Author Topic: Compression garment and gut?  (Read 4107 times)

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Hey all,

I ordered a Compression Garment from Design Veronique. It arrived today and I placed it on-- it fits fine up until I go down to my stomach. Now I can get the hooks on just fine, but at times, especially when I sit, it'll ride up and sit above my stomach.
I am 6 foot 2 and 230 lbs, so I can stand to lose weight (which I was working on) but do I need a better fitting garment? In the area it counts, it fits just fine, but the stomach is giving me problems. I wish it was a little bit longer.

One more quick question-- there are three different hooks for each position for tightening. I need to set it at the loosest set of hooks for my stomach, but I get better compression at the chest if I set it to the middle position. Is this acceptable?


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Hey all,

I ordered a Compression Garment from Design Veronique. It arrived today and I placed it on-- it fits fine up until I go down to my stomach. Now I can get the hooks on just fine, but at times, especially when I sit, it'll ride up and sit above my stomach.
I am 6 foot 2 and 230 lbs, so I can stand to lose weight (which I was working on) but do I need a better fitting garment? In the area it counts, it fits just fine, but the stomach is giving me problems. I wish it was a little bit longer.

One more quick question-- there are three different hooks for each position for tightening. I need to set it at the loosest set of hooks for my stomach, but I get better compression at the chest if I set it to the middle position. Is this acceptable?

The First Stage Compression Garment has adjustments to improve fit and comfort after surgery. I prefer to calibrate the pressure individually for each of my patients before the operation. This is not the best for Body Shaping Compression Garment because of the velcro and hooks / eyes. In that case I recommend for my patients a Second Stage Compression Garment. The two layers of fabric do a better job of hiding the gut. For some patients we vary the spacing of the hooks depending on their anatomy.
Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

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I'm not too worried about my gut showing-- I merely want good compression for my chest. If my stomach hangs out, that is fine (I am used to that and am not too worried about it  :D)

But my main concern would be if it rides up above my stomach, if proper compression is not being achieved. Is that true or am I fine with this garment strictly for chest compression even if it rides up a bit?

EDIT: Forgot to mention the one I have is indeed the first stage one with the multiple sets of hooks. So you are saying it is okay to individually adjust the hooks depending on what area of the body they are on me?


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I'm not too worried about my gut showing-- I merely want good compression for my chest. If my stomach hangs out, that is fine (I am used to that and am not too worried about it  :D)

But my main concern would be if it rides up above my stomach, if proper compression is not being achieved. Is that true or am I fine with this garment strictly for chest compression even if it rides up a bit?

EDIT: Forgot to mention the one I have is indeed the first stage one with the multiple sets of hooks. So you are saying it is okay to individually adjust the hooks depending on what area of the body they are on me?

A garment that has ridden up the chest, no longer applies consistent pressure where it counts. For these garments to be function, they should lie flat on the chest. That is why we fit each of our patients before surgery and for those who come to our office for Body Shaping Contouring Clothing.  For patients of other surgeons, such issues are best discussed with that doctor. The wrong pressure or garment can interfere with healing.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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