Author Topic: POLAND SURGERY __ STEP BY STEP __ u going? read in  (Read 43246 times)

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
I didnt want this to get lost in the big thread on Poland Surgery so ive made it seperate here and this is full of very valuable advice for anyone considering a trip to poland for surgery.
I wish id have read such a detailed thread before i went so that i knew what to expect  :)

Yes i was terrified so here’s my story

I was scared of what surgery in a different country could mean
a HUGE HUGE THANKS  to all the info and help from here and a huge thanks to my wife and my 8 year old son, who helped to turn this experience into a Holiday.

we arrived at Berlin Airport at 10pm (ish) and as soon as i walked through customs to come out the taxi driver Richard was stood there immediately holding my name up on a card.
This was the 1st person i saw once I’d got my bags and walked out (smooth as silk so far)
Richard took us to his car, which happens to be an OLD OLD OLD Volkswagen Passat.
He took a child booster seat out the boot for my young lad and off we went on our journey of fast safe driving to music on roads that put UK roads to shame.
He drove us to Poland, which is a journey that takes 1 hour.
You come to the Polish border at the River Oder and Slubice (the town you will be staying in) is literally just the other side of the river and the hotel Kaliski is a 1 min drive from the border.
Richard helped us out of the car and I paid him the 60 euros for the taxi then he took us to the Hotel where he checked us in also booking breakfasts for my wife and son.
and told us that at 9am he will come to the hotel and take us to the Clinic.
We went up to our rooms in the Hotel Kaliski and were pleasantly surprised at how nice and clean the rooms are.
As it was late we all went straight to bed.
Next morning while my wife and son went down for breakfast I took a shower and was surprised to see they had a chrome shower gel dispenser on the wall and the gel was very very good J .
We went downstairs at 8.55am and as we sat in reception waiting for Richard he walked through the hotel door and took my case and us all to the medical center.
The taxi was 3 euros so I happily gave him a 5-euro note and told him to keep the change.
Richard then told us he will pick us up on the day of departure at 19.00 hours and asked if I wanted to be picked up at the Hotel or the medical center I chose the Hotel.
On walking into the clinic Richard  told us to take a seat and he went to the reception desk to which we were handed over to a lady and said goodbye to Richard,
The lady showed us to my room.
The room was very very very very very VERY clean and was spacious with a lovely clean and modern feel to it with metal classy chairs and a metal classy table with a glass top.
The bathroom is amazingly modern and clean with a nice dispenser of blue hygienic handwash.

After being in the room for  30 seconds I was told a doctor would come and see me soon..
I unpacked my case and while doing this, a doctor called David (who is a Avid Merrion look-alike and a sound alike too) who speaks good English asked me a few questions inspected my mobs (felt about no pain) and drew me a few sketches of what procedures were available and what Dr Baranski was going to do.
At this point a lady came in with some items in her hands these were a  pair of white compression stockings(anti thrombosis prevention stockings), pajama  bottoms and a smock top.(like what the doctors wear) oh yes and almost forgot the paper slippers.
I changed into these and had a needle IV (venflon) put on my arm and taped in place ready and a small syringe full of water soloution to make sure it was working ok.
After the nurse left the room and I’d decided what I wanted doing, we discussed price and I paid up in euros and sat in my room waiting for the next person to come to see me .
The next people who came to see me was Dr Baranski and David they had another feel about and agreed everything was ok and the operation will take place in 1 hour.
Next in came the anesthetist and he took my blood pressure and asked a few historical questions e.g. allergies and medical history.
1 hour felt like a lifetime, as I was anxious to get the mobs rid of forever.
The time had come and I was escorted to the operating theatre that was bang next door to my room and I was asked to remove my smock and lay on the operating table (in a Christ like way upon the crucifix)
A syringe full of “anti stress” was put into the IV needle in my arm and then connected to a drip.
I was then told I was being given oxygen and David asked me my sons name and that’s the last thing I remember as I fell into a deep sleep and as I was asleep they worked away to remove a big portion of my huge glands and then to do the sculpturing with the liposuction.

I awoke in the recovery area and I couldn’t stop smiling as I was falling in and out of consciousness and remembering an alarm going off on my lap every 5 mins or so as the nurse checked on me.

