Author Topic: DIY surgery/treatment  (Read 5943 times)

Offline plato

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I read Gruff's thread on sucking out serum with a needle in post-op guys. Why about pre-op guys? How difficult/dangerous would it be to suck out glandular tissue without making much of a cut to increase chance of infection?


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I read Gruff's thread on sucking out serum with a needle in post-op guys. Why about pre-op guys? How difficult/dangerous would it be to suck out glandular tissue without making much of a cut to increase chance of infection?

I have seen horrible complications from patients who have tried their own surgery.  It can be a real mess and revision options sometimes are limited.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline hiufung88319

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I have seen horrible complications from patients who have tried their own surgery.  It can be a real mess and revision options sometimes are limited.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

OWN SURGERY?They cut the gland by himself?
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)

Offline jc71

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Wow. Think about that for a minute.

How psychologically damaging must gyne be for a guy to attempt his own surgery.  :o

Offline plato

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I wouldn't actually try it without learning more about what goes on in the procedur. Apparantly it is cut out rather the lipo'd out. How complicated would it be to cut it out? Make the incision, cut it out, research possible veins, nerves etc in the general region, and if it isn't too dangerous, just cut it out...and don't overdose on the laughing gas of course. Just asking, not like the knife is in my hand.

Offline ghostrider

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question to dr bermant...

i have noted your reply to gruffs diy procedure in this thread......i happen to think it is an excellent idea and seems easy enough to do and obviously very immediate and pleasing question is this seems so effective for getting out the unwanted fluid that causes so many people after this surgery to appear that they are still large breasted with puffy nipples and this idea of gruffs actually removes this fluid and makes the appearance pleasing immediatley.....why didnt surgeons think of this instead of putting in drains which generally only get bits of the fluid out.....and removing this fluid quickly seems so important in the overall recovery from scar tisue build up and also the overall contour of the chest.......???????????????.............also if i asked a surgeon or doctor after the surgery that i wanted this sucking out with the needle would they do it for me rather than having to do it i say this brings immediate results ..and after spending thousands on surgery this is what people want ...not to be told wait for a year and see how you look then....another year of missery after spending 10000s just to be told oh yes a revision is needed....look forward to your response ;D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 03:47:10 AM by ghostrider »

Offline manic91m9

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I wouldn't actually try it without learning more about what goes on in the procedur. Apparantly it is cut out rather the lipo'd out. How complicated would it be to cut it out? Make the incision, cut it out, research possible veins, nerves etc in the general region, and if it isn't too dangerous, just cut it out...and don't overdose on the laughing gas of course. Just asking, not like the knife is in my hand.

haha there are so many people who have had bad surgery by surgeons and even plastic surgeons who arent happy and yet you think u might give it a go urself.. haha u must have been dropped on your head.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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Sorry to post again,

I don't mean to 'hijack' this thread or anything  ;)

But I just remembered the funniest story of a guy on a documentary who built his own liposuction machine (sorry i'm laughing my a33 off as i'm typing this)

I think it was on discovery. The idiot actually managed to fairly sucessfully 'build this DIY' lipo machine! (apparently there's instructions on the net on how to build one) Pmsl. Oh my god am I the only one one who thinks this is hilarious?

Anyway now for the funniest part of all:

He actually managed to successfully suck out a load of fat. Or rather his mate did!!! Who used the machine for him.


He bought a load of that type of localised anaesthetic that surgeons and dentists use. He used too much, he overdosed on the stuff and died!!!



p.s (am i evil for finding that funny?)

for the record...i laughed for 5 mins straight when i read i evil? i could care less, that guys an idiot.
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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I read Gruff's thread on sucking out serum with a needle in post-op guys. Why about pre-op guys? How difficult/dangerous would it be to suck out glandular tissue without making much of a cut to increase chance of infection?


explains it all...anyways, if it was that easy wouldnt surgeons use this method


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Question for Dr Bermant,

Your regarded as one the best gyne surgeons on this board. If not the best.

However, if you developed a case of gyne, would you operate on yourself?


P.S I think I know the answer to this question  ;) However some people are so darn stupid. Perhaps you could answer it for them...

No, I would not operate on myself.  There is an old saying in medicine:

The doctor who has himself (herself) as a patient, has a fool for a doctor.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline orrible

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so who would you go to  ???


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