Author Topic: just had my surgery with Fielding  (Read 5685 times)

Offline ireallyhatemyself

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Well, yesterday anyway.

I live about 5 hours from Toronto so I went on Tuesday.  I stupidly managed to confuse myself about my surgery time, not knowing if the 11:30 time I was told was the time I should be at the hospital, or the time of the surgery (meaning I should show up at 9)

To play it safe I decided to go at 9, and signed in to be told I was very early and that my surgery wasn't going to be until 2pm. I considered going back to the hotel but they suggested I stay so I did. I didn't have anything better to do that morning anyway.

I wandered around until 11:30 and decided to then get changed and wait. Some time later I was told Dr Fielding among many other doctors that day was behind schedule and I may not get in until 2:30.

A half hour at that point didn't bother me any, but as 2:30 rolled around it was still unclear when I would be going in, At about 3ish I was told that I would more than likely have my surgery cancelled since the staff all have to go home. I was told to wait around until someone told me whether or not it was happening.

i was really bummed to hear that I'd get cancelled on since I travelled so far. But as time went on, nobody came to break the news to me, and the other staff around took that as good news for me, since they would have told me already if they planned on not doing my surgery.

Finally, at 5 pm, 8 hours after I arrived, I was called in. The staff was all very friendly and in minutes I was drugged and ready to be demanboobified (this is the medical term for gynecomastia correction)

I was very pleased because I was certain my hopes were to be crushed in that waiting room and that I would be sent home crying into my large bosom

I woke up groggily at 7:30ish and after a few minutes in the recovery room was carted off to my room where I would be staying the night. The nursing staff were all very pleasant, but I didn't sleep very well because I decided to forego any pain medication. At 4 am I finally asked for some, and I was kicking myself for not taking some earlier. Oxycodone is a pretty fantastic drug and I slept like a baby until Dr. Fielding showed up in the morning to give me the lowdown.

We joked around a bit and he told me everything went great and that I would be very pleased with my new contour.

I got the a-okay to leave shortly after and decided I'd walk to where my ride had parked the car, which was about 10 minutes walk since he had planned to just pop in and see whats up and as I was ready to leave swing by to pick me up rather than pay for parking for another day.

So here I sit now having just got home about an hour ago. All in all it was pretty painless. Though I have to admit I'm extremely itchy under my tesner and foam padding and can definitely see this driving me crazy in the coming week.

I'm still so glad it's done with, and that I am breast-free, or will be when i'm all healed.
I have no idea what I look like under the pads yet, and I have no pre op pictures for you because I never want to see my breasts again. I'll snap some in a week when I take off these pads though.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 10:35:09 AM by ireallyhatemyself »

Offline znilracd

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congrats on being demanboobified, so everything worked out for you in the end then? Were you allowed to leave the hospital alone because you stayed over night?

Offline ireallyhatemyself

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I didn't sign out alone and I can't say if they would let you. I was given Oxycodone which you really can't drive on and hospitals are very protective of it as well as Oxycontin. I doubt they would have let me walk out alone if I was still high on it.

At my mother's hospital, when they are wasting/throwing away the drug they need an RCMP officer there while it's being done.

Offline ireallyhatemyself

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Well here's a small warning for you guys

Oxycodone has a wonderfully blissful effect on you, but the side effects are not to be ignored.

Over the last few days I experienced the worst constipation I have had in my young life, and I was almost certain that it would end with nothing less than a home enema kit.

I knew there was a problem when the night I had my first Oxycodone I had to go to the bathroom, then suddenly didn't after taking the oxycodone.

I only used the drug to sleep really as well, taking it before I went to bed and getting up in the middle of the night as it wore off.

An entire bottle of sodum phosphate solution and a day in the bathroom and I am finally cured. I was feeling like utter crap (no pun intended)

Meanwhile the pain isn't so bad, and I'm never touching those drugs again. I still have my pads on so can't say much for my boobs but I'm feeling okay otherwise

Offline Give me Life

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Thanks for the advice. I am going for surgery in first week of Sept. with JCF. Any more tips will be apprecited.

And hope you will feel better. And get the expected results.
Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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I think the constipation is a rather common side effect though. After my first surgery I recall going days without taking my first dump. The drug obviously gives that effect but I also believe it's due to the trauma and the (usually) poor eating habits after surgery.

It definitely isn't pleasurable after surgery though, that's for sure.
May ye' spend half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you're dead.

Offline supaaman

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Looks good man.  You're not fat!  You could afford to hit the gym for sure, but you will definitely have a nice contour of your chest now!  Congratulations, you should be pleased.  look forward to seeing how it looks in 6 months.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline Give me Life

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Great look. I think Dr. JCF (I beleive) made your life. You looks good.

Same like me, I am fat (210lb) and really big size pair on me. And that's why Dr. JCF is charging $1800+tax. I think that's highest so far I have noticed on this site. But hey, I know the problem. So I don't care if he charges so much. All I want is man's cheast. I am going for surgery in 1st week of Sept. So counting my weeks now.

Also, I think now you should change your title from "hate" to "love" myself !!! Isn't it.

Good luck and enjoy the new gene free life.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Looking great dude!


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline supaaman

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Hey Bambu,

His results look similar to yours I thought...  Another great job by the "god"

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Hey Bambu,

His results look similar to yours I thought...  Another great job by the "god"

Yeah, his body shape is very similar to mine also.

Yup... JCF, He-Da-Man!


Offline supaaman

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Yeah, he's got that lanky look.  I thought that right away - he looks like a young Bambu, minus the tatties!

Offline Mastiadont

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Hey Man!

I'm new on this forum.

I noticed that even when the surgery is still fresh you look very well, it will be awesome when the healling was complete.

Did the Doc tell you when could you start traning or sporting?

Congratulations. I agree with 'Give me Live' you should change your Tiltle.

Mastiadont  ;)

Offline politik1

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I just had the surgery yesterday, and was told by the Doctor himself that I shouldn't play baseball or basketball for 3 to 4 weeks.

He said much of the appearance results from how you take care of yourself once the surgery is complete.

Offline ireallyhatemyself

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thanks for the comments everyone.

It will be a week tomorrow since i took off the pads, I went out and bought a nicer tenser since the first one was getting a little ratty.

Other than that I feel like I have swelled a bit looking at those pictures. I probably won't update til I get to stop wearing the tensor completely which will be the 1st week of August.

Hopefully by then I'll be able to get more active without worrying about my chest. I feel like I'd be doing myself a great disservice if I kept with my sickeningly sedentary lifestyle :D


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