From what I have seen of other gyne sufferers, I'd rate your gyne at 3.
Being a 'healthy' weight is always a good thing. If you think you need to drop a few pounds, do so. However, reducing your body weight most likely will not rid you of your gyne. In 1990, I got my weight down to 148lbs (@6') in an effort to rid myself of my gynecomastia. My m(o)(o)bs got smaller but they did not completely go away
. I was devastated! Being 148lbs at 6 feet tall with m(o)(o)bs IMHO, looks rather odd. Therefore, I put the pounds back on. A fat guy with breasts is more socially acceptable than a skinny guy with breasts.
From what I have read, male chest fat tissue is very difficult to shed. So the best advice I could give you is to get to a healthy weight (if you are not already) and get GRS that includes both glandular excision and liposuction. Liposuction is necessary for good chest contouring.