Author Topic: From Montreal - Asking for help  (Read 4722 times)

Offline Mastiadont

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Hey guys!

I’d been living with gyne since I was 15. By that time my PS told me that I needed a surgery and show me some pictures, however I noticed that the scars on those guys were even worst than my breast so I asked my mother (who wanted the surgery) to wait since I were more confident about it.

So the alternative I chose was to be as skinny as I could in order to hide my breast and I did it with success and I almost forgot about it.

Well, now I’m 42 married with children, but from three years ago I’m not happy with my breast and I want to take measures about it. I discovered this site which I find very interesting and helpful for any man who has this problem and decided to ask for some help.

Please take a look at my pics and give me your opinion.

Do you have any suggestion about a Doctor in Montreal?
If I need to go to Ontario to have the surgery, what do you think are the more logical steps?
Will the Quebec health insurance system covers part of the surgery?
Though I know the techniques for the surgery have been improved, I’m still worry about the scars, any suggestion or comments about it?

Well guys thank you so much for your help, this site has make me very confidence. I would like to prepare myself for the operation, this contact is my first step and I’m going to start to work out.


« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 05:22:55 PM by Mastiadont »

Offline 3cheers

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worried about scars, eh? The scars, which is little less then a inch, that I have is follows aroun the nipple where nipple skin meets your regular chest skin
. You cant really notice the scars on my right nip unless you take a real good look. The scar on my left puppy is almost not there. If  you are still worried about the scars you should check out Dr. Lista. He has some tool that results in less scaring. Another thing is that scaring might even be less noticable if you have light skin.

Its good that your working out. I think its easier for the Doctor to give you more natural look since he has less crap to work with.

I think you should come to T.O  and get done with Dr. Fielding or Lista. Get done right. You dont want to end up like the guy with two large scars on his chest and no nipples- YIKES :o


Offline gynecomaster

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Perhaps I'm too much of a newbie to be giving advice...particularly since I haven't even had my operation yet...BUT I understand that scars are barely noticeable even if you have no hair on your chest. So in your case, you DEFINITELY wont see any scars. Secondly, I live in Montreal, and have heard of a few surgeon's that perform this type of surgery. But unfortunately, no one knows how good they are. This is certainly not a surgery you want to have done by someone who does it once a year! Thats why I took everyones advice on this forum and had a consultation with Dr. Fielding in Toronto. It will cost me $2300 with tax for the surgery...and Quebec insurance covers the hospital fees. Good luck!

Offline brebguy

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hey there Mastiadont,

in Montreal i know Dr. Zelt and dr Bernier performs quite a bit of gynecomastia reduction in a year (but not as much as Fielding or Lista).
Also, Bernier uses ultrasonic liposuction and does not practice excision of the gland.
actually some doctors told me that ultrasonic liposuction is a procedure that surgeons are trying to use less these days because of potential unknown effects on breast tissues (now i cant say more about since i'm not a specialist, that's just what i heard). as for Zelt i left a few messages and his people never called back so i dont wanna go there...

from my research Zelt and Bernier are the two doctors that peform the biggest number of surgeries a year, but then again i might be wrong . Zelt is around 4000-4500 i think and Bernier is around 3500.

i have few more names if you want... let me know.

as for me, i'm getting mine done in 3 weeks with Fielding 2675 $ tax in.

i was just very happy about the way the consult went so ... there i am feeling my forms and booking hotel. cant wait.
good luck Mastiadont.

surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline Mastiadont

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Hey guys!

Thanx a lot for your help and comments. I really appreciated them.

Take care

Mastiadont  ;)

Offline MRD

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Why is the price for you so high with Dr. Fielding? I have never heard of anyone have a higher price than $2,000 with Fielding.   :-/

Offline brebguy

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hey there... patients from Quebec have to pay for the excision (covered for all Canadians except Quebec residents) which is aproximately an extra 1000$. i'm paying 2500$ for mine with Fielding because i live in Montreal...

still ok i think.

Offline Mastiadont

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Anyway I undestand that you are talking about an average, isn't it?

If it is an average, what do you think are the parameters to do the messure? I mean to do the average.

Or are you telling that because of what you see on my pics?

Thank you again

Mastiadont ???

Offline brebguy

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yep 1000$ is an average. from what i heard at the clinic and from guys on the chat. for a montrealer, it would cost between 2200 and 2800 or so.
dr Fielding will base his price on the amount of breast tissue that needs to be removed when you go for your consultation. its pretty quick... based on your pic you seem a bit smaller than mine but then again it all depends (i'm no doctor so i dont want to give you misleading information)
so he doesnt have a fix price anyway.

i really suggest you go see him.
good luck my friend

Offline Crawdaddy

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I'm a Quebec resident, and I had to pay $2700 to Fielding. And today (almost four months later) I received a hospital bill from St. Joseph for another $920. Quebec insurance did not pay a cent. The cost seems to be different for everybody.

Offline brebguy

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the cost for the surgery is always different, it depends of the severity of your case but the average for a quebec resident would be between 2000 to 3000$

i paid 2750 (with tax and all)

your extra 920$ is probably for extra services at the hospital cause in my case, i never paid anything for hospital fees (covered). and i would be suprised to hear such a big change in the insurance policy in just 5-6 months (i had my surgery in august last year)... well you never know...

were you in a private or semi-private room?
extra services like tv or phone bills ?
extended stay ?

i'm kinda surprised, if i was in your position, i would be incredibly pissed to receive a new bill like that, 4 months after...


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