Author Topic: HAD SURGERY, BUT GYNO COMING BACK!!!  (Read 22126 times)

Offline therick0145

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  I lost my old username and password...
Anyway, im 21 and I am in a terrible situation.  I finally got my surgery done!  I have waited so long for this...
I thought it turned out great, minimal scarring, etc.

  Except it has already started to return!!!! I can feel the small hard areas under the nipples, and the right side has already started ot return to its cone shapedness when the muscle behind it is relaxed.  The right nipple is puffy once again and both nipples are approximately the size of a quarter.  

   My surgeon noticed it when I came back to him ahead of schedule, he was so proud 4 weeks after the surgery, and it seems that now it is regressing, basically this was a waste of 6000 dollars!  >:(

   I am now being put on TESTIM, a sort of testosterone.. my level is about 315, below the average 400 area.  Im wondering if I should take NOVLADEX, an anti-estrogen with this, and try and get some low-level radiation.. maybe I can kill it before im permanantly stuck with it again.  Let me know if anyone has any ideas!

[I work out and eat healthy all the time, my gyno isnt huge, but it still exists, I will have as many surgeries as it takes.]  :-/

Offline therick0145

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      By the way, I live in SUMMIT, NJ... my surgeron's name is Dr. Reza Momeni... excellent doctor, I just don't understand what else I can do.  

      He told me to come back in 2 months time and if my condition has stabilized, he says we can do something to make my right nipple (the slightly puffier one) harden, ill lose sensitivity, but I could care less about that.

     At this point im worried about the TESTIM I got from my endcrinologist, im looking for ways to stop or slow down my gyno development, and if this backfires ill be honest I may blow my brains out... (j/k).

    But if anyone is in the same boat, id be happy to hear from ya.  (Ill post some recent pictures soon, maybe I can get a hold of my pre-op, post-op, and current pics for comparison).

-- Rick

Offline chicagobuffed

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I would get on some Novaldex fast. Take at least 20mg/day. I mysef take 40mg a day.
I'm in the same boat as you. I had the surgery, and after 3 weeks I felt my chest and the lumps were/are still the same size. I was furious with my surgeon, of course, and he asked me to wait a year. He said it was scar tissue and swelling and that if I needed this done again that he would waive his fee to do it again. My gut told me he was bull sh i tt ing but I decided to trust him. And sure enough a year passed and they're still there. He of course now denies offering me a redo. I was very inexperienced at the time and didn't know about this board. I should have gotten something in writing. But I must ad that I met this surgeon in the past in a social setting so I felt like I could trust him. I'm in the process now of taking him to small claims court. He has a lawyer defending him trying to shoot down my every complaint. I hope justice and truth prevails.


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Is your estrogen E2 high by a blood test?

If it is in the upper 1/3 of the range or over range it should be lowered.  But if it gets too low it can also cause other problems.

Always get the male & female hormones balanced before surgery.  This means hormones tests a couple of times a year to keep it checked.

Some guys have reported swelling a few weeks after surgery that went away after a few more weeks.

Good luck

Offline therick01452

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Thanks for the responses....    

    My endocrinologist Dr. Rosenbaum at Summit medical group is being completely unsympathetic.  I asked him the other day about an estrogen blocker, and he brushed the idea off fairly quickly.  I used the test. for the first time this morning, it is some strong stuff!  But I am very worried it will adversly affect me.  

    It seems like I am wearing out my welcome asking these doctors all these questions.  Most don't seem very receptive or sound like they've heard of these ideas before.  Weird.  Should I take Novladex on my own?  I don't know whats worse.  My surgeon is by far the best one to talk to.. but he is always busy and he doesn't know much about hormone therapy.

Offline chicagobuffed

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Novaldex isn't all that unsafe to take. It won't lower your body's estrogen production but block the receptor sites to where the estrogen would go, like breast areas for example. It's not unsafe. You could take 20 mg a day and should be fine.
Otherwise find another doctor, keep looking. Your money is yours and you have a right to get what you're paying for. I usually don't ever get along with doctors because they are so full of themselves.
I'd call another doctor and ask questions as to how the doctor feels about prescribing this or that, the recpetionist should give you an idea if the doctor is for medication or not. I fired a doctor once because he denied me twice for medications related to other things.
You may want to check out Quest Laboratories for doing a blood panel on your own. I am going to do that soon myself. It's about the cost of a doctor's visit but hey you'll still have to pay for both if you go through a doctor. Might as well save some money.

Offline STILLgotIT

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It is probebly best to see a PS that is an expert in Gyne. See one of the Docs in this board for a 2ed opinion.

There are plenty of surgeons who can do gyne. You don't need a "gyne specialist." But, you want someone who at least does it often.

Find a PS local to where you live and you'll be much better off.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is mention of an Endocrinologist, but I didn't see anthing to indicate whether you had seen the Endocrinologist prior to surgery.

The ultimate responsibility for the success of surgery lies with the patient.  It is important to know in advance if there is any hormonal problem which may cause regrowth and these conditions need to be dealt with before consulting a surgeon.  Often it is also helpful to have a consultation with a Psychologist prior to surgery,  To ensure that the patient has realistic expectations regarding the surgical outcome.

If these important first steps were omitted, well----  You get the picture.

