Author Topic: I can't believe this is what it is  (Read 4476 times)

Offline sideliner

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Let me give ya'll my story...I have been living with never taking my shirt  off since I was 13 years old...I have always been a shade over weight and I always thought my GYne. was due to that.When I was about 24 I dropped down to about 175 pounds on my 6'2 frame....I still had a flabby chest..still wouldn't take off my shirt....I have worked out ever since because I read in a workout mag that the only way to combat this condition was to add mass to your  chest..well I bench 405 now and still not working..the top of my chest is hard, but when you get down to the Nipple its just a blob of crap, ones bigger than the other I hate it...I am 33 years old now and have a son who loves the beach...I want to go and play with him in the ocean but I am so self concious cause I was teased so much as a young man....Can ya'lll please help me find a way to end this....I never new this may be a condition that I can't just lose..thanks..will my insurance cover this?...I have got to do someting..I hae looked at alot of pictures and seen nothing as bad as mine.....

Offline jc71

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common story. welcome to the boards. :)

Offline bassplayer

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welcome man post pics i have seen bad like mine and my football coach

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Welcome Broh!  :)

You cannot exercise Gynecomastia away. The only way to get rid of it is to have it surgically removed. Surgery is a piece of cake....  ;)   A whole new world will open up to you when the Gyne is gone.

Do you live in the US?

Post some pics Dude....

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline sideliner

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I am in the US...I need to find a doctor around Atlanta...I am so ready to get this taken care of....Have all of ya'll been fixed?..Is this a sure thing!!

Offline gynosucks1

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wow dude it took u till 24 to realize u had gyn o?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I am in the US...I need to find a doctor around Atlanta...I am so ready to get this taken care of....Have all of ya'll been fixed?..Is this a sure thing!!

Sounds like you've had enough of the Gyne BS Dude. Congrats! Yep, get it removed then you'll be able to go play in the ocean with your son ;). You'll feel sooooo much better about yourself!

Many of the guys on this Site, including myself, have been 'fixed'.

A 'sure thing'..... Any surgery has its risks and uncertanties. We cannot predict the future. If you choose to have surgery, you must keep in mind that you more than likely will not get 'perfection'. You have to have 'realistic expectations' of your surgery. What you should be looking for is a 'major improvement' over your pre-op chest. However, you have a few years behind you and I'm sure you don't want surgery just to impress the ladies. Vanity is probably not a factor in your case.

Do your homework while chosing a Plastic Surgeon! Make sure that He/She has done many Gynecomastia reductions in the past and ask to see 'Before' and 'After' photos of previous patients ( if available ).


Offline jc71

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A 'sure thing'..... Any surgery has its risks and uncertanties. We cannot predict the future. If you choose to have surgery, you must keep in mind that you more than likely will not get 'perfection'. You have to have 'realistic expectations' of your surgery. What you should be looking for is a 'major improvement' over your pre-op chest. .

Realistic expectations are so important.  

Only your creator can give you a perfect chest.  We ALL lost that game.   :(

The next best thing is to educate yourself, make informed decisions and put it in the hands of the best PS for the job.  :)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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wow dude it took u till 24 to realize u had gyn o?

I'm sure sideliner knew he had a problemed chest long before he was 24. What he means is that he, like many of us, were overweight with Gyne. In hope of loosing the Gyne we go on a low Cal diet and start exercising. But when we become very thin and still have the condition, that is when you 'realize' the conditon will not go away with diet and exercise alone.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2005, 08:35:22 AM by Bambu »

Offline sideliner

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Ya'll are so helpful......I have always tried to get rid of it......Man I have got to find a doctor.....I have always been super active, and an outdoorsman, but would never take off my shirt...WHAT CAN I DO TO GET ON MY WAY..HOW DO I GET STARTED??..thank ya'll soooo much.....

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Get in touch with a local Plastic Surgeon that performs Gynecomastic reductions. Set up a consultation with the Doc and go from there....  ;)

As far as insurance companies are concerned, Gynecomastic reduction is considered 'cosmetic' surgery, and therefore they refuse to cover you for the operation.  :-/

« Last Edit: June 17, 2005, 05:31:35 PM by Bambu »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Please remember that despite what you're being told here, if the surgery doesn't go well for you (you could wind up looking worse, even) we'll just blame you for not having done enough research. So, keep your shirt on (pun intended) and think this through carefully before jumping on to the surgery bandwagon.

There are many cases of people who are not satisfied with their surgery and have had to spend even more money (and endure more trauma) to get it right. Some others, albeit the minority, have wound up looking worse than before with recessed nipples and loose skin. You should exhaust all non-surgical options first. Ask your doctor(s) about them.


A 'sure thing'..... Any surgery has its risks and uncertanties. We cannot predict the future. If you choose to have surgery, you must keep in mind that you more than likely will not get 'perfection'. You have to have 'realistic expectations' of your surgery. What you should be looking for is a 'major improvement' over your pre-op chest. However, you have a few years behind you and I'm sure you don't want surgery just to impress the ladies. Vanity is probably not a factor in your case.


As stated above, all surgeries have some level of risk and you probably will not attain perfection. One would have to be completely naive to think that they will get a 'perfect' post-operative chest. My left areola is slightly recessd and is slightly smaller than the right areola. I'd rather have those imperfections than have to continue to carry around a set D-cup boobs....  ;)

The guys that GA mention who are not satisfied with their results are ( from what I have read on this Site ), for the most part, in their teens and are looking to get a 'perfect' chest to impress the ladies while prancing around at the beach or pool. Surgeons are not magicians! They cannot 'magically' transform your chest into that of the guy standing next to you who never had Gyne at all. :P:P:P

I repeat, you must have 'realistic expectations' of surgery results.


Offline jc71

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Surgeons are not magicians! They cannot 'magically' transform your chest into that of the guy standing next to you who never had Gyne at all. :P:P:P[/b]

I 2nd that!

side note.  I guess it's easier to add than take away.

Removing breasts from guys will not make their chest perfect, but when they add breasts to women, it does look perfect.  How ironic. ;D ;D

« Last Edit: June 18, 2005, 08:47:21 AM by jc71 »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Removing breasts from guys will not make their chest perfect, but when they add breasts to women, it does look perfect.

Yeah, like this ===>  Click Here                 :P :P :P

« Last Edit: June 18, 2005, 11:07:11 AM by Bambu »

Offline a-man

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There are many cases of people who are not satisfied with their surgery and have had to spend even more money (and endure more trauma) to get it right. Some others, albeit the minority, have wound up looking worse than before with recessed nipples and loose skin. You should exhaust all non-surgical options first. Ask your doctor(s) about them.

More than likely there aren't any non-surgical options. And when graham says "minority", he means vast minority. I think 99% of people would prefer their post-op look to the way they were before. And like Graham said, in the incredibly rare occasion where something doesnt turn out quite right, it can always be fixed. Don't let posts like these deter you.


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