Author Topic: Growth near 30s??  (Read 3669 times)


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I have begun developing breasts probably 6 mos or so ago. Started off slowly and honestly thought nothing of it till i began seeing creases in my armpit area and even tightness across my shirts and hanging when bending over and then the growth pains came in 3 to 4 mos in worse then the slow growth caused. Been to my GP and 2 endos and neither can find any cause for it. They seem to continue to grow and i fear im nearing the need for slight support.
Curious if anyone else in their late 20s developed breasts? It seems most did later in age oradolescence through teen years. Just curious if my hormone tests are fine and my cancer screens are clean and my weight def isnt an issue at 180lbs 5 ft 11. Then what could be causing it. I have a gf wbo seems understanding but found it odd docs cant find why since something obviously is off and kinda nervous if they get much bigger the showing theyll give in my shirts. Im not embarrassed and dont intend on switching from fitted shirts to patterns and pockets but do feel bad for my gf or friends if they feel put off by the growing breasts that werent there before.
Anyone else my age ever start developing randomly?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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I agree with you -- developing gyne in your mid twenties is a bit unusual.  My first advice would be to consult with an endocrinologist -- but you have already done that.  The next concern is what medications (prescribed or over the counter) you may be taking and what are their side effects.  Also, are you taking any anabolic steroids, prohormones or food supplements (which might contain hormone like substances).  You might also check any possible environmental exposure at work or play or even in your home.
If all is normal, then we may have to attribute the growth to "idiopathic" -- which is medicalese for "we just don't know."
Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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I am on no medications at all, and honestly can't remember the last time I was ill enough to really seek medical help for medicine. Only supplements I take is Zinc and Cat's Claw. Which are 2 supplements I have been taking for quite some time. I did take a few natural herbs a couple years ago for awhile when I was getting in to working out. I wanted to jump start the build but not do it anabolically with steroids or anything that may harm me and I guess the few herbs took gave a hormonal imbalance. I went to the Dr. when my skin became incredibly softer, hairs on body turned very faint, and things down stairs just weren't feeling right..worked right just felt "rubbery" and fluids were noticably thinner. Tests showed lower than normal testosterone but said it could bounce back but could take up to 18 months usually for hormonal systems to rebalance fully. Things returned to normal and nothing happened to my chest in the mean time but could the T still be lower than normal and doctors just not seeing a reason for it to be made aware of? 
Other than the prior the only supplements I take are the Zinc, Cat's Claw and a natural whey protein from a company called Dymatize that is an iso-100 protein and hydralized. 
I work around chemicals and greases in a shop but wear a mask to keep from inhaling it just cause of my personal health preferences to not want to inhale it. So Im not sure if xenoestrogens could be a culprit. 
Is it completely rare for someone in their later twenties to begin developing breasts? I'm worried about adult hypogonadism being a possibility, from what i've googled trying to find a reason that seems to be one of the only things that match but wouldn't blood tests concur it

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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It is quite possible that there indeed was a temporary hormonal imbalance, which may have started the development of your gyne.  Also, you don't really know what was in those "herbs."  And yes, hypogonadism can occur at any age for unknown reasons.  So bottom line, there are a number of possible reasons -- but you will never know for sure.
Dr Jacobs


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Woukdnt i be infertile and other feminine traits if it was hypogonadism though? Or can it present itself in specific traits? And if theres no known cause am i hypothetically just stuck in a rut as they grow and develop till they decide not to? 


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