Author Topic: I have a bad case of Gynecomastia  (Read 10977 times)

Offline peenolagey

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Ok, It's pretty evident that I have gynecomastia, and a bad case of it at that:

I've already lost about 70lbs and a few inches off my chest, they don't seem to be getting any smaller anymore (though I havn't been exercising as vigorously as I should)

My question to you is:
Is that as small as they're going to get without surgery? I'd rather not have the surgery. I wouldnt mind if they were atleast half the size they are now, they are just so darn big at this point, would it be possible to lose a couple  more inches off of my chest just through exercise alone?

I'm in the process of enlisting in the Marine Corp right now and I probably won't ship out until next march, and man boobs are the last thing I want the DI's to notice about me
« Last Edit: August 10, 2005, 01:17:06 PM by peenolagey »

Offline ruggedtoast

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Its impossible to see what the rest of your body fat looks like from those pictures.

If you can calculate your bmi too that would give us something to go on.

Im guessing your quite large.

Offline peenolagey

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I'm not THAT large. weighed myself at the gym a few minutes ago, 210lbs at 5'10"

Offline jc71

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Why is your stomach so much different in the last pic?  Is that a picture of you after you lost the weight?

Offline peenolagey

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i was standing up in the last pic so you could get a better view of my stomach, in those other pics i was sitting down

and no, im 18 not 12.

Offline peenolagey

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Offline ruggedtoast

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Look, can you just post a picture of your normal body standing up so that we can see all the torso.

I dont go with all these arty close ups. It reminds me of 'Blow Up'

Offline peenolagey

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dude the webcam cord can only go so far, i cant get a full body shot without having to lean over and press the button for the cam and i dont have any big mirrors

Offline gynosucks1

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wtf r u people on

he has pancake nipples

go to ur endo

get refered to plastic surgeon

ur insurance should cover this 100%.. it is an extreme case

Offline STILLgotIT

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Hey peenolagey, sorry to hear about your plight. Gyne sux, I know.

Have you already signed the enlistment papers with the Corp? Perhaps you could negotiate a cash bonus to get the op.

Also, there's been other people on here who have had the military do the procedure... and with good success. But, I'd prefer a private PS if I had the money.

I agree. I absolutely would not want to be in the military with a case of gyne such as you have.

Take care.

Offline STILLgotIT

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210lbs at 5' 10", assuming it is not bodybuilder weight, is a bit large, IMO.

The pix of your gut do not indicate that you are really fat at all.

Offline peenolagey

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well next week i have an appointment with a PS so ill see whats up, and ill probably swear into the Marine Corp the week after, i talked to my recruiter about it but ill have to talk to the gunny at the recruiting office because my recruiter doesnt know what to do, once i swear in the military will probably pay for it but if i didnt make it through the training and crap id have to pay it back.

im fairly active, i jog about 20 miles a week and i lift regularly

at this point all my fat is pretty much in my gut and my manboobs, i dont mind the gut and neither does my girlfriend but it sucks when you have bigger boobs than your own gf
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 03:36:18 PM by peenolagey »

Offline Paa_Paw

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At your age, the skin should be elastic enough to shrink a bit but probably not nearly enough to have the effect you are looking for.  This presumes that your weight loss was recent.  If your weight loss was some time ago, then you will probably have no further shrinkage.

Some of us are more inclined to have fatty deposits in the breast area.  Surgery will not change that tendency.  Meaning that you will have a very strong incentive to keep your weight as stabilized as possible.

Diet will only reduce the breasts slightly unless the person is quite obese, and Exercise usually has little to no effect on Gynecomastia.

I really wish I had better news than that.

Good Luck
Grandpa Dan

Offline Paa_Paw

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After re-reading some of the comments, I took another look at your face.

The brow ridges, nose, strong jawline etc are all those of a man;  A youthful man, but not a boy.

If anyone needs to know, just tell them the skin got stretched due to being seriously overweight.  Then tease them about their freckles, red hair, green eyes, lack or excessive growth of body hair etc.

You'll be a great Marine.

Offline peenolagey

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Ok well I talked to the doctor at MEPS today and he said I should diet more and exercise, exercise exercise and try and lose another 20-30lbs and use the surgery as a last resort, he said that after about 3 months of working hard it should regress though never fully be gone. I don't care about have a perfectly flat chest, I wouldnt mind if my breasts were half the size they are now.

So if I work hard will they actually regress or will they just get bigger? Any one else ever had a similar experience?


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