Author Topic: Alcohol....will it come because of it?  (Read 6150 times)

Offline MonarchX

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There was research that showed breast enlargement in men who drink a lot.

I'm in college and I get wasted like twice a week on weekends.  

If I get the surgery done, is there a chance that something will come back due to use of alcohol?

Offline Chodel

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« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 02:10:39 PM by Chodel »

Offline Puff_daddy

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i believe alcohol abuse during my teenage years made my pubertal gyne stick around and teach me a lesson. i knew i was having too much fun. as for having the sugery and the gland being completely removed im not sure if high estradiol levels can make the gland grow back. might be a better question to ask a specialist.

heavy alcohol consumption comes with many consiquences, be ready. 2 days a week is not bad. thats "social drinking"

good luck
Ripped With NIPS

Offline Paa_Paw

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Two of the potential causes of Gynecomastia are diminished output of Testosterone and Impaired liver function.

Alcohol is highly toxic to both the Testes and the Liver.

Having a glass of wine or a coctail with Dinner is social drinking.

Getting wasted twice a week is well beyond social drinking, but drinking to and beyond the point of toxicity.

Can Gynecomastia come back under those conditions?  Perhaps!

I'm reasonably sure you already knew that.
Grandpa Dan

Offline damnips

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I have never heard of any evidence that supports that claim that alcohol can cause/prolong gyno, however, what paw_paw said makes sense to me.  I know marijuana definitely increases your risk of gyno (as well as effecting uh performance) so I rarely ever hit the bong.  I can say that drinking heavily is very bad for your system, however, the effects really show later in your life, rather than your youth-young adulthood.  What it will do is make you fat (if your a cerveza fan).  Maybe this is the cause?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Please note that I did not say that Alcohol causes Gynecomastia.

What I said was that Alcohol is toxic to both the Liver and Testes. Impaired function of either the Liver or Testes could cause Gynecomastia.

The Question then is: Is the person drinking to the point of toxicity. Since the opening statement that The person got "Wasted" Twice a week, I think we can presume that the answer is yes.

All of this meaning that the Alcohol may be the indirect cause of gynecomastia in his case.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Drinking enough to cause a hangover has been found to lower testosterone levels for 12 to 20 hours later- in one study to 20 percent that of their levels before drinking.  

Estradiol the most potent estrogen also increases quite dramatically after drinking significant amounts.  I have seen guys whose typical estradiol levels were around 130pmol/l who have had levels of over 230pmol/l post binge drinking.

That said the above are only short term effects that do not have a significant impact on the endcrine system.

But what of long term heavy drinking or binge drinking?

Malcolm Carruthers (world leading endocrinologist) said that 30% of his first 1000 patients who presented with hypogonadism in middle age reported drinking more than 21 UK units of alcohol a week.

So we know that long term heavy or binge drinking can cause hypogonadism and we also know that hypogonadism and gynecomastia are associasted conditions with 10 percent of all gynecomastia sufferers thought to be hypogonadal.

Quoting Malcolm Carruthers from his book The Testosterone Revolution.

A sixteenth centuary Italian Physician called Cornaro wrote, The excesses of youth are like drafts upon our age, payable with interest about twenty years after date".  This is certainly true when it comes to alcohol.  As well as those 30 percent of patients who were drinking too much, anout another 10 percent gave a past history of excess alcohol consumption for over a year or more.  Unfortunately, testicular function does not seem to improve very much even if they subsequently stop drinking for several years.

This is in contrast to smoking, where most of the hazards, such as lung cancer and heart disease, decrease dramatically within five to ten years of giving up.  The testis lacks the power of the liver to regenerate and never fully recovers, as is shown by the infertility, impotence and loss of libido that chronic alcoholics experience, even after drying out.  The liver forgives and forgets, but the testis harbors grudges, so bar room bruisers of today are likely the lousy lovers of tomorrow.

So light social drinking is ok in the long term,  moderate drinking a potential hazard in the long term and heavy or binge drinking in the long term a real concern and distinct possible indirect cause for developing gynecomastia.

A good job my testosterone comes out of a packet is all I can say- I drink infrequently, but too excess ;D

« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 03:07:56 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline babble

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I think I speak for the majority of young men here when I say ARE YOU SERIOUS?  :o

C'mon fellas.  I know that for most young men, it's more than common to go out and get drunk (to the point of a hangover) for one-two nights a week for more than 5-6 years of your college/pre-married life!!  seriously, are we saying that most of these people are going to run into hormonal or liver problems later in life?  Hard to beleive when drinking is such a part of our culture.

