Author Topic: Dr. Oz letters/UPDATE MARCH 1 2012  (Read 8507 times)


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I have set 2 suggestions to the Dr. Oz show about doing a segment on gynecomastia. I gave them Dr. Jacobs contact info and he has said he would be happy to talk about gyne.

I think it would be great, if more people understood about this unknown problem, shared by many, and so misunderstood. We would not be hiding in the shadows, and feel as we do, if  people could be educated about it. Understanding and education is powerful!

I believe if more people would write to the Dr. Oz show, and ask them to do this, they may just do it! ( at the bottom of the page click on contact us.

I have included copies of the two e-mail that I sent.

e-mail #1
It was brought up on that it would be great if someone like Dr. Oz
would cover this on his show. As a fan of Dr. Oz and one who as a very bad case of gyne I
decided to suggest it.  Dr. Jacobs  is a regular poster on the forum, and is
located in New York as you can see in the info I have included below.
> Many men suffer from this and go though a lot of problems to hide or get rid of it
or just live with it. I think it would a service to all men and young men to bring this
very common, but not very well known problem out to the world to understand.

I am sorry for a seconded request so soon about doing a segment on gynecomastia,
however, after I let Dr. Jacobs know that I had set the first e-mail and included his
contact info his response was,

"Should they contact me, I would definitely want to speak on the subject
-- too long a taboo."

He is so correct, many men suffer a life time with this! If anyone can bring the
"taboo and shame" out of the shadows and to acceptance, Dr. Oz can!

Please take the time and look at and read the stories that people
have posted. I am almost 54 years old and live with very large breast (DDs). I have come
to except them and my wife has as well, because surgery is out of the question with me. I
could go on, however, my story is on the forum as well as so many others.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 04:47:26 PM by hammer »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Good Move in the right direction.

I think that there will always be a significaant number of men who will opt for surgery.

What I would hope is that for the remainder the ignorance and stigma will be removed.
Grandpa Dan


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I don't think it matters if you have surgery or not Paa_Paw. Even if you plan for surgery, but need to get to an ideal weight, or save the money. You have to live with the problem for some time. So surgery or not, the ignorance and stigma should and must be removed.

However, that being said, it is an uphill battle and a fight that will be fought for years, but we have to start somewhere.


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I know that the end of the year is a very busy time for most of us all, but it would be nice to know if anyone else has sent anything to Dr. Oz. I see that the post is getting noticed, however the comments have been few, noting that comment are not always necessary, however, I am wondering how others feel about getting this brought out to a more open, public forum.

Offline shaknbake

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I think that would be great!  The only reason I even know about this site is because I saw the documentary with Merle (the site founder) on t.v.  If memory recalls, I thought I read a post here awhile back that noted something about Dr.Jacob's being a guest on similar show..."The Doctor's"?  He was there to speak specifically about gynecomastia.  I could be wrong though....My memory is awful!  ;D  If seeing information about gynecomastia on t.v helped me find such a helpful support site, I can only imagine how may people would be helped by seeing it on such a popular show as Dr. Oz!   
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Yes, I was on "The Doctors" show in May, 2010 talking about gynecomastia.

The show has since taken down the direct link so that it is no longer on the net.

However, I am in process of trying to upload it to my own gyne website.

Re Dr Oz -- it would be helpful if many on this forum would contact him -- by mail, email, twitter, whatever -- in trying to get him to talk about it on his show.  In particular, it should be aimed at adolescents, who suffer in silence and cannot take action for themselves due to their youth.  And many parents are just totally misinformed about the condition (as are many doctors).

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Mothas

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This is a great idea


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Yes, this is a "great idea"! Please send an e-mail to suggest to the Dr. Oz show about doing a segment on gynecomastia. Send it to The more they get, the better chance they may do the segment.

We need to do a sit in, without leaving our homes. Oh my, am I showing my age again? LOL

Offline hatingdaboobs

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Great idea i,m now in my thirties and just learned about what gyne really is in the last 2 or 3 years. I would to have loved to learned about it or my parents learned about it when I was a teenager. The more information we can get out there the better. I'll shoot them an email too.


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That is great, thanks for sending the e-mail! I hope that more do the same! It will help each of us and everyone that comes after us! Our children and grandchildren, we need to stop the needless suffering!


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Dr. Jacobs has asked for 10,000 e-mails and I support that too as do many others! Lets educate the public and the insurance company's!

Go to ( very bottom of the page in the black section, on the right hand side. The fifth one down is "contact us" click on that and fill out the form and suggest a segment on gynecomastia. We need to flood them with e-mails so they will do this!


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I am replying to my own message, because I want everyone to read this and make the time to write a short e-mail to the Doctor Oz show! do this for yourself, your son or grandson, do it now!

I asked Dr. Jacobs if he has heard anything on his post and I copied & pasted his reply below.

No, unfortunately no communication from Dr Oz.

I think the only way we could get this to his attention is to overwhelm him with emails on the subject.

Dr JAcobs

Offline Paa_Paw

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Message sent, No reply as yet.


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I sent another e-mail today and gave them my user name and asked that they read my story and others. I also asked that they let me know what their thoughts on the subject are.

I sure hope that more of you, both members and guest are sending their e-mails to request that they do a segment on gynecomastia.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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I sent a very impassioned email to Dr Oz -- received only an automated "thank you for submitting but we cannot reply to every individual email."  So far, nothing.

Dr Jacobs


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