Author Topic: wheres the best for surgery in europe? Poland?  (Read 17516 times)

Offline Gyne-Sucks

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iv heard A LOT about Poland

is Polan the best?

im on 16 years old so obviously id have to go over with my mum also im from england

where did "mart" get his done at? as it was £1450 and great result, what was the surgeons name

all together, including hotel,food,surgery etc... how much would it all cost?

Offline pancakes

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All of them seem to be having surgery with Katarzyna Ostrowska-Clark... (-- clinic) for some reason i doubt that this clinic is legit...

Offline mart

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I can't say if Poland is the best choice as I have no experience of other countries/surgeons/clinics, I only have experience of Poland. I chose Poland based on accounts I had read on here and I am happy with the choice I made and the results from my surgery. All cost details are on my thread if you have a read through it. I am not here to tell people to go to Poland or to make their minds up for them, I wanted to give an account of my experience like I believe everybody who has the surgery should so sufferers of gyne can make a decision on a surgeon/clinic that is for them. I can assure you the clinic is legit as I have been there and got the surgery done but like I said I'm not here to promote the clinic, I just wanted to share my experience. Good luck whatever your decision.

Offline Gyne-Sucks

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thanks mate, can i just ask a few questions..

for everything including hotel stay etc.. how much was the total cost that paid?

also your result is VERY good, how long did you have to stay in poland for?

has the clinic got good after care?

and lastly how long after the surgery, did it take until you were back to normal and could do exercise? 


Offline mart

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Hi mate will reply to your questions when I get home from work tonight.

Offline mart

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Operation - excision and lipo (includes op, anaesthesia, compression vest, 1 night stay at clinic and aftercare): £1530
Hotel 6 nights: £354 (there are cheaper hotels)
Ultrasound: £35
Blood tests: £24
Airport transfers, total cost: £37
Medication: £35
Flights: £30 each way
Taxis: Around £20
Food: Less than £10 per day

I changed £200 of English into Polish zlotty for money for food, taxis, medication etc and i came back with around £80 so didn't spend much at all.
I would estimate the total spend was around £2200.

The aftercare was excellent, i stayed for a week in Poland.


Offline Gyne-Sucks

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Operation - excision and lipo (includes op, anaesthesia, compression vest, 1 night stay at clinic and aftercare): £1530
Hotel 6 nights: £354 (there are cheaper hotels)
Ultrasound: £35
Blood tests: £24
Airport transfers, total cost: £37
Medication: £35
Flights: £30 each way
Taxis: Around £20
Food: Less than £10 per day

I changed £200 of English into Polish zlotty for money for food, taxis, medication etc and i came back with around £80 so didn't spend much at all.
I would estimate the total spend was around £2200.

The aftercare was excellent, i stayed for a week in Poland.


THANKS MATE, that was a huge help, i think thats where i will go it will save me A LOT compared to england where i would have to pay 4k maybe

as i am only 16 years old i would wait untill im atleast 17 or 18 to see if it goes away in time as it looks like it could be improving, but if it hasnt completely gone within a year or 2 i will defiantly without a shadow of a doubt go to poland where you went cos it sounds great and cheapish

has your life totally changed since having it done?

also do you have to fly over to poland for the consultations or can it be done over the phone?


Offline mart

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You can fly over to Poland for a consultation but I didn't, I sent in some photos of my gyne and the surgeon gave me her opinion which she basically just confirmed that I would need liposuction aswell as excision, I already knew I had gyne and how bad it was though already. It has changed my life massively to be honest mate, I'm much more confident now but it's just the simple stuff like not having to worry about what clothes to wear to cover the gyne, now I can just chuck on any top and not worry about gyne showing. Also I have been swimming something which I haven't done for years. If I were you I would wait a year or 2 untill you are fully through puberty as sometimes gyne will go away once puberty, growing up etc is finished. If you have any pics then post them up so we can give our opinion, I know how horrible it can be living with gyne mate and I hope it gets sorted for you soon. Any more questions feel free to ask, I'm glad to help.

Offline Gyne-Sucks

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sweet mate! i wish i could wear any clothes but i cant cause of my gyne

here are some pics:

Offline jakeyboy08

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Im going to be blunt and honest, i was in the same position as you when i found this forum proberly about the same age, My only regret was that i waited so long to get it done i wish i got it done at 16, you and your friends will be going on holiday more then likley soon and taking your top of is a no go well was for me. Your gyno like others including myself stands out it looks more gland then fat.

If you have the money go for it, have a word with your mum/dad see what they say.



Offline Gyne-Sucks

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i would love surgery but i cant afford it, 3000-4000 is A LOT of money

my mum would not just pay 4k just like that for me as we could not afford a spare 4k

when im 18 i would get a loan and then get it done that way

Offline jakeyboy08

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Surgery in poland (well speaking from experiance with the surgeon i went with) is as good if not better then the UK, Just because we charge more here doesnt mean we are any better.

Poland cost me around the £2000 mark.
Start saving today anything you get every little helps i wish i started at ure age. I tryed to get a loan at 18 and i got declined im nearly 21 and still cant get one so dont just wait on a loan.

Also have you seen your doctor regarding this to try and get the NHS to do it? personally i have read alot of bad cases from the NHS but if your desprate thats an option.

Hope alll goes well mate.
If you need any question's answered PM me or write on my post.


Offline Gyne-Sucks

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yeah mate iv been to my GP twice and the space of a year and a half and he sent me to a pediatrician (kids doctor)

who knew NOTHING, he told me to loose weight and theyd go and then he told me to do chest exercises and theyd go

i go to the gym loads and work chest,arms,shoulders,abs etc... so theres no problem there

its just this doctor knew nothing

should i get a second opinion and try and get a doctor that would be able to get me surgery under the NHS?

Offline jakeyboy08

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To be honest alot of doctor's are behind with this sort of thing. Its been out there for years but they consider it as MAN BOOBS! At one point i had 8% body fat so you tell me how it man boobs lol.

You can see another doctor and show him these post or something on the infomation about gynecomastia.
NHS are useless and to be honest at your age you will hear the phrase time after time 'come back when you have finished pubity' they will send you for test after test with no luck.

Best thing to do is putting your head into work mode i take it you have left school at 16, even on minimum wage you will earn £1000 per month within 2 month you can afoard it considering you have no out going's.

Also i take it your parent's know about your gyno?



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