I was then taken on the operating trolley to my room and transferred onto my bed and was told to rest.

I was being checked on at regular intervals and asked if I feel alright and asked if I had any pain.
I had none at all.

All the way through the night I was checked on and brought glasses of water with a straw and helped by the nurse while I was drinking it .

I’m a very light sleeper, so I struggled to sleep through the night so had quite a few glasses of water and was asked all through the night if I had any pain.(I was pain free)
I absolutely starving by the time my breakfast arrived at 7.30am (32 hours with no food)

The food is amazingly good and the bread that came with it was that delicious I actually went out and bought a loaf to take home.

At 9am David came in and said can you come to the theatre to have dressing changed.
I had the dressing cut off and was allowed to sit up and see my chest for the 1st time and to say that even with all the swelling it still looked amazingly flatter.
A little blood weeped from my left nipple and that was gently squeezed to empty any excess blood that was there. I was then fitted with a pad on each nipple and had my compression vest fitted on me. I then had an anti thrombosis jab (1 a day) and was given antibiotics and told to take 1 every 12 hours.
I was then a free agent to walk around and do what I wanted to do.

And that I did I now was about to start my holiday.
So I locked my bedroom door and went shopping and had dinner in the restaurant at the Hotel Kaliski (highly recommend this )
I returned to the clinic in the evening as I felt like a naughty boy who had not told his mum he was going to stay out late.
But when I got back they delivered my dinner but unfortunately id already eaten with my family so I said I’m sorry ive already eaten and with a smile my dinner was taken away.
I then had the needle removed from my arm as it was starting to bother me a little eating out in places with it sticking out.
And for tea I also ate out with my wife and son and went back to the Kaliski for a while I went back to my room watched a few films and went to sleep.
Next morning I woke up and had my breakfast followed by my Thrombosis jab then I had the dressings changed and told I’m free to go and was handed a quality management certificate and asked to send photos in by email in 2 months time.
I was asked if id like a taxi to be called to take me to the Kaliski to go to my wife and son but I said no thanks it’s a lovely day and id enjoy the small walk.
I feel that they didn’t think I could make the walk with a suitcase and a laptop bag but I insisted id prefer the walk.
After a day of Tobacco and cigarette shopping and clothes shopping we retired to the hotel then packed and rested while we waited for the time of the taxi (at 7pm.)
We went downstairs and checked out of the Kaliski at 6.55pm and Richard was Bang on 7pm (if not a couple of minutes early)
We got back to Berlin airport and came home.

This was an experience of a lifetime and there’s  a step by step guide of my trip to Poland
This should make invaluable reading for anyone going.
Apparently the price on the website is a tad higher now but id gladly pay double for what I got.
My wife is a practice nurse in a GP surgery and she herself was very worried about what we would find on arrival. Now she’s going to recommend them at work!!! She was very impressed with standards and service.
My son loved Poland and says he wishes he could go for 2 weeks and that is great from a kid who has toured Southern America and had loads of sun holidays that have totaled £50,000 since he was born 8 years ago.
He says it’s the best holiday hes ever had and I agree with him.
And im pleased to say my son will be seeing a bit less of Daddy from now on and it’s a bit I never want back.
My Moobs

Thanks to
My Wife & Son
Dr Baranski
The Whole Workstaff at the medical center
Hotel Kaliski

My Doctor
My boss for the time off
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline ace

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Can't fault you or mark u down on the detail, exactly what I experienced. Without a Wife of course. And an 8 year old kid.

See it was exactly like Mark and I told you, that it would be very professional and very very clean.

I too stayed at the Klassiki Hotel.

Here's to the future moobless You.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
Thanks matey  :D

yes indeed i was worrying for nothing  ::)
glad it was spot on for you too
i have to say that with the missus and the Young un being there did help me out alot and turned this into a holiday.
So if anyones thinking of going alone i suggest you try to bring a friend and pay for thereflight and hotel room as it will make the expierience of Poland one that you can enjoy for years and years to come.
right its 5.30am now so im off back to get more sleep :)
anyone else whos been please read through this and add anything that ive forgot to mention
NotFedup  ;)

Offline karl_82

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Hey NOTfedupGotNoMoobs,

You have told it exactly how it is  :)

Glad everything went ok for you.

