Author Topic: Bunch of questions  (Read 2380 times)

Offline fiXXXer

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Hi everyone - I plan on getting surgery, but I need to get some questions answered before I move forward with it.
So here goes:

1)  I'm 19 and I weigh ~190 pounds - I'm not 'fat', but I could lose some weight.  Should I wait to get surgery until after I lose the weight, or will it not really matter?  I figure that if I wait, I'll have lost fat in the area, which is less that the surgeon will have to remove = less recovery and pain.

2)  "inverted nipples" - ?

3)  How long until I can get back to exercising?  I usually go to the gym during the week, but I also have martial arts classes (Mon and Wed: Taekwondo, Thur: Kumdo) that I don't want to miss, but I'll probably have to.

4)  I've read that you're supposed to have a few checkups after the surgery - this makes sense.   The problem is that I can't find a good surgeon in Maryland, so I'll probably go out of state.  I'm wondering:  How much time should I look to take off of work for the surgery (so that I can come back into work and not have anything to worry about)?  And how will the followups work if I'm coming from another state?

5)  As I said in 4, I can't find a good surgeon in Maryland.  I want someone who specializes in this and has had a bunch (30-50+) of successful operations.  Can anyone recommend such a surgeon in Maryland, or a near-by state?

6)  I live in Baltimore, MD.  and I have a really good friend who has an administrative job at John's Hopkins (JH) - think I should ask her (ugh) if she can track down any information on something from JH?

7)  Be it that the surgery is done locally, or in another state (which I'll be flying to - not driving), will I have trouble, after the surgery, getting myself home?  I want to keep this as descreit as possible, so if the surgery is local:  Will I be able to drive myself home after?
If the surgery is in another state:  This shouldn't be a problem.

That's all that I can think of for now! :)
Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free!

Offline STILLgotIT

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Hi everyone - I plan on getting surgery, but I need to get some questions answered before I move forward with it.
So here goes:

1)  I'm 19 and I weigh ~190 pounds - I'm not 'fat', but I could lose some weight.  Should I wait to get surgery until after I lose the weight, or will it not really matter?  I figure that if I wait, I'll have lost fat in the area, which is less that the surgeon will have to remove = less recovery and pain.

Make sure you aren't "a big lard" on surgery day. But, I wouldnt focus on getting too lean. If you gain weight back post-op it will ruin your results (and your mind).
Rather, carry a bit of extra blub into the op and then, after the op, focus on your training.
This is what I did and it worked great. I also know of others who did this and were happy, too.
Conversely. if you lose too much weight so that it is not practically sustainable for your lifestyle then you risk gaining it back afterwards.


2)  "inverted nipples" - ?

That's when they sink in, rather than be flat or stick out.


3)  How long until I can get back to exercising?  I usually go to the gym during the week, but I also have martial arts classes (Mon and Wed: Taekwondo, Thur: Kumdo) that I don't want to miss, but I'll probably have to.

2-3 weeks for light exercise. I'd say 6+ weeks for ANY kid of martial arts... maybe longer. Ask your doc.


4)  I've read that you're supposed to have a few checkups after the surgery - this makes sense.   The problem is that I can't find a good surgeon in Maryland, so I'll probably go out of state.  I'm wondering:  How much time should I look to take off of work for the surgery (so that I can come back into work and not have anything to worry about)?  And how will the followups work if I'm coming from another state?

It depends upon the extent of your op. You could be back in as little as 2 days, or as long as 2 weeks. It's up to you and what type of work you do (office worker vs. roofer, etc.)
Out of state ops are NOT convenient... this is why you should search hard for a local surgeon that is within a few hours drive. You CAN find one if you look.


5)  As I said in 4, I can't find a good surgeon in Maryland.  I want someone who specializes in this and has had a bunch (30-50+) of successful operations.  Can anyone recommend such a surgeon in Maryland, or a near-by state?

This guy is in Maryland and his pre-op/post-op pics look pretty good here:

Here's his contact info (it took me 10 seconds to Google it):
Maryland Office: 10215 Fernwood Rd. Suite 280, Bethesda, MD 20817 - Phone: (301) 493-4334


6)  I live in Baltimore, MD.  and I have a really good friend who has an administrative job at John's Hopkins (JH) - think I should ask her (ugh) if she can track down any information on something from JH?

Call that surgeon I just listed and see what his deal is. I'd try and keep it private rather than telling acquantances.


7)  Be it that the surgery is done locally, or in another state (which I'll be flying to - not driving), will I have trouble, after the surgery, getting myself home?  I want to keep this as descreit as possible, so if the surgery is local:  Will I be able to drive myself home after?
If the surgery is in another state:  This shouldn't be a problem.

If you go general anasthesia you will NOT be able to drive home the same day. You can if you only get local.
But, you may be able to stay at a hotel overnight... ask your surgeon if they do this.

Offline fiXXXer

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"Gynecosmastia or male breast reduction is nicely treated by removing the fat and glandular tissue. This is done using liposuction techniques through a small incision in the axillae (arm pit area). This results in a flatter breast with a smoother contour to the chest."

So they use liposuction - My memory is shady in my old age:  Aren't there two ways to do this, one of which is liposuction, which is more-so geared toward fat, and a second, which is more-so geared toward glands?

1:  I was weighing in around 195, but I've recently (past two months) changed my diet completely, and I've since lost ~15 pounds.  I suppose I'm not "a big lard", but more-so in the position you said that I should be in.

2:  Shit!  No good.

3:  This makes sense, as he has us do pushups out the yazoo.  However, what about other things, like.. stretching and easy kicks (dynamic flexibility)?

4 & 5:  Thanks! :)  I'm going to send him an email soon.
I work as an IT Manager in Baltimore City - mostly desk stuff.

6:  Good point.  I want to keep this as undercover as possible, which is why I asked in 7 if I'd be able to drive myself home.

7:  I suppose that I couldn't drive home because I'll still be doped up from the general anasthesia?  Makes sense.  I have a week of paid vacation that sounds perfect for this.

Thanks for the replys!

Offline swe

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Just for your information;
As i also train martial arts, when you breast is being punched at, i have seen the gyne gets bigger.

So i guess if you wanna take the surgery, dont go to your martial art classes a month before the day.


Offline STILLgotIT

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"Gynecosmastia or male breast reduction is nicely treated by removing the fat and glandular tissue. This is done using liposuction techniques through a small incision in the axillae (arm pit area). This results in a flatter breast with a smoother contour to the chest."

So they use liposuction - My memory is shady in my old age:  Aren't there two ways to do this, one of which is liposuction, which is more-so geared toward fat, and a second, which is more-so geared toward glands?

Call and ask if they do excision. Based upon the before and afters they must do excision. I saw many glandular cases that could never have achieved the results they did with a lipo-only approach.

Offline fiXXXer

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I contacted them:
All in all, it'll cost me ~$5,300.
I also asked one of the doctors if they only perform lipo, as listed on their website, and they said that they'll do incursion or lipo, depending on the case.

Now to get a loan... :-/

Where should I start?


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