Offline Mr_Nip

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I think I speak for the majority of young men here when I say ARE YOU SERIOUS?  :o

C'mon fellas.  I know that for most young men, it's more than common to go out and get drunk (to the point of a hangover) for one-two nights a week for more than 5-6 years of your college/pre-married life!!  seriously, are we saying that most of these people are going to run into hormonal or liver problems later in life?  Hard to beleive when drinking is such a part of our culture.

I'll drink to that.  Cheers!

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Offline hiufung88319

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In my knowledge,CH3CH2COOH will danage the liver.liver can produce testosteron.
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)

Offline Worrier

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All my family like a drink. I only know one guy who doesn't get off his face and thats becuase he used to be a professional pi** artist. (alcoholic) .I know for a fact no one in my family has gyne as they would never hear the end of it. And it is so hot everyone is bare chested.

I think we should qualify what we mean by alcohol and gyne. I have only read of one or two people who had gyne caused by alchohol, according to their doctors. They were alchies , the type who put vodka on their cornflakes and spend all day everyday in the park pi**ed as newts. The doctors didn't use those colourful words but these guys had more health problems than just gyne. They were actually in danger of their livers failing.

It would be a great way though to maybe get men to limit or stop drinking though. 'Watch yourself or you'll grow a d-cup.oooh' saying that, that might encourage some men....

Monarch X have a good time at college. Alchohol like everything should be done in moderation (not the best person to give this advice :P).Twice a week is not a problem if you are fit .  It's kind of standard. Just watch yourself and if you are doing it everynight have a talk with yourself.When I was a student we spent our student loans entirely on beer in the first few months and then spent the rest of the time eating baked beans .

« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 12:39:30 AM by Worrier »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I think I speak for the majority of young men here when I say ARE YOU SERIOUS?  :o

C'mon fellas.  I know that for most young men, it's more than common to go out and get drunk (to the point of a hangover) for one-two nights a week for more than 5-6 years of your college/pre-married life!!  seriously, are we saying that most of these people are going to run into hormonal or liver problems later in life?  Hard to beleive when drinking is such a part of our culture.

This is the problem whenever facts are pointed out.

They are completely misinterpreted.

Dr Carruthers has simply said that 30% of his patients that have turned up with hormonal problems in midlife do so having had a history of heavy drinking and that a further 10% have been heavy drinkers in the past.

This means that of those that end up with hormonal problems in mid-life excess drinking is accountable or at least plays a significant part/association.  It also means that you are probably statistically more likely to develop such a problem via heavy drinking, given that gynecomastia is an associated condition it will mean that you are statistically more likely to develop it indirectly in mid-life as a result of heavy drinking.

But predisposition is also going to be a huge factor.

What my post and Dr Carruthers comments do not mean is your interpretation.  It does not mean that most people who drink too much will end up with hormonal problems.

What I would say is that those men whose gynecomastia remains post puberty are statistically more likely to have a poor androgen to estrogen ratio, are statistically more likely to have a lower level of free testosterone than those who either do not develop the condition or who see it resolve during puberty.

Statistically then many of us here will be more suseptable to diminishing free testosterone levels and hormonal issues than that of the aformentioned people who do not continue to have gynecomastia.

It would therefore probably be prudent for us in this boat to not drink too much or we may become one of Dr Carruthers statistics still mouthing how this cannot be so.

Statistically is the risk of developng hormonal problems high for the general populous when it comes to over indulging, probably not.  For those already predisposed to gynecomastia that doesn't resolve and a poorer underlying endocrine balance then the risk is probably still overall not high...but is it worth pushing your luck?

I think not.

That is the point.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 04:42:45 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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The liver forgives and forgets, but the testis harbors grudges, so bar room bruisers of today are likely the lousy lovers of tomorrow.

Lousy lovers.... No.

Lousy baby makers.... Yes.

Just cuz yer boys are baked, does not mean that you can't sexually satisfy a woman....  :P

« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 08:31:39 AM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Hypo-is-here

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Well it can make for lousy lovers John.

Because if your testicles do not function properly and you end up with low free testosterone then you will more than likely have a lowered/diminished libido and may well have erectile dysfunction (particularly if not diagnosed and treated) and this could/would be incompatible with many women.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 09:00:29 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline need_breast_helpUK

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I did have one consultation ages ago when I first thought of doing something about my gyne with a General Surgeon (breast specialist) who said all drugs can affect hormone imbalances in the body, especially alcohol, cocaine and marijuana.  He asked me did I drink a lot, i'd say i get pretty drunk most friday/sat nights, he said do i use coke and I said no, he said do i smoke weed and i said no (i lied..) got me thinking if i stop drinking and smoking will my gyne go down by any amount..? What do you experts think...??


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