Author Topic: Erection Problems  (Read 11671 times)

Offline kindherb42

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I have had slight gyno for like 2 years and 9 months.  I have gotten my hormones checked several times by different endo's and one regular doctor that took blood and then sent it away to some lab or something and everytime they said my hormones are perfectly fine.

The last endo i went to put me on 20mg/day Tamoxifen to see if it will reduce/rid me of the gyno i have because it bothers me a lot.

Well for i'll guess the last like 8 months i havn't been able to obtain a "full" erection.  It used to get completely stiff, no way it could bend, and it would face more up.

Well now, it will not get fully hard.  Like its hard to have sex or anything because it sometimes can even bend as if it were limp.  It is no way near as hard as it used to be/should be.  And it does not get as erect (instead of facing kinda up like before it's just parallel with the ground).  It is really bothering me.  

I workout all the time and am serious about bodybuilding and i have a high protein diet.  I'm thinking that maybe i'm taking in too much protein, could that possibly do it? Like maybe substitute some of the protein for some carbohydrates instead.

Please any help will be greatly appreciated, i'm going to be 17 next month!! i shouldnt be having erection problems!


Thanks again

Offline dallasguy12

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Perhaps your ED is being caused by the Tamoxifen citrate. I've read that impotence can be a side effect from the discontinuation of tamoxifen therapy in male patients. Have you talked to your doctor about the issue?

I'd suggest searching for ED causes and Tamoxifen side effects. Also since you mentioned that you're a fitness enthusiast I'd suggest visiting It's an incredible website for people interested in bettering themselves physically and mentally. Be sure to check out the pictures section of his website!

Good luck!

Offline kindherb42

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Thanks, but I've had the erection problems BEFORE using the Tamoxifen.  Now i'm actually starting to get "morning wood" again, after starting the Tamoxifen but still can't get a fully hard erection  :-/

I AM stressed a lot also so that could have something to do with it maybe.

Offline dallasguy12

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Would you happen to smoke pot by any chance? From just doing a very brief search on 'erectile dysfunction in teens' I came up with a few that might fit the bill: over masturbation and pot smoking.

Try this out:

Offline kindherb42

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I actually used to smoke weed 24/7 for about a year but i havn't in probably around 10 months.  I'm extremely scared over here- no lie.  

I remember i tried something called jelqing where you kinda of pull your penis while it's semi-erect to largen it overtime and i'm scared as shit that i may have screwed up the tissues and veins in it.

Offline doddy

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One total testosterone range is from about 200 to 1000.
Most doctors that know little about hormone will tell you that as long as you are in that range you are ok.  If you are in the bottom 1/4 of the range you are like an 80+ year old man.  Most of us should be in the upper 1/3 of the range.

On the estrogen E2 range of 20 to 52 they will say that anywhere in the range is OK.  If you are in the 30+ range you will probably have boobs.

If you are in the lower 1/4 of the "T" and/or in the upper 1/4 of the "E2"  you will probably have ED.

When I was first tested I was below the "T" range & way above the "E2" high limit.

Many women had the levels that I had for "T" & "E2".

Try another doctor that specializes in hormones.

Offline jc71

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You may want to look at this:;action=display;num=1121613064

Doddy, I thought I told you I didn't want you posting here anymore.  >:(

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Ok lets be sure that I have got this right.  You are saying that since you have been on Tamoxifen your erection problems have improved?  Maybe not as much as you would like but better than before you started taking it?

If this is the case then I think I can explain why, but a word of caution to everyone first who may get the wrong end of this  .... don’t go taking Tamoxifen without an Endos say so.  He/she will do a full range of tests on your hormones first ... listen to him or her .. do not self medicate because if you do so in ignorance, you could mess up your endocrine system big time.  Tamoxifen should not be used to increase testosterone levels per say.  I have been on courses of Tamoxifen and my LH and testosterone levels have increased whilst on the drug.

Firstly you need to understand what Tamoxifen is and what it does.  It’s a drug called an anti oestrogen.  In simple terms it blocks the oestrogen receptors in your body from absorbing oestrogen.  Tamoxifen is the drug that some Endos will prescribe to halt the growth of gynecomastia but usually only after running a full hormone profile on your blood first.  Now taking Tamoxifen has all sorts of pluses and minuses but one thing it does do is actually raise your Testosterone and LH levels.  All that oestrogen that would have been absorbed by your receptors is now floating around in your blood and the body says .. hey .. this is too much .... and it increases the testosterone to try to counterbalance it.  This really is the simple and short version of the story but hopefully you get my drift.  I would say that it is quite possible that this increase in your testosterone levels is actually helping your ED (Erectile Dysfunction) problem.  If I were you I would go back to your Endo and tell him all this because he will be able look deeper into the original cause of your erection problems which are quite possibly linked to your gynecomastia anyway.  Your hormones may have been in the "normal" range when they were tested but where each one fell within the range is important, as is the balance between the hormones.  You also say that you are stressed a lot.  Of course stress is a common cause of erection problems and this might be the sole reason for your ED.  My advice would be go back to your Endo and tell him everything you are experiencing.  Good luck and keep us posted.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline kindherb42