Sorry to hear of your sad result.
Grandpa Dan

Offline therick01452

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     Yea, looks like I messed up... I had been researching possible treatments, etc etc forever.  And finally I was so pissed from working out, dieting and getting no results that I had the surgery done.  It was a minor glandular excison, and some lipo.  No nipple redution, which I regret.  The doctor is reputable and very good, but I didnt see the endo first.  I regret it now, but I didnt know as much back then.  My doctor is a good guy and says he will wait a month, then go back in and harden the one side, (right side feels like it has a little breast tissue re-developing... the left side looks pretty good might just be a little swelling still) he strongly suggests not looking into radiation of any kind.  

     I am on this testim and I hope this stops the growth of the gyne, and doesnt fuel it.  I am going to try and talk to my regular doctor and my endo again about NOLVADEX. Gonna keep lifting, running and dieting... then in a month get some revisions done by dr. momeni.  Hopefully it will clear up.  

    BTW, I am now 6 weeks post-op.. feeling coming back now... but right side is starting to regain some cone shape-dness(?)... it has that soft layer of about 3-4 inches in diameter counting the 2 inch nipple/aereola area... and I can feel a lump behind the right nipple.  >:(

Offline therick01452

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      Do you have hard lumps maybe the size of a nickel in diameter behind the puffed out aereola?  That seems to be what I have on the right side... on the left it is a little less puffy and the lump is about dime sized.  

    My nipples are still about the diameter of a quarter, which I regret not getting resized... but I am 6'4" and my doctor said the diameter wasnt abnormal.  

   I hope the softness on top of my pecs is just fluid buildup and the nipples are just still healing(!?).. maybe some scar tissue?  Doc said he'll see me in a month to determine whether im stabilized... then in december remove a little more tissue .. fluid if its there.

   Right now I just need to make sure my testosterone treatment (testim) doesnt trigger the gyne. again.

We'll see...

-- Rick

Offline bobs3304

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Hey guys, I just had my gyno operation 2 days ago.  Got a question though.  Reading this thread got me wondering - how can you really tell the difference b/w gynecomastia from fatty tissue and gyno b/c of a gland problem?  B/c I would seriously hate to find my gyno coming back in a few weeks or months after all the time and money I've spent...

Offline STILLgotIT

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    Yea, looks like I messed up... I had been researching possible treatments, etc etc forever.  And finally I was so pissed from working out, dieting and getting no results that I had the surgery done.  It was a minor glandular excison, and some lipo.  No nipple redution, which I regret.  The doctor is reputable and very good, but I didnt see the endo first.  I regret it now, but I didnt know as much back then.  My doctor is a good guy and says he will wait a month, then go back in and harden the one side, (right side feels like it has a little breast tissue re-developing... the left side looks pretty good might just be a little swelling still) he strongly suggests not looking into radiation of any kind.  

     I am on this testim and I hope this stops the growth of the gyne, and doesnt fuel it.  I am going to try and talk to my regular doctor and my endo again about NOLVADEX. Gonna keep lifting, running and dieting... then in a month get some revisions done by dr. momeni.  Hopefully it will clear up.  

    BTW, I am now 6 weeks post-op.. feeling coming back now... but right side is starting to regain some cone shape-dness(?)... it has that soft layer of about 3-4 inches in diameter counting the 2 inch nipple/aereola area... and I can feel a lump behind the right nipple.  >:(

I'm not so sure it would grow back in 6 weeks.

Are you sure it isn't something else?

Offline Leader43

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            i have been a steroid user for about 3 years now.  I too have gyne, and have had 3 surgeries to try to correct it.  The reason i was having trouble with the first 1 is becasue after my first cycle, my testorone levels shot up, so in retaliation my estrogen did as well, causing them to reoccur bigger and badder than before.  I now take anti estrogen injections but when ur increasing muscle mass ur supposed to wait till after ur cycle to do that.  my point is that my last 2 surgeries have failed as well for some reason, and estrogen had nothing to do with it


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Is your estrogen E2 high by a blood test?

If it is in the upper 1/3 of the range or over range it should be lowered.  But if it gets too low it can also cause other problems.

Always get the male & female hormones balanced before surgery.  This means hormones tests a couple of times a year to keep it checked.

Good luck

Again, get the estrogen E2 tested.

Testim will not reduce gyne.
If your testosterone/estrogen ratio is messed up Testim may help get the testosterone up for a few weeks then it will cause the testicles to reduce it production then you need to increase the dosage of Testim.

At your age you need to get the estrogen tested,. If it is high it needs to be reduced.  Testosterone supplements will cause the testicles to shut down production of testosterone & SPERM.

Estrogen E2 causes breast growth.

Ask you doctor to let you try low dosage, 250 units injected sub-Q 3 times a week, HcG instead to produce more testosterone naturally.

If you do not know your male & female hormone levels then you are just guessing.

Offline therick0145

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     Yea, wish I had looked at that last post earlier,
I havent been on in over a month.
Anyway, my first batch of testim was done, and i went through most of a second, i was supposed to do it for three months.  I think im going to stop since i missed the last two weeks.  Working out alot has helped my body decently, and im not as embarassed as before surgery or weighttraining.
     Over my schools thanksgiving break im going to see my surgeon again, and he said he would remove whats left of my gyne... i am also going to schedule something as far as an estrogen test and since hearing this new news, a sperm count test.  I think i might also try incoprorating skulpt or cutting gel into my workout after my weight/muscle gain cycle is up.. ill use that while i do abs and running.  Its all about knowing what you need to do and then motivating yourself, thank god ive finally stopped feeling sorry for myself, things can always be worse.


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