Author Topic: Gland in men....  (Read 2354 times)

Offline guistar

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  Just wondering about something.  Is having gland or breast tissue completely unnatural or is it just that gynecomastia sufferers have too much?  I noticed someone on the forum mentioned losing weight so the doc could better judge "how much gland to take out".  Is the male chest supposed to be just muscle and fat or is a certain amount of gland and breast tissue normal?   I know I have a large build up of gland on my left side and some on my right but idealy should the doctor be removing ALL of it and just leaving a layer of fat or is it better to take out EXCESS gland and tissue? Has anyone with a case like mine where there is lots of fatty breast tissue gone for surgery and had every bit of it taken out leaving just fat for reshaping?

Offline NoChance

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Every male has a bit of gland, fatty tissue, and mostly muscle in their chest.  The proportions vary depending on genetics, your lifestyle etc.  If you have a lot of fatty tissue in your chest, it means separate from having the oversized glands, you also have a high body fat.  Removing the gland wont give you the look you want unless you combine it with a healthy lifestyle to get to a low enough body fat where the outline of the pectoral muscles become visable, giving you that 'male' look.

Usually the Dr leaves a bit of the gland to prevent an indent look as well as lipo'ing some fat.  If you have a lot of fatty tissue its mostly due to not exercising/healthy eating over a extended period of time, and your best bet would be to go on a healthy diet, exericse daily, and focus on lowering your body fat as much as possible before surgery.  I have been doing the same and now am at the point where I have almost no fat on my chest and can clearly see the outline of two hideous glands through my skin.  This makes taking out as much as possible gland easier for Haugrud, not to mention he doesnt have to work around a ton of fat trying to get enough gland.

Offline State_Property

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i don't agree that every male has some gland, the majority of my friends are 5% bodyfat and none of there chests look exactly the same, but i would say beyond a shadow of a dought a few of them have no gland what so ever the nipple can lay perfectly flat against ur pec and look great no indents, indents occur when the nipple becomes lower then the fat surrounding it, but on that note some others have very mild gland and still have great looking chests, then there is one buddy who has lots of gland, had gyne since puberty but also gets the hottest chicks ive seen mainly cause hes young tall and his ripped abs and arms are more noticable, funny that the guy with the most gland almost never wears a shirt, so remember confidence can go a long way.


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