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Thanks a lot guys.  ^^ excellent post

I actually just called the office and they are going to fax the report to me so i can see the actual numbers.  Hopefully i get the thing by tonight so i can post up the numbers and see where i fall.  

But, that report was done BEFORE taking the Tamoxifen which i have been on since June 7th so I'm guessing my estrogen is lowered now and testosterone has risen probably.

Offline doddy

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Doddy, I thought I told you I didn't want you posting here anymore.  >:(


Offline hdpilot

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Thanks for all the information about Tamoxifen, hormone balance, etc.  I posted a question about it two or more weeks ago and didn't get any response, but this thread has helped.  I have the classic painful  "ball", "knot", whatever behind one of my nipples that, after mammogram and sonogram and biopsy, it was declared as gynecomastia.  I also had the hormone blood test and it showed that I was in the "normal" range of testosterone and esttrogen BUT, at the top 1/4th of est and bottom 1/3 of test.  Bingo... normal range, but probably out of balance.

It was recommended that I go on Tamoxifen but after doing a google search and reading about it and seeing some of the side effects (possible acceleration of some cancers) AND possible impotence, I decided to live with the small gyno.  I've never had anything but very occasional ED problems (I'm 59 years old) and don't want to start now since I'm hitting an age where that's going to be enough of a worry without taking drugs that could make it worse.  I have the Tamoxifen in the medicine cabinet but probably won't take it unless things get out of hand.

This is an excellent group that provides a lot of good information in what is generally a very sensitive and understanding way.  I suppose at my age, I don't have a lot of the issues (dating and acceptance in school) that seem to bother the guys in their teens and 20's, but I think we are all sort of in the same boat and any support, help, and advice we can give each other is good.  I'm a grandpa with a wife that is very understanding about this latest of what seems to be another of a lot of issues about what's happening to me as I turn into and old coot.  

Offline Paa_Paw

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You have described yourself as 16, soon to be 17. and your have already seen two different Endocrinologists and one General Practitioner.  With all telling you essentially the same thing.  You also are having erectile problems and admit to a high level of stress.

When reduced to that few words, I think you can see how your actions would seem to be obsessive.

There are much worse things than having Gynecomastia. Two of them are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Your next Doctor visit should be with a Psychologist to either rule out or treat those conditions.

What is happening between your ears is more important that what is on your chest.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2005, 01:46:22 AM by Paa_Paw »
Grandpa Dan

Offline kindherb42

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The first M.D. and the Plastic surgeon i saw said that i have body dismorphic disorder, but i like can't believe it.  It's hard to look at yourself and actually see these big puffy nipples and then try to tell yourself "It's just you imagining it".

Ya know what I'm saying?

I do stress a lot though and my girlfreind and sister and parents say i stress way too much and am obsessive about my body (i workout too).  Like my girlfreind and my parents say I should just be a boy, not constantly worry about stupid stuff like sugars in juices and eating a peice of candy sometimes (i eat all clean basically) and thinking if I ever go out and drink, smoke weed, or party at all with my friends (most teens around here do this kinda stuff) that my chest will grow.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2005, 08:14:08 PM by kindherb42 »

Offline Youngboi

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I do stress a lot though and my girlfreind and sister and parents say i stress way too much and am obsessive about my body (i workout too).  Like my girlfreind and my parents say I should just be a boy, not constantly worry about stupid stuff like calories in a drink and thinking if I ever go out and drink with my friends that my chest will grow.

Personally i do the same thing that you do. Im 15 and am always worried about what i eat. But you sound a lot more open about it then me. Dont want your parents and gf to know that you dont wana eat to lose weight? Well then when you are out then eat a decent ammount but dont eat anything for the rest of the day. Or try to eat things like salads (girls sometimes dig a guy that can refuse a steak and eat a salad and enjoy it) I know this is totally off topic but im just saying that it sounds like everyone knows about your 'obession' and they really shouldnt if you dont want them to. Dont look at the calaries right in front of everybody or look nonchalant while doing it.


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