Author Topic: New with questions.  (Read 4646 times)

Offline Curiousgeorge

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Ive recently 180lbs and 50 lbs from my goal. Ive done this because of the humiliation I feel because of the hole gynecomastia thing.  Ive weighed quite a bit all my life. So does that mean I do in FACT have gynecomastia or will it only be certain when my weight is lost? I excercise regularly and such as well so I dont know how it all is. Im not to sure what all causes one to have it. So does me being seriously overweight my entire life mean that there is no natural option to get my chest size as its accually suppose to be?

Offline Daveo

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Congrats on the weight loss.  As far as the gynecomastia, it depends on whether it's fat or gland.  If there is hard tissue, it's most likely gland.  If there is no hard tissue, it's probably fat, and may go away as you continue to lose weight.  Pictures would help in diagnosing the problem as well.

Offline Curiousgeorge

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I was reading the first post in another section on the board;action=display;num=1085955938;start=

and it seems I have shown all but one of those symptoms...and do so at a constant accually. I have recently seen a documentary on this so its what has me searching.  In truth alot of the feeling is soft and all but there is harder tissue toward the middle so I dont know if thats accually gland or fat . I really dont know.

Offline hypo

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Certainly if you have a lot of the symptoms as seen on the symptomatic test I included then you "might" have hypogonadism.

George If you want to ask me any questions regarding low testosterone you can ask me them here or via a private message.

Offline jc71

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I don't think the fact that you've been fat most of your life means you have it.  I was thin once and had a pretty bad case.  Gyne is caused by a hormone imbalance.  It is not caused by being fat. Although you may accumulate fat in the chest area if you're overweight. If you have gyne, it's a different type of fat that will not go away with healthy eating and an exercise routine. Fat is not Fat is not Fat is not Fat. Gyne fat is different.  See an endocrinologist, get some blood work done. Continue to drop weight. If you still have the fat in your chest and it can't be treated by the endocrinologist, see your local plastic surgeon.  Continued success.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2005, 10:54:27 AM by jc71 »

Offline hypo

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Do you not see that it is important to see an endocrinologist and have hormone pathology prior to seeing a plastic surgeon?

George has already stated that he is has many of the symptoms of hypogonadism.  It is important for him as it is for all people considering surgery to have the hormones checked out.

Offline hypo

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Lots of people want surgery, I certainly have no problem with that at all, I’m certainly looking at it.  

It’s just I like things to be in a prioritised order, as it only takes someone to miss out on that important first step and they may not end up getting their hormones checked at all and that can end up being a mistake with serious repercussions for some.


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