Author Topic: Does Your Girlfriend/Wife Like Your Gyne?  (Read 57633 times)

Offline Alchemist

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Occasional  fighter you are a shallow minded Low life and despicable person! and the women that you hang around with must have the same mindset that you have.

you don't know me that's first. so darn you for saying those things about me! I was NOT talking only about women I hang aroud with I was talking about every woman I had ever encountered in my life even for a few seconds. You're trying to say my whole country is full of such women???
I might have been projecting but the thing with me is that I have an outstandingly handsome interesting face and EVERY SINGLE GIRL/WOMAN that has ever seen me alive (except for a few ugly/desperate ones) has displayed the same ass reaction towards me always!!! It's great interest on the first few seconds, she likes me, she's often hot for me even (just for my face); then she lowers her eyes a little to check me out further and the MOMENT she notices my pimples she gets all embarassed and loses interest in me as a person instantly. she gets angry at herself for ever taking so much interest in me in the first place and who's to blame? the guy with ugly titties. so EF HIM right? that's how shallow ALL the women are. I'm not remotely shallow you prejudiced idiot. I've learned that fact about girls a long time ago and I would be HAPPY to disprove it!! but when a girl takes great interest in a guy during the first few seconds of an encounter for his greatly handsome interesting face and THEN she discovers his titties - sorry to disappoint you my friend - every girl in the world is shallow enough to start hating on the guy that very moment!!  YOU'RE probably lucky to have been born with an average looking face and not having to experience that thing. so EF YOU

same goes to you tiger paws. I might be wrong about your wife but I'm not wrong about my situation. My case makes every girl unveil her true shalowness.

Hi Occasional fighter,

Your vanity sure does shine through.  I've been a teacher of enlightenment, among other things, for about 25 years. When somebody tells me that the problem is everybody else there is no doubt at all that the problem is their own.  Everything you say speaks of injured vanity and a great deal of hostility towards women.  I have gone out with a lot of young and older ladies through the years.  I was married for 33 years and in a good relationship for the last decade.  Not a single lady I  have gone out with has ever had much of anything at all to say about my breasts. My ex wife was jealous that I got the D cups and she got the A cups. She liked to play with with them.    A pair of 54DDs are rather outstandingly noticeable. Of course I only dated the more intelligent college educated ladies.  You know what numbers I like?, IQ > 150 or thereabouts who are good at critical thinking.  It weeds out the small minded idiots.  I never went out with any girls or ladies I didn't find attractive.  These days if I were out there dating I would only date nudist or potential nudist ladies as none of them are as petty as those you appear to prefer. You know, when one socializes nude with hundreds of ladies, and they with you, there is no fear of taking off one's clothing or that old fear  "what they will think of my body".  Amongst nudists there are no mysteries of that kind. I've gotten over junior high and so have the ladies I associate with.  If you accept yourself the ladies will accept you, unless you are too strange in other ways.

You seem rather hostile towards your own body.  Did you post your pictures?  You have my curiosity up about what is so much more terrifyingly awful about your breasts than anybody else's here.  I wasn't aware of any "standard of beauty" concerning enlarged male breasts.  What is your complaint?  That yours are not shapely enough or not large enough or what?

Offline walt

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greetings , yes my wife likes my moobies and likes to play with them, its fine in my book as well. she supports me in having to wear a bra most of the time .and now that i have had my first mamogram we have had a bonding moment once again. i wish to all my brethrend in here the support of their loved ones.

Offline TigerPaws

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Son it is a numbers game, the more you meet the better your odds of finding an intelligent, beautiful lady. Your breasts are not a problem the girls you meet are. When they are put off by your breasts blow them off and move on.

If you are having difficulty meeting the more accepting ladies maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Try adjusting your approach, looking into new places to meet the kind of ladies who are intelligent enough to accept you for who you are as you are.

As you are in the UK you may want to try Sochi Russia when the winter Olympics starts or look into spending some time in the Ukraine. The odds are far more in your favor in places where good men are scarce and quality women are abundant.

I have found that in most of the world you and get by nicely by learning around 350 useful words, then learn to string them into something understandable.

Anyway it is just a suggestion as I work and travel throughout Russia, Ukraine and several other of the former Soviet countries.


