Author Topic: To gain low body fat  (Read 4843 times)

Offline AnonNZ

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I know there are some very wise individuals on here regarding correct exercise and diet techniques.

My query is simple: How is it best to attain a low body fat percentage and how sustainable is it? I've no qualms about serious workout routines or restrictive diets, it's just that in the past to achieve a lower body fat I had to reduce calories to below 1000 daily and this also started to reduce my muscle mass - IM WORKING HARD TO ATTAIN THAT MUSCLE MASS TO BEGIN WITH!

Any tips or tricks on how I can burn the fat and retain the muscle mass would be greatly apprecated.

Offline manic91m9

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i think gaining low body fat is harder than maintaining it to be honest and maintaining muscle while cutting bodyfat is something that is very difficult to do. if you are in the habit of eating a  low fat low sugar diet it becomes much easier. i think the key to maintaining muscle mass while losing bodyfat would be to never get hungry and plan out all of your meals so they are lean and high in protein. have a look at the nutrition forums on theres heaps of information on there.

Offline slyblackdragon

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also check out Good articles there and a great forum for everything bodybuilding and fitness.

Offline fed-up

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Maintaining muscle whilst cutting is a tough task, However it is possible. As mentioned above, it is wise never to go hunrgy. Also it is essential to incorporate protein in EVERY meal. 5 - 6 meals a day. Approximatly 1 grm protein per pound, therefore 180 pounds - 180 grms of protein. If you're doing a lot of cardio, ensure you eat an adequet amount of CLEAN carbs, i.e carbs low in sugar - brown bread etc, Lots of Fibre to aid you're metabolism. However no carbs after lunch, or very little. As for weight training, 3 times a week (MON WED FRI), strong compound movements, & i cant emphasise this enough - TRAIN YOUR LEGS - best advice i ever received, it increases your natural Growth Hormone levels, thus helping you lose bodyfat and maintain muscle. I also find it very usefull to use a whey protein supplement - for breakfast mixed with milk, and 1hr before bed - no milk.
If anything youre likely to increase you're muscle mass with an adequet amount of protein.
Hope this helps mate
Surgery performed by Alex Karidis - 11/09/08

Offline slyblackdragon

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whey in water after a workout (I take mine with dextrose for an insulin spike) is a good idea as well. I don't agree with the "no carbs" after lunch. Maybe in the later stages when I have already lost a good amount of weight, but I got down to around 12% bodyfat (from 26%) and eat carbs all the way up to bed time.

Offline AnonNZ

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Thanks guys, good advice. I'm doing much of this but in hindsight maybe I'm letting myself become hungry too often.

Offline rashdudes

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If you do prolonged cardio (45 to 60 min) then you need to stop doing it.
Try HIIT (High Intensty Interval Training) to spike your metabolism!

As for diet "Anabolic Diet" can do wonders - if you have the will power.


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