Author Topic: it came back!  (Read 5138 times)

Offline bjk99

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hey everyone,
     My problem began during puberty. By the time i was 21 or 22 my glandular tissue pretty much disappeared. No hard tissue could be felt just soft tissue, that is, untill about three weeks ago. I am now almost 27 and had been stressing about alot of things recently (including the appearance of my chest) and sort of developed a nervous tick of pinching my right nipple sort of in the hopes of breaking up the small amount of tissue left. Well sorry to say, i made things worse i think. About three weeks ago i felt some nipple pain and low and behold the old monster raised its ugly head again. Within a week or two i have developed hard glandular tissue the size of a marble eminating from the right nipple towards my armpit. Anyway some questions:

1) Could i have stimulated its growth by a month of hard piching?
2) I once read about drugs for recent onset, sort of like to shock the system or something. Anyone have any info?
3) Anyone ever had this problem of redevelopment?

Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 05:29:37 PM by bjk99 »

Offline TitSeeds

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can u feel it growing? maybe i'm paranoid but i swear u can feel gyne growing

Offline boobhater22

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Could you feel your bones growing when you got taller as a childer? Can you feel your wounds healing and such? No...I would be very surprised if you could feel your gyne would happen very, very slowly...otherwise if it grew at a fast rate, you'd have huge boobs in no time. so i think it may be your imagination.

Offline TitSeeds

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well as a kid, when your bones are growing, it does hurt and you can feel it. they even have a name for it, "growing pains."  so it is possible... and just as similiar, when you workout a lot, and your muscles start to grow, your skin gets really really itchy from the muscle growth stretching your skin to expand. likewise when you gain weight you get itchy skin from the extra pounds stretchin your skin to make way for more pounds.... it is possible.

the sensation i'm describing for gyne isnt really a pain, per se, it's weird but noticeable. it kind of feels like it's coming from a muscle via a slight ache.

Offline monzo

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if it itches or hurts it could be a sign of growth

Offline bjk99

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the development of the lump in my right side is fluxuating up and down. i really belive i caused it by pinching it for a couple months. i have read that it is possible. anyway, the lump changes daily. it will swell and hurt and then i will press on it and it will shrink. i may be aggravating the problem by messing with it because of the reasons i stated above for what i believe caused it. probably stimulating more production of prolactin. anyway, i have taken to icing it and i noticed a large improvement today. it shrunk by a large measure, probably by half. i also started taking turmeric today. it sounds promising. anyway here is a link
i will let you know. i have a doctor's appointment in 4 days and i will hopefully find out what is going on. maybe tamoxifen is in order? we'll see.

Offline rcbrown23

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if it itches or hurts it could be a sign of growth


Yes...sounds like you stimulated it with the "nipple pinching". Bet you'll never do that again. I don't know what to tell ya, hopefully it will resolve itself in the next few weeks. If it is growing and your 27...probably an underlying hormone issue. Maybe you've got some excess estrogen in your body just to the verge of breast growth, and the pinching pushed you over the line. Andractim might help...


Offline bjk99

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This ice is really working! it is really going down after about a half day of regular icing. I even found evidence to support my theory. This is a great article. Lots of info. although it its primarily about the female anatomy it mentions gynecomastia and is still very relevent. I am convinced that i induced a lactation response by pinching my right nipple a lot for over a month.

"Galactorrhea can result from any of the following mechanisms:

Activation of the afferent limb of the neuroendocrine arc. Examples include stimulation of the breast by suckling, excessive manual stimulation"

And a remedy-

"Breast-binding, ice, and avoidance of nipple stimulation will result in cessation of lactation in one week."

here is the sight:

Anyway, try icing your nipples it may soften the tissue, esp. during recent onset. worth a try right?

Offline Paa_Paw

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A trip to see an Endocrinologist could determine if there is a glandular problem and treat treat such a problem.

The same specialist could also just as likely give you a clean bill of health,  which would put your mind at ease.

Some people would argue that a consultation with an Endocrinologist is not necessary.  I would counter that it is a safe and intelligent thing to do.  

Information truly is power.
Grandpa Dan

Offline bjk99

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day 2 of icing and an ace bandage wrapped around chest during work. i noticed a large improvement after a few hours of icing but not exactly what i hoped for. but it does get quite soft after icing. still holding out hopes that this is just a temporary flare up.  go to the doctor in two days. of course the endocrinologist doesn't accept new patients without referral so i have to go to a general physician first. bloodsuckers!  has this happened to anyone else?

Offline ih8gynec

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Can you explain how you apply the icing? Thanks!

Offline bjk99

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i just put a bunch of ice in a bag and apply it to the nipple, over the t-shirt i am wearing. definitely am trying to be careful. it gets so numb i am afraid i will get frostbite. now that would be ugly. some major necrosis. anyway, when i get home from a day of work the nodule is about the size of a grape and stiff, turgid i.e. filled with milk!!?? anyway after some icing it definitely goes down by about half or more and becomes much softer. i am hoping it will just shrivel and die. if you haven't read my first post above, this is a recent flare up of hard gland that i thought had disappeared four years ago. i just wish i started the icing right when it started coming back. by the way i am also wrapping my chest up tight with a bandage during work. prevents the gland from filling up with fluid and keeps down swelling. i hope, however, it is not stimulating more prolactin production. but it seems to be working for now. still crossing my fingers.

I HATE THIS SHIT! what is worse is that i directly, yet unknowingly, caused this to come back. i wish i knew a few months ago what i know now about manual nipple stimulation and the production of prolactin. by the way, from what i have read, the standard nipple tweak for hiding puffy nips is not sufficient for the production of high levels of prolactin. it requires prolonged, hard squeezing. my right breast litterally thought i was breast feeding. sick but true.  this is all theory by the way but i am convinced. i am going to the doctor day after tomorrow so we will see. i will update.

Offline bjk99

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hey everyone,
well the ice works to bring down the swelling, kind of and it reduces the size but as soon as i stop it swells back to normal size, approx. the size of a grape. i cannot believe this. i only wish i had my old breast back! i am so depressed. had to postpone my doctor's appt. going the 1st of june. we'll see if he can do anything. what scares me was the rapidness of growth, from nothing to a grape in less than a month! it looks so weird, right side is now noticeably bigger. the gland is very hard already. i am at a loss, i really do not want surgery. any thoughts?


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