Author Topic: Can women's hormones affect men in the house?  (Read 3694 times)

Offline Bman41

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Ok, maybe silly question, but I don't know where to find out.

My family my wife and I have 4 kids, 2 boys, 2 girls.  My oldest son is 14, and my oldest daughter, 13.  She is budding and quite quickly all of a sudden, enough my wife are in our room talking "did you notice.....".  Can the hormone changes they are going through affect other people in the house?   

I have heard where women live in the same house that their cycles will change time to all be very close to each other.

Also, how long does having presence of hormones start to take an effect on the male body? 

Offline Ryuuk

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No. Unless you mean the way that you have to hide in the garage when they are pmsing.

Although the power of suggestion can do amazing things to the human mind, look at Christian 'miracle crusades' for instance.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You raise a very interesting question.

I always knew when my wife was pregnant, even before she knew. I had morning sickness every damn time while she never did.

It didn't stop anything though, I'm the father of eight.

If we are affected in that way, it should be reasonable to say that they are similarly affected by our hormones as well.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Ryuuk

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You raise a very interesting question.

I always knew when my wife was pregnant, even before she knew. I had morning sickness every damn time while she never did.

It didn't stop anything though, I'm the father of eight.

If we are affected in that way, it should be reasonable to say that they are similarly affected by our hormones as well.

See? Power of suggestion.

Well that or coincidence.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I suppose the greater question might be whether the effects are Psychological or Physiological.

Then again, it is known that saliva contains pretty much the same hornone levels as blood. If our perspiration has similar properties, sleeping right next to a person of the opposite sex might be analogous to wearing a trans-dermal hormone patch for 8 hours a day and equally impact each other to some extent.

Proving or disproving such a thing would require daily hormone tests of many couples over time. There would be many variables as well. For example: What is the room temperature and is an electric blanket in use? The effect may be more pronounced in a cold room where the couple huddle together for warmth unless the chill minimized the effect due to reduced perspiration.

This is something that could keep a room full of scientists busy for a very long time.

Offline Bman41

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My wife and I are close, we always have been. 

It would be a real pain to test and to have that many blood tests to test it.  But would be interesting...  Docs?  Any input on this one?

We do tend to know when her cycle is coming, daughter is still somewhat random and she is very shy about it.  So hormones in the house are running rampant. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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The "dirty old man" in me can percieve many possible outcomes of such a line of investigation.

If you had some effect upon each other and your Testosterone made her more horney while her Estrogen caused your breasts to enlarge, Would that really be a bad trade off?

Offline headheldhigh01

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directly no, since the quantities don't absorb into you, but...'re probably sensitive to them in some other way.  how else would a group of women's periods synchronize?  it only seems to make sense that evolution would make us aware of certain shifts in them also. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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