Author Topic: does it really take 6 months for you to get your full result?  (Read 3133 times)

Offline nomore-jiggles

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I'm currently at 4 months post op.  My results are good.  They're not as good as it was two weeks post op, but satisfactory to say the least. A definite improvement from what it was before.  I can wear a tshirt and even a tank top now which is something I never thought I would be able to do in my life time. 

I've read posts on here about guys freaking out about their swelling and scared that it will never go down.  Would it be safe to say that I probably won't see much difference from here on out or can I look forward to an even greater look at 6 months post op.  I can't imagine I'm going to experience more swelling this late. Any info would be nice. thanks

Offline cduub

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You will have more improvements because even at 4 months its still not the final result.My surgeon said 6 months to a year. So if you are happy now be ready to smile some more in the future my brotha! :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Some people heal faster and some are slower to heal. You could have gradual improvement over several months. There is actually a certain advantage to this as your shape will not change suddenly and give away what has been done. People who heal very fast seem to be prone to develop more in the way of scars.

Since you have expressed overall satisfaction, what difference does it make?
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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what they said. 

swelling can sometimes flare up unexpectedly after an op as a result of the invasiveness.  sometimes it happens, sometimes it won't.  so not all cases have people freaking out for the first half a year to a year, but some do.  it just depends. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Since you have expressed overall satisfaction, what difference does it make?

Grandpa Dan is right there!!!

Many gyne sufferers have an 'Ideal' in their mind as to how they 'want' their chest to look after surgery. Sorta like those male models in magazines with 'dime sized' areolas. Each and everyone of us have different bodies. No two are identical. Instead of 'Expecting' to 'look like' that model with the dime sized areolas after the procedure, shoot for an 'Improvement' as you mentioned, that will make your life a little more 'Bareable' to live. It's called having 'Realistic Expectations'.

There are many factors that come into play in regard to 'Final Results'... The skill of the surgeon, your body type/build, how your body heals (some take longer to heal / up to a full year), how you nurish your body, do you smoke / drink / do drugs etc. The list goes on...

As people heal at different rates, give it some more time dude. Four months for some, 'may' still be too early to experience final results...

Personally, all I wanted from surgery was to be able to go out in public wearing a t-shirt w/out eveyone gawking at me... I achived that!!! My surgery is not 'perfect'. The procedure is just a 'Fix', not a 'Cure'... Fixing something, most of the time, does not make it brand new or make it as if the damage never happened in the first place. Fixing something in many cases, 'Improves' the situation, it does not make it 'Perfect'...

Hang in there and give it some more time...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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