Author Topic: Back again....ughhh  (Read 4231 times)

Offline dondante

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Actually, I should not be scared. My gyne appeared at least 3 years before I ever started smoking.

I've never seen anywhere there was a statistical correlation (which is very different of a case to effect relationship) between smoking marihuana and developing breasts.

Also, if weed really caused gyne, wouldn't it mean female users' breasts will get bigger ?   I'll tell my GF about that...

 ;D I can already see the "natural" female breast augmentation centers popping up everywhere!

Offline PBC

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Well, not every cigarette smoker get lung cancer either. Smoke up guys, I am just relaying my experience to all of you. Somehow I do not think a womans body is going to respond to elevated estrogen levels the same way a mans body will. But as you all can probably tell, I am hardly an expert in the medical field.

Offline don_joe

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Well, not every cigarette smoker get lung cancer either. Smoke up guys, I am just relaying my experience to all of you. Somehow I do not think a womans body is going to respond to elevated estrogen levels the same way a mans body will. But as you all can probably tell, I am hardly an expert in the medical field.
Yeah man I am so sorry about what's happened to you. Did you get your hormones checked ?

Offline PBC

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Yeah, I got them checked the first time around, but that was seven years ago. (Everything came up fine btw) I suppose I should get them checked again, which I will have to do before my doctor will operate again. That is a long way in the future though. My wife has basically said if I pay the five grand for surgery, then our marriage is good as done. I can see her point too, I just lost my job, and I am still in school.( I am 38 btw) Couldn't have happened at a worse time.

Offline don_joe

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You're in a tough spot. I hope you find your way out of it.  I understand your wife for the financial part but she could show a little more understanding.

How old were you when your gyne first appeared ? Were you also a user prior to that ?

ps: what are you studying ?

Offline PBC

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Well, I had gyne first when I was ages 12-14, but it resolved on its own. I didn't really start using heavily until I graduated in 1989. I smoked a ton until I was about 22, quit completely for 3 years, got into a health and fitness kick, and went from 190 lbs my senior year down to 150 lbs by the time I was 22. Then depression began to set in(I have no idea why...things weren't going all the bad till that point). I started eating like a pig, drinking everyday, and smoking weed all day everyday. Needless to say I ballooned up to 210 lbs at my heaviest.( I am only 5'9" tall) About age of 25 is when I really started to notice the gyne. I had never heard of weed causing that,(never even heard of gyne at point), so I figured it was all the weight gain and I just needed to exercise it off. So I lost 30 lbs,( mostly thru exercise, still drank and smoked) imagine how happy I was when I saw weight loss somehow made my gyne look WORSE! I knew a bodybuilder, he saw my condition and told me no amount of exercise would make it go away, as he had it too in the past. So he got me his surgeons number, I cleaned up, and had surgery. You know the rest from my previous posts. Btw, I am in school to be a sign language interpreter. I think that was all!!! Oh yeah..I should also add that I got back in great shape after surgery, had my weight down to 155lbs for several years. Then my wife got pregnant with my daughter, and I gained weight again, mostly due to a hockey injury which makes any cardio nearly impossible, and I gained "daddy" weight as a result of eating like I did when I was playing hockey 3 days a week and running 5 miles a day the other 3 days I wasn't playing. I weigh in at 180 lbs now, so I gained about 30 lbs total in the last year and a half. Whether it is the weed the weight gain or both that has caused it to come back I guess I will never know. Either way I am sure neither of them helped the situation any. Maybe next time I will just have a bi-lateral mastectomy, and be done with this fucking problem once and for all.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 03:58:26 PM by PBC »


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