Author Topic: My experience in Poland  (Read 5789 times)

Offline tonymontana

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Hey all,

Long time reader, first time writer  ;D

I just wanted to write a quick post on my recent experience with having the surgery in Poland with Dr Katarzyna Ostrowska-Clark..

I'm 24, average height and weight, and have had Gyne since I was about 13/14.

I'm now 5 days post op, and everything is going as hoped; the doctor is very impressed with my recovery so far.

I decided to have the surgery here after reading many of the posts on this forum (many of which have recently been removed since the new site owner  ???). I was very skeptical at first, but after much research and getting in touch with someone who was also booked in with them I proceeded with booking. Jeremy Clark was very quick with responding to all of my questions and quickly too; I had also contacted another clinic and had to wait over a week for their reply.

There was less than a month from initial contact to the date of surgery, but I made sure that I had all the information I needed and this eased the worries, as (I'm sure like everyone else) I get very worried about going under.

I received a call the night before the surgery from Jeremy just to confirm the meeting time in the morning as I would be going for a blood test and then ultrasound. So on the morning of the surgery I was collected by Jeremy and went to pick up another guy who was having the surgery on the same day as me, this instantly removed any doubts or worries I had as up to this point a part of my was still expecting some sort of catch or for this to be a scam.
The blood test was at a clinic and the ultrasound at the local hospital; all of it is up to UK standards at least, so far so good..

The time was now just about 11 and this meant that we couldn't eat anything until the surgery (we also couldn't eat anything before the blood test), we were taken back to our hotel where we would wait until 2.40pm for a taxi to take us to the clinic. The wait was pretty intense as my nerves got the best of me; luckily I had my laptop and watched The Wire which absorbed my nervousness only slightly.
Soon enough it was time to get the taxi, and we shortly arrived at the clinic. I had a consultation with the surgeon (Katarzyna) and she went through all that was going to happen, and the possible complications, also answering any questions that I had - which weren't many as she'd already covered everything! I must say now that Katarzyna is a wonderful doctor and I couldn't have asked for a nicer person; she's great to talk to and is very open and honest which is great as you don't get a sense of salesmanship from her, unlike many of the consultants I'd met with in the UK who I can only compare to like being in Phones4U..

I decided to go first out of me and the other guy, and I changed into a sexy little number (a green paper robe), and went into the surgery room to meet with the anesthetist and be prep'd. I lay down and had the plasticky needly thing stuck in my arm and he injected something, afterwards asking me if I knew what Valium was - as this was similar. Everything then became a nice slight blur and I wasn't expecting to go under, but the next thing I know I woke up nice and cosey in the recovery room.

I had a compression vest on and drains coming out of my chest (due to having lipo) - none of this hurt in the slightest as I was still numb. A few hours later after I'd come back to reality and the sleepiness had worn off, the nurse (who doesn't speak English, but is so helpful and great) came and gave me a drink which I guess was a painkiller, not that I really needed it at that time; everything still felt really good! haha.

After a night in the clinic I had my drains removed (not as bad as I thought... still wouldn't like it done again though!) and I left for my hotel. I later took a walk into the town and visited the massive mall and ate at Pizza Hut, really didn't feel like I'd just had surgery the day before. I did feel very tender and I didn't have full use of my arms - for example I couldn't really pull a door open or lift my heavy bag, but really who would expect to be able to do this the day after having chicken fillets removed from their chest?!

It's now a few days later and I'm due to go home tomorrow, and I really have to say that this experience hasn't been hard or negative at all. For what it is - a cheaper solution to the problem that many of us have, I'd wholeheartedly recommend it.

I'll break down the costs as many of you are probably interested:

Surgery: £1450 (due to having lipo also)
Flights: £48 - Ryanair
Hotel: £200 for a week
Taxi from Airport and back: £75 for a private Mercedes
Meds: About £35
Taxi's to and from clinic: under £10 per round trip, I've been 4 times and split the cost for most of that with the other guy.
Food: under £10 per meal (lunch and dinner) - less for breakfast

I'll post before/after pictures tomorrow when I'm back at home, but in the meantime please ask any questions if you have any..


Offline Celts

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Good account mate, i'm just saving up to go here at the minute, looking forward to the pictures.

Offline mart

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Hi Tony

Welcome to the site and congrats on your surgery, i'm glad to hear you had a positive experience as i'm due to fly out for surgery in just over 4 weeks to the same place.

Look forward to seeing the pics. Nice one mate.