Offline Alchemist

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Hi Occasional Fighter,

My best suggestion for you would to be study Tantric, learn how to be open and be connected honestly with a lady and being an expert lover won't hurt.  If you can genuinely connect with such lady at these deeper emotional levels, it won't matter what your chest or the rest looks like when you are already connected.Change yourself and the ladies you want to be with.  Become a nice guy, don't pretend.  That will attract "nice ladies".  Honestly, the absolute least important thing in having a successful long term relationship is what the other person looks like.  And everybody changes and ages.  Any woman who would say goodbye because you have breasts isn't worth getting to know and likely wouldn't stick around for all kinds of equally trivial reasons anyway.

Offline covfefe

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the most important thing to women is confidence, and you have to exude it to do well.

I am confident, I guess I don't profess to it by being arrogant, which in my experience is what women think is confidence. I'm not confident about my appearance, because I've been told otherwise so many times. I still believe that you haven't got a cat-in-hells chance of getting a girl if you're "ugly" nowadays. Its NOT socially acceptable to be seen with an "ugly" person, its embarrassing for girls. I've tried internet dating, I don't even get replies to emails because I don't have pictures of me with my top-off like 95% of men on the site. I've even approached women who all my friends would say are "munters", not that it bothers me, to be laughed off and ridiculed. Society is not as forgiving as it once was.
I don't go out to bars or anything anymore because I got fed up of being the spare wheel that was left looking into their drink while all my other mates got approached by or approached women - I approached women who then laugh you off the moment they see your slightly (I have a "mild" case) enlarged chest.

I have pretty much given up all hope of ever being in a serious relationship, gyne is only partly responsible for that, my psyche and extremely low self-esteem (which has mainly been caused by gyne) is responsible for the rest of it.

Son it is a numbers game, the more you meet the better your odds of finding an intelligent, beautiful lady. Your breasts are not a problem the girls you meet are. When they are put off by your breasts blow them off and move on.

If you are having difficulty meeting the more accepting ladies maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Try adjusting your approach, looking into new places to meet the kind of ladies who are intelligent enough to accept you for who you are as you are.

As you are in the UK you may want to try Sochi Russia when the winter Olympics starts or look into spending some time in the Ukraine. The odds are far more in your favor in places where good men are scarce and quality women are abundant.

I have found that in most of the world you and get by nicely by learning around 350 useful words, then learn to string them into something understandable.

Anyway it is just a suggestion as I work and travel throughout Russia, Ukraine and several other of the former Soviet countries.


Please refrain from the use of "son", it can be inferred as being incredible condescending especially in the way you have used it, I'm not going to say more than that.
Don't want a Russian bride who is just after a British passport. I understand that you have accepted living with the condition, and you have managed to find someone who accepts your condition. I have tried, repeatedly and failed repeatedly. Each rejection buries you further and further into self-doubt.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm just trying to emphasise its really not as easy as "looking in new places" or "accepting" how you are sometimes. Incidence of Gyne is apparently around 1 in 100 in the UK, and I'd put good money on 90% of that 1% never being in a relationship.

Offline Alchemist

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the most important thing to women is confidence, and you have to exude it to do well.

I am confident, I guess I don't profess to it by being arrogant, which in my experience is what women think is confidence. I'm not confident about my appearance, because I've been told otherwise so many times. I still believe that you haven't got a cat-in-hells chance of getting a girl if you're "ugly" nowadays. Its NOT socially acceptable to be seen with an "ugly" person, its embarrassing for girls. I've tried internet dating, I don't even get replies to emails because I don't have pictures of me with my top-off like 95% of men on the site. I've even approached women who all my friends would say are "munters", not that it bothers me, to be laughed off and ridiculed. Society is not as forgiving as it once was.
I don't go out to bars or anything anymore because I got fed up of being the spare wheel that was left looking into their drink while all my other mates got approached by or approached women - I approached women who then laugh you off the moment they see your slightly (I have a "mild" case) enlarged chest.

I have pretty much given up all hope of ever being in a serious relationship, gyne is only partly responsible for that, my psyche and extremely low self-esteem (which has mainly been caused by gyne) is responsible for the rest of it.

Son it is a numbers game, the more you meet the better your odds of finding an intelligent, beautiful lady. Your breasts are not a problem the girls you meet are. When they are put off by your breasts blow them off and move on.

