Author Topic: Anyone have any luck with Rebound XT  (Read 7611 times)

Offline pe175

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My case is a very minor one.  I just have puffy nipples that stick through my shirt.  I have heard good things about Rebound XT.  Anyway has anyone had any luck with this product?  If I were to take it, what would be the dosing?

4 pills a day for a week
3 pills a day for a week
2 pills a day for a week
1 pill a day for a week

Combining it with CLA for good absorption.

Is this ok?

Offline GuckFyno

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I'm taking it right now with that cycle exactly.  I'll let you know how it goes, I'm only on day 3 now.  

Offline mamah_187

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i cant try this or any of the topical creams thanks to canadas gay ass customs laws...why would anyone care if im 'potentially' damaging my health??

i mean..why dont they put more effort into ending REAL drug traffic such as coke! christ man...

who made these laws?

Offline mamah_187

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actually I just came across this section with some canadian FAQ...

at the top it reads, "A healthy mix of fake questions, real answers, vice-versa, and everything in between."

what the hell is that supposed to mean  ???  any ideas :-/

« Last Edit: October 20, 2005, 10:13:07 PM by mamah_187 »


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I tried the fluke bottle of Rebound XT, sent it back and got two shiny new bottles. Took it gradually, one cap, two caps, three caps.

Didn't notice any change. Weird thing is that, i didn't feel an increase in libido, nor an increase in strength when i hit the gym and no soreness of joints.

Being Asian, my diet is not so rich in fats. Mainly carbo (rice, rice and more rice). So maybe i wasn't taking it properly. Finished one bottle with no change. Mine is only on the left side, which has a 20-cent gland and some fat build-up.

So.. What is CLA and is it fatty? Will taking Flax-seed oil with the caps help? I plan to start on the new (last) bottle soon. Hopefully i see some improvements!

Offline blazed

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Hey Im in Canada, Got some rebound xt, didnt shrink my gyno, I got gyno on the left side. It didn't shrink it but it did stop it from getting any bigger. While i was on rebound my knees were sore really sore, but thats one of the effects of lowered test.

Offline GuckFyno

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Yeah my knees are pretty sore, I'm breaking out a bit as well.  It's really helped me with my workouts.  I have been having really intense dreams since I started taking rebound, don't know what thats all about.  Taking it with flax oil will help with absorption.  


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The strength gains and intense dreams are all caused by the elevated testosterone in your body. Since it's an estrogen "suicide" inhibitor, the testosterone will naturally increase. Estrogen is required for your joints to work smoothly, so as you might have guessed, the sore joints are caused by the lowered estrogen levels.

I wanted those to happen but they never did! The absorption must have been NIL for me! Gotta buy some flax-seed oil. GuckFyno, what did you eat the capsules with, such that the absorption for you seems to be at the maximum?

Offline mamah_187

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blazed, how did u get rebound into canada??

Offline mamah_187

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its better to work out with it..

Offline gynosucks1

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theres nothing special about rebound xt.

it is the same shit that has been on the market for years now and i really doubt it will have an impact on your guy's gyno using it alone.  granted it might make things slightly better taking this product over a long run.. certainly if ur on a -kcal defecit it will lean ur chest out.

but if ur using this explicitly for gyno reduction u need to throw in a serm.. tamoxifen, or raloxifene to see any real results.

Offline gynosucks1

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and if u search for my thread i got awesome results stacking this with tamoxifen citrate.  i had a disperesed fatty case.

using skulpt topical which has the best penetration method pretty much avaiable and the 6-oxo anti estrogen i got my chest down about 70%.

the rest over two months of 4 pills of rebound xt, and tamoxifen citrate 40 mgs took care of it.  i never had puffy nipples, just disperesed gland under that was most likely in the middle of going away anyway.. just turned 19 and had my moobs going away anyway at the time.

speeded things along.

Offline mamah_187

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skulpt is also illegal in Canada..because it contains 'Yohimbine'...or else i would have tried it...

id like to see the fool who decided on that law, live with gyne for a few weeks during their prime ages...

Offline blazed

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rebound isnt illegal to bring into canada just might take a long time


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and if u search for my thread i got awesome results stacking this with tamoxifen citrate.  i had a disperesed fatty case.

using skulpt topical which has the best penetration method pretty much avaiable and the 6-oxo anti estrogen i got my chest down about 70%.

the rest over two months of 4 pills of rebound xt, and tamoxifen citrate 40 mgs took care of it.  i never had puffy nipples, just disperesed gland under that was most likely in the middle of going away anyway.. just turned 19 and had my moobs going away anyway at the time.

speeded things along.

Hi gynosucks1,

How do you know you have dispersed fatty case? For me it is quite minor, the gyno on the left side only protrudes out about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch as compared to the right.

The gland is visible. The fat surrounding the gland is the weird part. On days, it seems hard (disc-like), and on some other days, they seem to be very soft fats.

One more thing, how do you get Tamoxifen Citrate? Any sites where i can buy em online? Tamoxifen is actually for breast cancer right?  ???


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