Offline dannyboy740

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Sounds good mate, lets hope they don't delete this account as my one which had been up for three months (with pics) has been banned!
Hope you heal well

Offline nufc2011

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I read on various bodybuilding forums that this surgery in Poland is very good. I contacted them as I cannot afford the price to go to karadis then wander around London after getting a train from Newcastle and hotels in London cost £'s.

I contacted them and a fella named Jeremy got back to me, all in all it's going to set me back about £2.5k.

I'm aware of the risks involved going to Poland for this however I have no choice really the NHS don't want to know and basically ridiculed me and made me so angry I ended up arguing with my doctor (luckily I never go unless it's serious).

I'd like to know why the posts were deleted too? Maybe it was a conflict of interests, who knows.

All I know is I'm going I already have £1k should have the rest together in a matter of months then I'm getting booked up.

Does anybody know wheres the best place for cheap flights? I can't seem to find cheap ones flying from Newcastle to Berlin.

Thanks for posting this.

Offline jakeyboy08

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Well Done Mate,
Told you everything would be alright!!!
Looking forward to the pictures when you land back in the UK,



Including Hotel flights transfers spending money e.c.t. it will cost you around £2000 - £2500..

Nobody knows why the post's were deleted i believe they thought everyone was advertising for them although British and USA surgeon's are constantly on here promoting themselves or paying someone to do so! They physically couldnt be on here all the time writing on peoples post and performing so many operation's e.c.t. tooo!

Try PM a member of admin to find out why although i tryed so and got no reply and that was over a year ago!

Your already half way their in saving's mine come to around £2000 in total for the operation transfers hotel flights e.c.t.

For flights go onto RYANAIR'S website and search for flights i got mine to szczecin for £120 for 2 of us return it was even cheaper but i delayed in booking.

Hope this helps..




Offline tonymontana

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Hey chaps,

Just a real quick reply as I'm taking the mother out in a mo, bloody mothers day!

I haven't taken any post recovery pics yet, but as I'm working from home tomorrow I'll do it then.

Here are the pre-op pics:

Catch you tomorrow,


Offline tonymontana

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The new owner asks the surgeons/doctors to become one of the registered approved surgeons, which costs - so essentially they're paying to have people advertise on here by mentioning their clinic. If you're not a member of the approved surgeons then all the posts about your clinic are banned. And I thought this forum was actually a place for people to help others or seek advice..

I took some snaps today, which is a week since the surgery. I'm a bit swollen and can feel scar tissue building up, so have started massaging which isn't a very fun experience - but needed!

I'll keep you all updated in a week or so with more pics..


Offline jakeyboy08

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Looking good already, how painfull isit Atm? are you on painkillers?
Cant believe that will be me a week today sh*tting myself now lol.

I knew there was something like that going on with the site. I thought it was here to help us!

I feel kinda sorry for the people who have been with the surgeons on here registered to think they were basicly tricked in believing the surgeons were good as they were aloud on here. No doubt the results from the surgeons were good i just feel like everyones being conned slightly.

Anyways keep the update up mate i will also start posting mine next week :).
P.s. Did you get my email?


Offline Celts

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Jeez looking flat as a pancake mate!  Hopefully this one dosent get deleted or have you been approved to write about your account?

Offline waves

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Looks great and congrats!

Another member voting to keep this thread alive.  Please don't delete.

Offline tonymontana

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Had the stitches out today; the nurse said they were the best she's ever seen! Came out really easily too, only problem was when she pulled a nipple hair thinking it was a stitch, haha!

Thanks guys, I'm really happy with the progress so far, I might be battered and bruised but I can see that I have the shape that I'd always dreamed about  :D!

I'm still taking the painkillers that were prescribed, but to be honest I don't need them at all; I'm pretty much pain free unless I try and do the macarena. I'm only taking them now because they're anti-inflammatory. I haven't massaged as much as the doctor advised, but this is because I wanted to wait until the stitches were out - so tomorrow I'll start the painful (for me anyways) process, but will take some tramadol before hand so I shouldn't feel a thing hopefully  8)

I haven't been approved to write about my account, I think it's only because I haven't actually used the clinic's name... so hopefully nobody will in the comments either.

Hey Jake I've just replied to your email, sorry for taking ages!

I'll updated you soon peeps,


Offline mart

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Look good mate fantastic result. Can't wait to get out there now, 4 weeks today.
Keep us updated mate.

Offline nufc2011

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Looking good tony, sweet ginesh tattoo too.

Booking mine for July nervous but I have been waiting 16 years for it and putting up with the self consciousness for a long time.

Hope my results are as good as yours.


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