If you are having difficulty meeting the more accepting ladies maybe you are looking in the wrong places. Try adjusting your approach, looking into new places to meet the kind of ladies who are intelligent enough to accept you for who you are as you are.

As you are in the UK you may want to try Sochi Russia when the winter Olympics starts or look into spending some time in the Ukraine. The odds are far more in your favor in places where good men are scarce and quality women are abundant.

I have found that in most of the world you and get by nicely by learning around 350 useful words, then learn to string them into something understandable.

Anyway it is just a suggestion as I work and travel throughout Russia, Ukraine and several other of the former Soviet countries.


Please refrain from the use of "son", it can be inferred as being incredible condescending especially in the way you have used it, I'm not going to say more than that.
Don't want a Russian bride who is just after a British passport. I understand that you have accepted living with the condition, and you have managed to find someone who accepts your condition. I have tried, repeatedly and failed repeatedly. Each rejection buries you further and further into self-doubt.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm just trying to emphasise its really not as easy as "looking in new places" or "accepting" how you are sometimes. Incidence of Gyne is apparently around 1 in 100 in the UK, and I'd put good money on 90% of that 1% never being in a relationship.

Hi Fackste,

Incidence of Gyne is apparently around 1 in 100 in the UK, and I'd put good money on 90% of that 1% never being in a relationship.

Now that is 100% pure unadulterated male bovine manure.  Incidence in the UK is very similar to that of the USA within a reasonable margin of error.  Eventually a majority of men will experience gyne, some at puberty like me and others age they age or medication side effects or whatever.

The 1% figure is only a pogo stick and strobe light illusion.  If 99% of those with gyne are hiding it and avoiding exposure, you would never see it.  I've seen UK nudist films and photos and there is plenty of gyne there.  And you know what, most likely 75% of those with gyne are or have been married with children.

 I don't have pictures of me with my top-off like 95% of men on the site. I've even approached women who all my friends would say are "munters", not that it bothers me, to be laughed off and ridiculed. Society is not as forgiving as it once was.

Just your use of "munters" indicates some attitudes of yours that would make you horribly unattractive to any woman with an ounce of sense in her head.

I don't know what kind of dating sites you hang out at but the ones I participated in had just head shots of folks.  Now I'm pretty ordinary, not great nor terrible looking and somewhat the worse for wear at 64.  With a pair of DDs I would have no problem at all getting a date if I were looking.  Of course I am putting them through the dinner challenge, go out to a nice dinner (or I'll prepare it if I'm really trying to wow them) and then they have to keep up their end of the conversation for several hours.  I eliminate most possibilities who can't keep up an interesting conversation for several hours.  If I go out with them a second time, it will be because we hit it off and my breasts won't mean anything at all.

As far as attitude goes I didn't ask out any ladies I didn't find reasonably attractive so I wasn't putting out any bad attitudes of condescendingly go out with them because they are so ugly.  At college a group of small minded girls started warning the other girls about me.  My future wife was warned that I used "too many big words", "carried a briefcase" and other dastardly tip-offs.  I also wore a sports jacket a lot and was mistaken for a professor.  I had exactly one "no" in all of college asking out a girl for a "a coke at the student union or movie" date.  She was a different race and religion and said it couldn't possibly work out.

I was confident that I am an interesting person and good conversationalist and she would either like me or not for me, not how I look.  It worked very well.  I have been blessed to meet and associate with a number of most excellent girls and women through the years. 

A change of attitude, what you are looking for and acceptance of yourself would help immensely.  Also, take off the "kick me" sign that everybody appears to see and your life will  change.  Go to a naturist club, be liberated from your fears.


Offline TigerPaws

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No offense intended, the "son" reference comes from over 35 years years in the military turning boys into men.

I must agree with Alchemist the the dinner and conversation is the first step in judging a lady. I am now dating 3 intelligent, beautiful and very sexy ladies (up from 2). If a lady can not hold an intelligent thoughtful conversation on a range of past and current issues that is the last time I will see them, period end of story. If a lady is put off by my 38C breasts, by-by and I move on.

As for your perception of Russian/Ukrainian ladies you are 100% wrong, I doubt that you have spent much time in either country, know nothing of the language or culture. Learning is a lifelong process, learning and understanding other cultures is more than a worthwhile endeavor.

