Author Topic: GYNECOMASTIA SURGERY FINALLY DONE!!  (Read 5480 times)

Offline gynespain

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well, i dont feel so lucky after all, yesterday in the afternoon, i felt a sharp and intense pain, that couldnt be removed with the standard painkillers
i called my Ps and he told me that after he removed the drains, i could suffer some swelling and the body doesnt have an escape like u have when the drains are connected, then the tissue starts swelling and u feel the pain because of the compression bandage is making preassure against it
i was pretty worried about it, because i thought some nerve was there injured, so imagine if u feel that pain for long time or something, u cant do a normal life; i only felt the pain in the left side, thats why i was worried
anyway, in the evening it stopped, last time i checked it, my tissue on the left side was bigger than the right one and very hard, even the top part that shouldnt be affected directly, becaise everything was in the nipple area
this morning, i woke up really good, no pain at all, and the swelling dissapeared in the upper part of the left chest and its of the same texture than the right side
so everything is perfect again, but u know, once u have removed ur drains, u can suffer some pains and swellings
just be prepared for it and it wont be a big deal after all

Seems like the exact type of thing that happened to me. But mine went away after like 5-6 days. Grats on the op.
thanks, good luck for you too

i went in my 5th day post op to my PS, and the swelling is not regular swelling, its just hematoma + seroma, very little, he told me he wouldnt even put a needle there to drain it, it was not worth, i had to wait till its gone, the body will absorb it
it got quite smaller already, both sides of my chest have already almost the same size

question for doctors, how much time can take a seroma to be absorbed if everything develops correctly, as average


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