Author Topic: Frequent Growth Spurts?  (Read 15110 times)

Offline taxmapper

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Atill awaiting results.  Chromosome hopefully soon.  The SBGH is high and may indicate other issues 

Online WPW717

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I have found that the SBGH can be elevated in the older males , my Endocrinologist told me this too.

Despite having no testosterone my FSH & LH remained highly elevated for years. Finally came down probably from pituitary exhaustion 

The human body is a mighty mystery at times. The trends over time provide the clearest diagnostic picture

I hope the future and data provide you with an answer.
Regards, Bob

Offline Justagirl💃

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Basic Care Plan review, blood drawn for a BMP, and notes from specialist on the imaging of my liver. 

Cirrhosis of the liver and benign cysts will be checked every 6 months to carefully watch them. 

Recent light lactating on my breasts might simply be because of hormone fluctuations, and let them know if it continues. Swelling of the breasts is because my "milk came in" and will subside. Don't "milk" the breasts if I want them dry up. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Online WPW717

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Don’t milk … DUH !

Retired 8 years ago from practice as an OR/ICU RN & I can tell you amazing stories of how good the interns were then.
I had to teach 2 of them how to to tell time on an analog clock, they couldn’t use anything other than a digital clock 

Sorry for you plight, Justagirl

Offline Parity

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Birdie,  I hope things settle down for you.  Now milk has let down.  I hope there isn't another health issue to deal with regarding this.  What would the center say if you came in and said I couldn't find eggs to take in but I brought in milk. 
Chin up. Seriously, I hope you figure things out and are all right.  With all health issues.

  I just had to go back a few pages to see when it was I mentioned my growing pains.  Jan. 14.  Last evening, this morning and even now I am having the same sensations.  Tingling and some throbbing, not uncomfortable but things are awake and changing.  Makes me wonder about the timing.  Others have mentioned something about a "monthly" cycle.  Been 4 weeks for me here.  Probably not, just kinda funny I guess.  

Offline taxmapper

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Its not like I have a beard and weaing a skirt, or advertising in any way. Dress is normal typical male, but being in a breast center seems to cause the issue. This is typically a female only area.

Online WPW717

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Worked 17 years in last job in Gyn Oncology as my home base.
Rarely met a Karen in those years, and the ones I do run into were usually playing for the ‘other team ‘. Most were amenable to me after a few minutes of discussion. This was  in PNW Seattle metropolitan area. I am aware of regional cultural differences as I also pioneered traveling nurse in the 80’s.
I guess just smile and be pleasant will be the optimum approach.
I learned so much by being a traveler.

Offline taxmapper

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They did put me in the pancake maker and am a bit sore.   Next up the ultrasounds 

Online 50/50

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I had to have a mammogram last year. Not a fun experience 

Offline taxmapper

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So they passed on the ultrasound because nothing was there except now medically confirmed BOOB!

Online WPW717

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Been there done that
Got the T shirt

… they made me take it off! 😳

Offline Justagirl💃

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My last mammogram I waited in the waiting room for almost 6 hours. I sat there and watched several people going in and out and leave. I was quite upset.

When it finally came my turn they had two technicians in the room with me which I saw as odd. They normally only had one in the room with me. So I asked them why, and why it took almost 6 hours to get in.

One of the technicians was quite honest with me, and informed me that they were waiting until they could have two technicians in a room with me at all times. The other technician felt uncomfortable to be alone in the room with me.

So I asked her, "what is a 60-year-old intersex individual in a wheelchair going to do to a healthy young lady that can easily escape if I did something uncalled for?"

Her reply,"well she needed to feel comfortable."

Offline AlfaQ

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What an appalling situation for you.  Do they need 2 female nurses present to carry out a male catheterization?   I have had a female nurse arrive alone at my house to attend to a catheter I had with no issues. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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What an appalling situation for you.  Do they need 2 female nurses present to carry out a male catheterization?  I have had a female nurse arrive alone at my house to attend to a catheter I had with no issues.
I get a mammogram every year since 1989 after surviving breast cancer, lumpectomy and chemotherapy.
That was the first time I ever had an issue. I hope it never happens again.

Offline gotgyne

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My last mammogram I waited in the waiting room for almost 6 hours. I sat there and watched several people going in and out and leave. I was quite upset.

When it finally came my turn they had two technicians in the room with me which I saw as odd. They normally only had one in the room with me. So I asked them why, and why it took almost 6 hours to get in.

One of the technicians was quite honest with me, and informed me that they were waiting until they could have two technicians in a room with me at all times. The other technician felt uncomfortable to be alone in the room with me.

So I asked her, "what is a 60-year-old intersex individual in a wheelchair going to do to a healthy young lady that can easily escape if I did something uncalled for?"

Her reply,"well she needed to feel comfortable."
Such things should NOT happen. I even would see it as a discrimination against you.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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