Author Topic: ahhh!!! Can't catch a break!  (Read 1355 times)

Offline GodWasAngry

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Fast warning that this is written in an anger since I JUST came back from the PS (that scum..) and am very unsatisfied of the results and of my PS' reaction to the results.

Had the surgery one month ago minus 2 days, came back from the doctor and he says the results are pretty much final already.
When I asked him about the puffy nipples and the cone shape he said that that is the maximum that he can take off and if he had taken off more then there would be craters and distortions.
And that's FINE, really that's GREAT but why did he tell me before the surgery that he will deliver what I ask which is a flat chest and now he says it cannot be done!

I have no idea what to do, he said that he can cut half of my nipple off, and scratch with a knife whats left (and will cause the distortions), and I don't trust that guy anymore even though he has a pretty high reputation. Refund? I doubt I could see a shekel without a lawsuit and I'm not going there..


Offline Raboze

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A shekel... LOL sorry but that made me laugh so hard.
Besides that, I'm in the same situation as you -- let me guess, you had lipo-only surgery?

I wouldn't really call anything "final" btw, there is always room for revision surgery, however you'll have to consult a more competent surgeon. Who was your surgeon out of curiosity? Any pictures?

Offline GodWasAngry

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Actually I had gland only (Well that was the plan but he also did lipo as far as I understood from him).
You wouldn't know the Doctor since it's not in the States/Europe.
Your'e right about the "final" results, my only hope is that something will change but I don't think it will..

I put some pictures in "users photo's" board, page #2, you can have a look. I would link but it won't let me post links x.x


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