Author Topic: Gyno surgery next week, what to expect?  (Read 4120 times)

Offline jason_w

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I'm kind of worried, never been put to sleep before and shit

Kind of worried for the outcome, i have no money but can't deal with this any longer so i went to a doctor through ohip, i'm pretty anti social so i don't care what it looks like, as long as its flat or flatter, even it was indented or whatever, i don't swim, i never have my shirt off, i just want the puffiness gone and yeah

went with  a plastic surgeon in my city (only one in ontario i found) that can do it through OHIP

problem is, it doesn't even say on his website that he does/did these procedures, nothing about gynecosmastia on the website.. but i have no other choice, as long as it looks flatter than now, i could care less if indented or what not,

hows it feel to be put to sleep? are you in a lot of pain when you wakeup?

kind of embarassed still, don't want any hot nurses // people i knew from school that work at the new hospital to know i have this/had this, i told people at work it was a surgery on my knee..

basically, i just hope he takes as much out as possible, even a little flatter is a okay with me, hes a plastic surgeon not a general, only benefit

Offline Sid Farkus

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Being put to sleep is nothing to worry about. They hook you up to an IV, you lie down and then when you wake up the operation is over as if no time passed at all. It feels almost like time travel.

You shouldn't be in much pain because your chest will still be numb from the local anesthesia. They'll also probably give you some painkillers to take home for when the anesthesia wears off. If they put drains in they'll be a little uncomfortable, but it's not too bad.

I totally sympathize with just wanting to get ride of your gyne no matter what, but I am concerned to hear that you're going to a regular plastic surgeon who may not have experience with gyne patients. Not because it will be unsafe, but because you risk not getting good results. I know you say now that you don't care what it looks like so long as it's flatter, but if you read the stories of people who went with non-gyne surgeons you'll see that most of them do end up caring if they end up with indented nipples, etc.

Now, I guess if you're not paying for the procedure it might be worth a shot, and if you're not satisfied you could save up and some day have a gyne specialist do a revision. I dunno.

Can you contact your surgeon to ask him about his gyne experience, if any, and his specific plans for the surgery? Will he remove gland as well as fat? How flat does he plan on making the chest? Where will his incisions go? If you search the forums you should find a post that has a list of questions to ask your surgeon.
IMHO, this is not something to want to do in haste or without as much information as possible.

Best of luck!


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Sid took the words right out of my mouth:  [IMHO, this is not something to want to do in haste or without as much information as possible quote][/quote]

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline jason_w

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yeah i get all that, but at the same time

i'm like 20 years old, in school

by the time my program is finished, and i payback my loans from school, i'll be around 30 years old

there goes the best 20 years of my life because of having this, having ohip covered is the best thing that's ever happened to me, i can't picture the surgery being that hard, im really low body fat percentage, not like most guys who get it done, i can't picture a surgeon messing up, when all there is to do is cut my nipple half off and take out the gland tissue underneath, as long as it's flatter, its good, i just want to be able to work out again without having to try to hide this everyday

you'd think a procedure that obviously affects self esteem/and everyday life would be covered though

really only met with him once, he said the incisions will go right under the nipple, and he will take out as much as he can without it going indented, because he said it's harder to fix an indentation than it is to leave a little too much gland tissue intact

just watching some of the procedures on youtube steer me away from ever wanting to pay for this, in toronto doctors wanted 4000 for this..

on the youtube videos they do both glands in under 30 minutes, 4 grand for 30 minutes seems like a fortune when you're in school and in debt

this is basically the only shot i'll ever have to get it done, unless i wait 10 years, and by than i probably wont even care anymore, because it would of already ruined everything else in my life by then, i'll have to test my luck i guess.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Good luck to you!

Dr Jacobs

Offline jason_w

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thank you

damn, they told me i can't eat for 12 hours before my surgery, thats going to be the hardest part

Offline GlandMan

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I visited 4 surgeons before I made the final decision. 2 of them said I only needed lipo and 1 aid I only needed an excision of breast tissue. I ultimately selected the 1 who said I needed a combo of both lipo and excision, even though he was the most expensive by far.

In my first post op visit he showed me pictures of what he had taken out and I DEFINITELY needed lipo and excision, just like he said and all the doctors on here say, (well in 99% of cases). If I had settled for one or the other I wouldn't have had much improvement.

What I learned in my experience of shopping around for a doctor is that the majority of average plastic surgeons simply do not know how to do this procedure. It seems simple but most surgeons do not see many gynecomastia cases, they mainly do boob jobs.

I know how appealing something for free or cheap is. I was close to choosing one of the inexperienced doctors using your same logic of "it can't be that hard of a procedure". I am so glad I didn't because I most likely would have had a deformity after. That's why experienced gyne surgeons do so many revisions.

Offline jason_w

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i know its smarter to wait but, but the time i have enough money to dish out for this i'll be like 30 like i said

eitehr that or i wouldn't care anymore because of how old i am by the time i got it done, i rather not have it ruin my early years

oi dont care much about deformities, as long as its flat/flatter with a shirt on, its okay with me

right now i cant even leave my house without wearing like 10 sweaters or a compression shirt on

Offline jason_w

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i'll post some befores/afters and maybe some people can decide whether or not they want to rush this operation or not

at least something good like that might come of it XD

Offline jason_w

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also i dont get why everyone sys liposuction

i have the same body as this guy, and he says lipo is not needed

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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I think you should believe absolutely everything you read or see on the internet.

Dr Jacobs

Offline jason_w

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I think you should believe absolutely everything you read or see on the internet.

Dr Jacobs

does that statement also go with you and the other one or two doctors saying lipo is ALWAYS needed for decent results? or is that just a reason to charge another 1000+ dollars per 10 minutes of work? just wondering.

I guess next week when i get this done it'll put that theory to the test


Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Being put to sleep is nothing to worry about. They hook you up to an IV, you lie down and then when you wake up the operation is over as if no time passed at all. It feels almost like time travel.

You shouldn't be in much pain because your chest will still be numb from the local anesthesia. They'll also probably give you some painkillers to take home for when the anesthesia wears off. If they put drains in they'll be a little uncomfortable, but it's not too bad.

I totally sympathize with just wanting to get ride of your gyne no matter what, but I am concerned to hear that you're going to a regular plastic surgeon who may not have experience with gyne patients. Not because it will be unsafe, but because you risk not getting good results. I know you say now that you don't care what it looks like so long as it's flatter, but if you read the stories of people who went with non-gyne surgeons you'll see that most of them do end up caring if they end up with indented nipples, etc.

Now, I guess if you're not paying for the procedure it might be worth a shot, and if you're not satisfied you could save up and some day have a gyne specialist do a revision. I dunno.

Can you contact your surgeon to ask him about his gyne experience, if any, and his specific plans for the surgery? Will he remove gland as well as fat? How flat does he plan on making the chest? Where will his incisions go? If you search the forums you should find a post that has a list of questions to ask your surgeon.
IMHO, this is not something to want to do in haste or without as much information as possible.

Best of luck!


Well-said Sid!


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