Author Topic: My journey and surgery with Dr Lanzer in August  (Read 12258 times)

Offline corza86

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Hey guys!

I've been reading this forum for years, trying to work up the courage to finally get surgery. I've suffered from gynecomastia from about 14-years-old. I was teased about it, even from some of my closest friends which definitely made an impact on my self esteem, and stopped me from doing a lot of things I've wanted to do.

So I got in contact with Dr Lanzer's assistant Brad, who has been very very helpful, and have had my consultation with the nurse. We're booking in a date mid-August. I have sent pictures through to Brad and I'm going to have my consultation with Dr Lanzer over the phone as well.

I've been reading this forum for so long and seeing other people's experiences has definitely helped me so I have decided to share my journey every step of the way.

I have posted photos with this post and will post new ones taken on the day of surgery, and more after the surgery.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 11:54:41 PM by corza86 »

Offline Doranlol

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I find it a bit strange that you have the consultation with Dr Lanzer over the phone.

Shouldn't a Doctor be doing this kind of stuff face to face? Wouldn't they want to get a look and feel of what they will be cutting open?

I am in the same boat as you although I have not chosen a surgeon yet. The stress of it is killing me, I live in Tasmania so would have to fly to Melbourne for Dr Lanzer. There is a surgeon in Tasmania here although I can't find anything over the internet of him (Dr Gary Kode).

Offline corza86

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Not that unusual for people who live interstate. I had to send through photos and had blood tests etc.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 11:55:25 PM by corza86 »

Offline Deva018

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I had surgery through Dr Lanzer and highly recommend him your life will be so much better once done. Too be honest I was suprised at how little time he takes pre surgery but the results speak for themselves and I guess once you have done hundreds of surgeries they are all a bit the same!!!

Offline corza86

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I've had the surgery.

Was booked in to arrive at Dr Lanzer’s office at 11.30am. Arrived around 11am and was taken the surgery room probably 15 minutes later so ahead of schedule.

One of the nurses took me through a lot of the checklists etc and did my blood pressure. Then I got changed into the gown.

Dr Lanzer came in to take photos and mark up my chest. I remember reading a lot of people criticising him for his “bed side manner”. But as someone who has a shy personality and anxiety problems, I totally sympathise with him. I don’t think his abilities as a doctor should be judged by his ability to small talk. If anything in my opinion, people who are overly confident and talk a lot are the ones you need to look out for. ANYWAY, the marking up was quite quick and Dr Lanzer was off again to deal with another patient while the nurse started the process for me.

I chose to do the surgery with just local anaesthesia as I wanted to save the extra $2000. So the nurse gave me some pills and then gave me a bunch of needles. I’m fine with needles but I can imagine it would be scary for needlephobes.

Then she started to make small incisions where Dr Lanzer had marked and started injecting the areas with the liquid (or whatever it is). She was very personable and told me what was happening the whole time, and was able to answer any question I had.

After that was done, she said I would just have to wait for Dr Lanzer to come and finish it off. I laid waiting there for two hours. This wasn’t a huge issue for me as I was allowed to have my phone and I was off in fairyland because of the injections and pills, but I’m sure there would be people who hate waiting and would have been chucking a tantrum (judging from previous reviews I’ve read on other sites).

Then Dr Lanzer came in and started sucking out all the stuff and sculpting my chest. He was a bit more talkative during this part but I could still tell he wasn’t comfortable making small talk. (And to be honest, you shouldn’t have to when giving someone liposuction haha).

Towards the end after looking at the chest he said he’d have to remove the tissue after all and made the small incisions under my nipples. I think I may have had a huge amount under my right breast as he spent about 10 minutes trying to get it out, and I don’t recall him even getting any out of my left one.

I’d say it was probably about 30 minutes and it was completely finished. It might have been longer but the last part went really quickly. Dr Lanzer checked if I was all good before he rushed off to see another patient.

In terms of pain, there was only a few moments where I felt really uncomfortable or in pain. If you have a low pain threshold I probably wouldn't recommend it.

The nurse stitched my nipples up and then cleaned me up a bit (as I was spurting blood at one point). Two other nurses joined in to help me get ready to leave.

There was limited pain, I was totally fine. I went back to my hotel room at about 4pm, had dinner, and fell asleep around 7pm.

Woke up at 10pm and the local had worn off so I could feel it now. Wasn’t excruciating but I could definitely feel it. Took two panadeine forte and went back to bed. Woke up a few times through the night but was fine.

When I got home I got my first real look at the results. I was BLOWN AWAY. After all the (required) warnings from Dr Lanzer and his staff that the results wouldn’t be perfect etc, I couldn’t be happier. My chest hasn’t looked this flat since I was 10-years-old. It has an actual male shape to it for once.

I’ve read a lot of people who say “I wish I had done it sooner” and I can see what they mean now. I wish I had done it years ago.

What Dr Lanzer lacks in communication skills he makes up for in talent at moulding the body. I would totally recommend to anyone to go and see him.

