Author Topic: How is the post-operation pain?  (Read 1589 times)

Offline mcolgan2015

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Hi, I have had gyne since I was about 14 years old and I am now 20 and it still has not gone away. I recently started body building and this is when my large puffy breasts became even more of an issue to me. I was never comfortable with taking my shirt off at the beach before but I always figured that it would go away. I did some research online and found out that if my gyne hasnt gone away yet, it will probably never go away. I figured I was wasting my time at the gym because no matter how muscular i tried to get i still would have man boobs. This was the final straw. I went to visit an endocrinologist who prescribed me tamoxifen to help block the estrogen receptors. I will say that the tamoxifen did help a lot, however, my nipples still are not flat on my chest, they sort of dome out and it is really unattractive.
I figured more needs to be done about this matter so that i am not just wasting away my hours spent in the gym. Thursday I will be going to a consultation with a plastic surgeon. I am kind of excited to see what the doctor has to say. I am also kind of nervous because I am unaware of what kind of pain I will endure after the surgery.

1. How bad is the pain you have after the surgery?
2. How long will it be until I should be able to work again? (I am a waiter)
3. How long until I can be back in the gym lifting weights?

Any information you might have is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Offline cbn21

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I'm sure it depends on each person but for me:

1) Pain was not bad at all after surgery, my surgeon gave me vicodins and I only took 1 (and I only took it as a precaution the first night just in case I experienced pain during sleep). I think my main discomfort was not being able to shower for 3 days. Also I experienced some pretty bad nausea for the first 3-4 hours after surgery.

2) I personally took a week off, but i was up and about after 2-3 days (though I had limited arm mobility and couldn't lift my arms too high). I definitely wouldn't recommend rushing back to work if work involves heavy lifting or is too fast paced (although my surgeon said I could go back to work as early as 3-5 days if I really wanted to)

3) The popular opinion seems to be 4 weeks post op for light lifting (gradually increasing to your pre-op weights).. again dont' rush anything. I'm currently 3 weeks post-op and its hard not being able to gym but I figure I waited this long to get this surgery and I'm not going to complicate my results by being impatient.

Best of Luck! :-)

Offline mcolgan2015

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I'm sure it depends on each person but for me:

1) Pain was not bad at all after surgery, my surgeon gave me vicodins and I only took 1 (and I only took it as a precaution the first night just in case I experienced pain during sleep). I think my main discomfort was not being able to shower for 3 days. Also I experienced some pretty bad nausea for the first 3-4 hours after surgery.

2) I personally took a week off, but i was up and about after 2-3 days (though I had limited arm mobility and couldn't lift my arms too high). I definitely wouldn't recommend rushing back to work if work involves heavy lifting or is too fast paced (although my surgeon said I could go back to work as early as 3-5 days if I really wanted to)

3) The popular opinion seems to be 4 weeks post op for light lifting (gradually increasing to your pre-op weights).. again dont' rush anything. I'm currently 3 weeks post-op and its hard not being able to gym but I figure I waited this long to get this surgery and I'm not going to complicate my results by being impatient.

Best of Luck! :-)

Thanks for the great insight! As I said before I go Thursday for my consultation. I guess my only worry is that I might not be able to work for a good amount of time. Im a college student and need to work for the summer to make some spending money for the upcoming year, however, like you said i will need to be patient for the best results.
How are your results so far?
Are you happy with the procedure?

Offline cbn21

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Yeah I'm pretty happy with my results.. when I first saw my chest without the compression garments it was kind of a shock how flat it was.. a good kind of shock! I just can't wait till I'm all healed up. It kind of becomes a waiting game after the surgery is completed but its a great feeling knowing its all over.


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