Author Topic: Is the Lista surgery realy worth the price? (Compared to Fielding)  (Read 2629 times)

Offline chose

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I just went to a wedding this week-end and everybody was swimming in the Lake (everybody knows how this week-end was hot, especialy with a wedding hang over). Naturaly i didn't swim, i would never take my shirt off in public. But that was just enough, i mean i was at wedding with people i love we were having a good time and i just love swiming, sadly i haven't swim in 5 years, because of Gyno. Apart from that i kind of manage to not let gyno get into my life, i meet womens and i'm not shy to take my shirt off when we are alone.

So i'm going to have the surgery this year, and i'd like it to be great. I could afford the enormous price of Lista (credits) but only if it's realy an improvment over Fielding. So what is the consencus on this board, is Lista realy Da shit?

« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 11:44:20 AM by chose »

Offline AZ54321

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hey, I'm glad to hear that you're intent on getting surgery in the near future. I was also in a similar position as you; left to choose between Lista and Fielding. From all the research I did on this board I basically got the idea that one can't go wrong with either. However, it was finally the price that steered me towards choosing Fielding. The benefit of opting with Lista is that his method does not include an incision around the areola; he takes out the gland and fat through one small hole somewhere on the lower/outer part of your chest. Fielding uses a more traditional method and does excise the gland through edge of the areola. Both surgeons are highly regarded on these boards and both have produced amazing results. I'm not so sure that the method really matters in this case as long as both are experienced and caring surgeons. Other factors you'd have to consider when choosing between the two are: are you willing to pay more to get the surgery done within weeks, or are you willing to wait a few months (as is the case with Fielding)? is the special care given at Lista's clinic worth the extra price? One of the reasons why Fielding charges less than Lista is that he operates in a public hospital and has the glandular excision covered  by OHIP (you'd only be paying for the liposuction), so his lower price doesn't equate to a lower skill of the surgeon. I go in surgery with Fielding in a week... wish me luck!

Offline chose

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Thanks, actually i dont care about the amount of time, i waited around 6 years (it has been 6 years that i know what gyno is and that it can be treated) so a couple of months wouldn't be a problem. And since both are in Toronto, i'll have to make the tripp anyway. I will call Fielding then.

Good luck, i bet your life is gonna be a lot more enjoyable when everything is done.

Offline bigtits

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fielding goes thru nipple, so that'll have to heal and wil scar, lista deosn't go thru the nipple he makes a small 1cm long cut on the side of your chest


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