When they changed the dressing for me i dodnt even look down so i have yet to see beneath the bandages. I have a pretty big purple bruise which i can see though :o

Just gotta pick up a vest so i can take a shower and put on the swelling gel they gave me. Is it ok to get the stitches wet?

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
yes but dont get them soaked.
i looked at mine when they took the dressing off and was happy with what i saw :D
The compression vest has only come off for a few mins at a time and i can feel the goodness its doing :)
if your still in poland say hi to david for me and tell him im healing well and very happy :)

Offline samgyne28

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How ar eyou feeling today buddy?  Is the swelling gone?  Any briusing etc..  Or all flat and perfect.

Didn't the surgeon discuss yr mboobs before the surgery.  Or was it only David that did that?

How much did u have to pay for it all.  I mean the same price andreas quoted you?

How much was the hotel?  Any magazines for us future patients?

What would you do differently if you were to do it again?  This might help us future patients.
Hey ANy pics?

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
right alot of questions but i can easily answer them all :)

im feeling fine today

the swelling is still present but only slightly

im looking down at my chest now and see a normal chest that is flat and is the perfect shape and if this was the best its gonna be ill be happy.

I discussed very little with Dr Baranski through interpretation but have to say that the rest discussed before hand was carried out 100%

i paid what andreas had quoted me and it seems that is the going rate and it hasnt increased (check this with karl who went a day after i returned) (1675 Euros all in)

And what would i do differently??? hmmm tough one

i know :)

id have done it 20 years ago as now im quite in love with my overweight body and have started to diet so i can look just perfect :)

and for the record No i never met andreas :(
but on the whole a proffessional and friendly service that id gladly have paid double than the price for :)

Offline elderkid

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Can anyone point me int he right direction to start the ball rolling to have surgery in Poland.

I live in Newcastle and believe there are several options but i cant seem to link to a specific website.

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.  I already had a previous surgery approx 3 months ago and results are poor to bad so far.  I will obviouslu give it another month or so - but i know instinctivley, and by reading posts, that nothing much is going to improve after 3 months!

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006  
That is the website for the clinic which has been used by people on this thread. It has all the contact details on there for them.  
There is a phone number and e mail addy for Andreas on the website but here it is:  
Andreas Ciesla  
Esculap Service  
Tel: +49 (0) 2359/ 903 620,    
Mo – Fr: 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.

Offline markashleigh1979

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if you are suffering with bruising or swelling , i recommend buying some herparin or arnica cream to aid recovery.

I liked your account of your trip , very detailed and informative. Will you be psting any pics?

Hows it going Ace?

Guess what, i 've been going to the swimming batsh every Even have me top off all the time in the house....and with women...yeh!!! lol

Offline markashleigh1979

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Not fedupgot no breasts : Thank you!!! Just noticed your thank you peice at the bottom :) . I am really pleased every time i see how my trip/sacrafice has changed so many lives.....yeh!!! not for me !!! but for everyone who has the courage to go :)

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
me pre op photos are not very good
they dont really show how much difference it has made
but before i use to be able to pull my breasts up and kiss my nipple. :o
now id have to cut my head off to do that as its alot better placed and is close to my chest :D

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
almost 200 views of this thread :)
i hope its helped anyone who has booked :)

Offline ak1982

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myself and a friend are going at the end of January, this has been a great help.

i do have one question though.

how did you pay??

i am not keen on carrying the best part of £1500 round on me between the airport and the clinic.  obviously you can't draw that amount of cash out in one day from a cash machine either.

can they accept debit cards?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 09:58:46 AM by ak1982 »

Offline karl_82

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myself and a friend are going at the end of January, this has been a great help.

i do have one question though.

how did you pay??

i am not keen on carrying the best part of £1500 round on me between the airport and the clinic.  obviously you can't draw that amount of cash out in one day from a cash machine either.

can they accept debit cards?

Its cash only i'm afraid. You will be fine though. You will be in a taxi straight from the airport to the clinic so you wont have any worries :)


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