Alchemist is also correct,change your attitude about yourself and others will change in their perception of you. Get off of the internet dating sites and away from the bar scene and you may discover a better quality of women.

Of course do as you please, cry in your milk "poor me" all you want and nothing will ever change, but take control of your life and you can change it to fit your wants, needs and desires.


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TP and Alchemist, I know we are all close to the same age, but have you forgotten that the more alcohol you drink the better the young and unintelligent girls look and it works to to other way too, the better the guy looks as well! So with this in mind the bars are a great place to be!

On the other hand, the Internet, you can be anyone that you want to be until the day you meet! So that work well too. Face to face was our way to do things and the three of us are old farts!

Offline covfefe

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No offense intended, the "son" reference comes from over 35 years years in the military turning boys into men.

I must agree with Alchemist the the dinner and conversation is the first step in judging a lady. I am now dating 3 intelligent, beautiful and very sexy ladies (up from 2). If a lady can not hold an intelligent thoughtful conversation on a range of past and current issues that is the last time I will see them, period end of story. If a lady is put off by my 38C breasts, by-by and I move on.

As for your perception of Russian/Ukrainian ladies you are 100% wrong, I doubt that you have spent much time in either country, know nothing of the language or culture. Learning is a lifelong process, learning and understanding other cultures is more than a worthwhile endeavor.

Alchemist is also correct,change your attitude about yourself and others will change in their perception of you. Get off of the internet dating sites and away from the bar scene and you may discover a better quality of women.

Of course do as you please, cry in your milk "poor me" all you want and nothing will ever change, but take control of your life and you can change it to fit your wants, needs and desires.

I think my point more was, that I don't go to bars because I'm always the spare wheel. I don't do internet dating because noone has ever shown any interest and its demoralising. Also the "munters" thing was what my friends would call them, not myself - I'm known for not approaching any woman who I, or others would consider attractive.

I am in control of my life, I have a good job, and its associated perks - I just cannot get any woman to be in the slightest bit interested in me. I don't really think I'm a bad person, or have a bad attitude, the only thing I can contribute this to is my terrible physical appearance i.e. moobs, and my pretty bad stretch marks around my waist. I'm not overweight before you ask,  I just developed the fairly bad stretch marks during a growth period.

Offline Alchemist

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TP and Alchemist, I know we are all close to the same age, but have you forgotten that the more alcohol you drink the better the young and unintelligent girls look and it works to to other way too, the better the guy looks as well! So with this in mind the bars are a great place to be!

On the other hand, the Internet, you can be anyone that you want to be until the day you meet! So that work well too. Face to face was our way to do things and the three of us are old farts!

Hi Hammer,

Yep, I do it the old fart way, face to face.  I also have some skills.  I can prepare some really great dinners.  I have gotten very good at doing a Chateaubriand with all the trimmings, or a host of other things.  When I was younger my parents had a 16  foot sailboat on lake Erie.  I used to take girls out for an afternoon of sailing.  Again, plenty of room for conversation.  By 19 I was a semi-pro photographer.  I was always looking for models to perfect my techniques.  Girls would come to be for everything from a portfolio of portrait shots to nude photos as portfolio, for their boyfriend or whatever  in the days before digital. I achieved that by being discreet and no pictures I took getting around.  That was fun.  I would have these girls wanting all sorts of shots for their boyfriends,  including erotic and sexual photos with their boyfriends.  I would often trim their pubic hair and sometimes even shave it getting them ready for some of the poses they wanted. I also did portfolios for submission for modeling work.  I was also a part time ski instructor by then and met a lot of girls by teaching them to ski, and later as a professional ski-patrolman.  I could supervise the lift line and wait for a suitable single young lady to go up the lift with and then take her along to all the nocks and crannies of powder that most people don't know about.

It helps to have some skills that can be applied to the relationship at all stages, especially to meet said ladies.


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Mine was dancing and roller skating! I was great in both! Three nights a week dancing and three to four skating. I never was without female companionship! I have no idea what is wrong with all these other guys, no what, I have a good guess!

Offline TigerPaws

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LoL! For me it is cooking, dancing, ice skating, boating the the Caribbean and diving. Traveling helps because it allows me to meet many ladies throughout Europe. I have the ability if the lady has the time to have them accompany me to many interesting and exotic places.

