Author Topic: Gyne + puberty..  (Read 1967 times)

Offline Jackd

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Hi, new to the forums, only just got decided to post up, can't face this summer at all so need to do something about it.

I know gyne can be caused by puberty and that it'd often go away on its own as you get older, if this is true?

Well I am 22, but I don't look a day over 16, I have gyne and have had it since I was about 13. I want to know if maybe the gyne will go away when I finally do finish growing? If this is a likely possibility or if I'm stuck with it until I have an op?

I am struggling this year with work as I work on building sites, can't face another summer of wearing a jumper, having the piss taken out of me almost every minute of every day! I am going to the gym and training a bit, have lost about 10lbs since january but don't feel/look much different yet. I am looking to get a compression shirt in the hope it'll flatten me enough to wear a shirt through summer whilst training etc, I know it's not a cure.. if by this time next year I still have the problem I'm going to have to look at going to the docs and booking for an operation.

Any help would be great, life sucks when you look so much younger than you are AND can't wear what you like!!!!

Offline 15ineedhelp

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Welcome to the forums..

Im no doctor but havnt you stopped growing at 22??
I think if it has stayed with you for 9 years then I dont think it will go away!!
Get a compression vest like you said its not a cure but it really helps.



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