Author Topic: 5 weeks post-op: anyone else have back aches from sleeping on back?  (Read 6054 times)

Offline mca

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I"m 5 weeks post-op and everything is fine regarding the surgery.  But since I've been sleeping on my back for 5 straight weeks (I usually sleep on my side/stomach) with the first 2 weeks sleeping upright, I've developed a horrible back ache the past 2 weeks.  I fall asleep ok, but I wake up after about 4 hours and my back aches so badly that I can't get back to sleep.   Any one else have this problem?  I bought a tempurpedic pillow to support my neck (for backsleepers) and hope that will help.  I'm thinking that my back has really gotten out of line and the pillow will help my neck, shoulders and back get back in alignment.

Any one else have this problem post op from having to sleep on your back for so long?   

Offline work in progress

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Hello. I'm a stomach-sleeper too. Sleeping on my back during those first 4 weeks was restless and intermittent. The uncomfortable binder was a factor, no doubt. I'd get about 3 hours of sleep at a time before waking and needing to briefly get up and move around a bit.

After 4 weeks, my doctor's recovery plan allowed me to ditch the binder and sleep however I wished. There are no lasting effects on my back.

You mentioned being at 5 weeks post-op. Maybe you should shoot your doc an email asking if flipping over would be an issue?

Good luck!


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Some guys develop back pain after surgery while sleeping on their back.  This is probably due to muscles in the back reacting to the snug bandages on the chest.  One of the best and simplest remedies is to find a small pillow and put it on the lower ("small") of the back.  It can help to equalize muscle tensions. Once you can sleep on your sides or stomach, the back ache usually disappears.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
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561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline mca

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Thanks Dr. Jacobs.  I've been wearing the compression vest for 5 weeks and have 1 more to go. So, I guess I'll just have to stay patient and deal with it best I can.  Good to know that it's normal.

Offline invest78

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The back pain you are describing is exactly the same thing I am having as well.  I am at day 18 post op.  Usually wake up and walk around the house after 3-5 hours of sleep. When I get up at that time it amazes me how sore my back is.  I have been taking 2 tylenol before bed and that seems to help a little bit. I am going to take Dr. Jacobs advice and try the pillow thing tonight.  My wife says that sleeping with me lately is like a kid sleeping in bed that wakes up all the time!  Good luck


Offline vc2928

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Im only 3 days post op here and man do I have some crazy back pain! I thought its just me because i have a history of lower back issues but glad to know I have company. However, my doctor said that it is ok to sleep on my side, is that not the case with you guys? Also, can you guys recommend if it is ok to sleep flat or should I be reclined with a few pillows?
ps - I still have the annoying drains.....

Offline mca

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 vc2928 & invest78,
Glad to know that others are having the same problem.  It seems that is just something we've got to get through.  I'm able to sleep about 3-4 hours before I wake up with the sore back.  I get up, take 2 Advil and then go back to sleep.  The Advil really seems to help ease the pain, and my doctor said (at 6 weeks) it was ok to take. 

I think sleeping on your side could help ease the pain, but I'm not real comfortable in that position just yet.  In a few days, I'll be able to take the vest off and at that point I"m gonna start out on my back and then switch to my side if I wake up with pain.

Good luck.

Offline shimano

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Back pain was an issue for me.  I am now 8 weeks post-op and sleeping on my side some of the time and all is back to normal.  The first night after surgery I realized there was no way I could sleep flat on my back in bed without pain so I slept in a recliner for about 4 weeks.  I was already used to sleeping in a recliner because of back pain I had a couple years ago in which I resorted to the recliner.  Before you know it you will feel comfortable sleeping on your side.  Try a recliner if you have one.  It really takes the pressure off your lower back.

Offline freak

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I too usually sleep on my side or stomach and I'am 3 weeks post op right now. I lower back starts to get sore in the middle of the night sometime. I have found if I take a small pillow and put it in front of my butt and also but about 3 or 4 pillows under my head and shoulders this helps a lot! Its kind of mimics the recliner, which some guys say is comfortable to sleep in. Just my two cents! Good luck!


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