I’ll keep posting more updates as I heal but I’m very, very happy right now.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 11:59:58 PM by corza86 »

Offline corza86

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Day 11
I haven't felt any pain really, I'd describe it as more uncomfortable. Sometimes my chest feels too tight or it takes a bit longer than normal to get out of bed etc.

But things are getting better.

Around the day three mark, my chest started to swell and bruise. But the bruising quickly subsided. There is still a bit of swelling, and hardness. I know what people meant know when they said the breasts look like they were before for a while but I'm pretty happy with how things look, even with the swelling.

The shape is much more masculine than before, and I can see how much better it'll look when I start hitting the gym. So happy I did this.

Offline Sambanova

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Thanks for detail, do you have any more updates? How much did it cost all up in the end? I'm going for a consultation next week, do you think it was worth it and how long is the wait time to book in for surgery? Did you need to wait all those months or just chose August?

Offline corza86

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Thanks for detail, do you have any more updates? How much did it cost all up in the end? I'm going for a consultation next week, do you think it was worth it and how long is the wait time to book in for surgery? Did you need to wait all those months or just chose August?

Not much has changed. Still healing and recovering, pretty much back to normal.

It cost $4000 all up in the end and I got some back from medicare. Totally worth it, wish I did it years ago.

I chose to book in August so I could save money and lose weight before the procedure. From what I've read and seen, you can book in relatively quickly with Dr Lanzer.

Best of luck!

Offline corza86

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On Day 18 and basically complete back to normal. Bit worried about the indent under my left nipple which hasn't healed as nicely as the right side, but apart from that I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
I can tell with a bit of exercise I'll be able to improve it. Eating bad was a side effect of recovery haha.

Offline corza86

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Was just looking at the 'before' photos I posted and can't believe that was me. I literally looked down at my chest in shock. So, so happy with the results. 

Every single day I'll momentarily freak out when I'm out because I'll realise I'm not wearing the old slimming singlet I used to wear to pull my boobs in... but then I'll look down and remember. It's a good feeling.

Have attached new photos. I'm around 6 weeks post-op now.

The left nipple is taking a bit longer to heal than the right. I emailed a photo to Dr Lanzer's assistant Brad and Dr Lanzer replied within an hour or two. He thinks it looks "the way it can look at this stage" and asked me to see him in two months. Pretty happy with that customer service.

I'm looking into some gyms now I feel comfortable wearing singlets and tight-fitting tops. I think it'll look even better when I'm not so chubby.

Offline corza86

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So I haven't been on this site since October - four whole months. It's strange to think considering I used to spend most nights browsing the forum, looking at other people's results. Dreaming of no longer having man boobs ha.

I've seen two people have recently had negative experiences with Dr Lanzer, which is sad to hear. One of them said the positive reviews on here must be paid advertisements - I wish haha. Mine was most definitely not a paid for advertisement, I'm still paying off the loan!

My results aren't perfect but I wasn't expecting perfect. Dr Lanzer's people warn you every step along the way, and even get you to sign multiple documents that say you won't get 100% perfect results.

But I must say I am REALLY happy with the results. I now wear SINGLETS out in public which was unheard of before. The only singlet I used to wear was this weird lycra contraception that pulled my boobs in so I looked like I had a smaller chest. While the results of the surgery aren't perfect, my chest is now the normal shape of a male's chest. If anything, it looks like I have amazing pecs. It is also a HUGE relief not to wear a lycra singlet under all of my clothes anymore.

I have to admit I've been TERRIBLE on the diet since the surgery (I moved, which meant I fell off the bandwagon). Have probably put on 15kg since the surgery so there is some bulgy fats bits (like in my underarms) But I know as soon as I start working out and doing weights, my chest is going to look spectacular. Soon!

Now these pictures look a bit funny on the left as I am holding the camera with my left arm. It looks much better normally, more like the right side. The only problem I really have is my right nipple still has a bit of indentation but I'm pretty sure it'll be fine when I lose weight. And if not, I doubt it'll take much to correct. But I am so not fussed. The result is so much better than the original condition. and it was a bloody deal compared to some of the other prices I've seen on here. Can't imagine spending $10,000+. Sorry for all the capitalised words but I am pretty happy haha :)

Offline Allthebest1829

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Guys, I had my procedure last week at Dr. Lanzer's and it went really well. Recovery has been good as well. Thanks to all the posts here which gave me courage. I took me 5 years to make this decision. I was really scared and very tense before the surgery.
Yes, I did have to wait for 2 hours for my turn but then it was all good with very friendly and caring staff.

Offline joshhyu

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This post helped me decide whether or not to go with Dr Lanzer! I finally made the decision to go with him and right now is my first post OP day. Thankyou corza86 for the detailed experience, very much appreciated! 

Offline corza86

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Offline Dr Daniel Lanzer

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Thank you for your kind review on Dr Lanzer.


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