Ladies love to travel and to explore new places, to shop for anything new and interesting. I have learned that I can enjoy being with a lady while she shops, then I quickly become the fashion consultant and watching a beautiful lady model everything from evening gowns, to bikinis and sexy lingerie is a great way to start a wonderful evening.

Finding, courting and enjoying the company of an intelligent, beautiful and sexy lady is all too easy if a man applies himself.

Offline Alchemist

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Mine was dancing and roller skating! I was great in both! Three nights a week dancing and three to four skating. I never was without female companionship! I have no idea what is wrong with all these other guys, no what, I have a good guess!

Hi Hammer,

EXACTLY - We both had things to do so we could invite suitable ladies to come play with us.  I forgot to mention water skiing at my mother's summer house in Maine.  That was a lot of fun.  During my teen years I worked summer jobs in Maine.  One summer I worked at a local restaurant.  After closing at 9pm we would all head for the lake and go skinny dipping.  We were all college kids and the girls outnumbered us guys.  Sometimes they would stay over and we would go water skiing at dawn for a few hours before going into work.  Inviting them to go water skiing worked.  Inviting them to go nude water skiing worked even better.

I have never, in all my years, tried to pick up a lady at a bar or some such place.  I didn't want to sit around smokey places drinking so why would I want to meet a woman who likes to do that?  I liked to do things and wanted to meet women who would like to play with me doing things we enjoy and who is also willing to interact intellectually, physically and emotionally.  I want it all.  I never got into drinking because it was way too fattening and I didn't enjoy it.  

As a result of ill health and age I am now much more likely to offer a massage exchange with a woman than skiing, and really really need the massage.  However a nice dinner and conversation is still the main attraction.  As I get to know her better I might offer a  "tantric" (this is actually serious inner work and is for releasing traumas), "energy", sensual, erotic or extended orgasm massages.  Studying tantra, learning to share LOVE (the divine mystical energy) and ecstasy with a woman, was the best thing I have done for improved relationship.

OneTaste is an organization here in the USA teaching their OM (Orgasmic Meditation) methods and currently filling a class for a new set of instructors.  OM can be easily and quickly learned.  It is a subset of Tantric methods I've used for decades.  Once you are sharing a lady's hour long ecstasy during OM she won't care in the least your cup size.


Offline covfefe

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Yep, you're all superior to me, and you all seem to come from a completely different generation. Either that or you seem to have the time to go skiing without working, or have rich parents with big boats.

I will say it again, you have NO idea how fickle the younger generation of women are.

I've been told numerous times I'm a good person inside, and that I have good traits, good job etc. but then the woman will always have a relationship with some other man. Do I feel bitter about it? Hell yeah. Should i? Hell yeah.

Guess I should just accept the inevitability of being single, or just kill myself - as an only child I have great pressure on me to have children, and if that's not going to happen (and lets be realistic its not going to happen) I can't face the shame or loneliness that is coming.

Now please continue with your stories of how great your incredible lives are traveling the world and playing with your parents assets. This is something that no matter how hard I try I will never be able to achieve.


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I think it would be safe to assume that my kids fall in your age range, the oldest is almost 32 and the youngest is 20 and I do know what kind of crap they go through as we all have a very open relastionship. I know things aren't the same today as it was in my day but it isn't all that different either!

Just an FYI, I had no toys to play with from Mom and Dad, I worked for everything that I have! I started my working on farms at a very young age, worked in a restaurant by the age of thirteen, construction at eighteen, Navy at 20-24, Army reserves and back to consruction until 28, and then my own construction company until forced to go on disability at 40.

I have never work less the a 12 hour day, so I earned everything that I have, from my fishing poles to my guns, from my first Ham radio to my Ham Repeaters and every tool in my shop, to the home that I live in to the rental property that I use to have, thinking that they might be good investments.

So one day young man, maybe you can look  yourself in the morror and say to yourself, I am a good person like I can, and all is right with yourself and the Lord as I can do that too. As this is what is important in the end, being to look at yourself in the morror and say that!

I do wish you the best, and hope that you will find the happeness as I have found in the wonderful wife that I have and the great kids and grandchildren that I have been blessed with in the end that is what life is all about!

God Bless, and best of luck to you.

Bob aka Hammer


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