  If, on the other hand, this is related to steroid or pro-hormone use (I'm throwing this out there based on your mention of football practice), you could see a plastic surgeon for evaluation and forgo a lot of expensive testing.   But you need to have your hormonal issues resolved before having surgery to avoid recurrence.

Provide us with more information, and perhaps we can provide you with more meaningful suggestions. 

Rick Silverman
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Offline HellandBack

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Hello Doctors and thanks for the replies, sorry for the confusion. I am unsure of the information you need but i will try and clear some stuff up to try and make sense of my problem. I am just wondering in what direction to move next?

Dr. Silverman good guess, i took an over the counter supplement years ago(which i believe is banned now) that i needed to take a pct with and did not right away being young and dumb. I felt the painful lumps at this time and then i took a pct and pain went away.

About a year ago i took some gear that is not supposed to aromatize and about a month after i was done i started feeling the painful lumps, took a pct pain went away but gyne grew noticeably larger during this time.

From December to now the pain has come again and has gotten worse i would say. Correct me if i am wrong but i am guessing these little cycles have gotten my levels out of wack since i did not do proper pct until a little after. Isn't that too long ago for my chest to start hurting again? I know marijuana use isn't really looked at but i have been smoking it for stress if it contributes to gyne the way some docs say. Not sure if you need better details let me know.

I am just in a confused state of mind since i have been living healthy (besides smoking) and then these lumps get big and painful plus noticeable after i thought i put a stop to it. Any advice on steps to take now would be greatly appreciated. I trust your guys knowledge and experience with this so thanx and sorry for the Looong post  ;D

Offline Litlriki

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A major problem with performance enhancement drugs is that you don't know what you're getting, no matter what it says on the label, unless you get it from a pharmacy with a prescription.  Black market steroids often mis-represent what they are, and while you think you're getting one thing that won't aromatize, you could be getting something very different.  As a result, you may not be any better off with the "real stuff" than you were with the unregulated supplements you can get at the sports nutrition store. 

So my recommendation is that you stop everything--including post-cycle therapy--and clear your system completely for a minimum of 6 months.  At 22, you should return to normal levels, and if the gynecomastia persists, including the pain, then it may not resolve on its own.  If you need to go forward with surgery, it would probably be wise to at least check basic testosterone and estrogen levels when you're normal for 6 months as well, just to be sure you haven't screwed something up permanently.  This is unlikely if you haven't had a long and early history of steroid use, but I'm sure it's possible. 

I'm less concerned about the marijuana, unless you get the munchies and eat so much that you're adding fat to your chest.


Offline HellandBack

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 :D Thanks a lot! Yes I definitely have stopped everything that's why I got a little nervous and confused as to why I feel the painful little lumps behind the nipple. So you are advising to just wait 6 months and see if pain persists? Should lumps go away too in that time? Should I try and go see doctor asap to get things checked out (test and estro levels and painful lumps) or wait 6 months to see if things fade or persist? Sorry for prolonging this just want to do things the "right way" from here on out this info is much appreciated thanks


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