Author Topic: I'm at an all time low right now.....however I'm so relieved to find all of you.  (Read 10594 times)

Offline xelnaga13

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^Do not follow the above advice.

It is extremely dangerous for young guys to not have surgery. There is an acceptance forum for a reason where people who have accepted this deformity talk to each other.

@ Xavier- I am a post surgery gyne sufferer, and I find your post nothing short of offensive. Relegating the members who share nonsurgical opinions to one section of the forum is detrimental to the forum as a whole. Remember not everyone can have surgery for a plethora of reasons. Furthermore, surgery is NEVER perfect, so even surgery guys eventually have to accept their condition.

Reading several of your posts I sense some anger. I wish you peace and happiness.  

Thanks for the peace and happiness but I am not angry. I just do not think it's right to tell young guys to accept their condition.

They are simply offering another choice. Surgery isn't available, right, or necessary for everyone that visits this site.

I would encourage you to be a bit more conscious of your word choice. This is a supportive forum, and all contributions should reflect that spirit.

Offline srnd2012

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So sorry to hear bro, your story is like most of us here. Some days i just sit there and get upset for a while trying to understand why everything bad happens to me , why do i get braces, why i get gyne, why do i get glasses? i just realise that life is S*** and thats it. You have tremendous support here from everyone, so we will be here for you when you need us to be.

Granted i am in a similar situation to you but i am 17 and have only had it for 1 year and a half. But i used to take part in district county running events, relays but stopped after i realised i had breast englargement

Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I know surgery is the only way I will truly be happy again.  I miss being able to do things carefree like I did long ago.  I miss being able to wear white shirts. I want to work out and see results, and not be afraid to look in the mirror.  This changed my life drastically and I'm done with it. Fifteen years is enough!

I called my PS office and my Endo forwarded them my info.  Unfortunately he said it was semi urgent so I am on the 2 year wait list.  However when I asked about it she put me at the top of the short notice list and she's confident that I will get a call soon for my first consultation.

Thanks everyone for the support.  Also I didn't intend this thread to turn into an argument.  You all have valid points and I have massive respect for all who can live a normal life with this condition . My hats off to you.  I appreciate your input.

Offline xelnaga13

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So sorry to hear bro, your story is like most of us here. Some days i just sit there and get upset for a while trying to understand why everything bad happens to me , why do i get braces, why i get gyne, why do i get glasses? i just realise that life is S*** and thats it. You have tremendous support here from everyone, so we will be here for you when you need us to be.

Granted i am in a similar situation to you but i am 17 and have only had it for 1 year and a half. But i used to take part in district county running events, relays but stopped after i realised i had breast englargement

Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I know surgery is the only way I will truly be happy again.  I miss being able to do things carefree like I did long ago.  I miss being able to wear white shirts. I want to work out and see results, and not be afraid to look in the mirror.  This changed my life drastically and I'm done with it. Fifteen years is enough!

I called my PS office and my Endo forwarded them my info.  Unfortunately he said it was semi urgent so I am on the 2 year wait list.  However when I asked about it she put me at the top of the short notice list and she's confident that I will get a call soon for my first consultation.

Thanks everyone for the support.  Also I didn't intend this thread to turn into an argument.  You all have valid points and I have massive respect for all who can live a normal life with this condition . My hats off to you.  I appreciate your input.

2 years for an endo?!? I guess im not the only one who had to wait... mine was available a year from when I called. Rather than wait I just got my primary to do a full hormone panel and sign off on the fact that the numbers were in proper ranges. But my goal was insurance approval rather than treating the underlying cause of my gyno ( it was pubertal) .

Offline srnd2012

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So sorry to hear bro, your story is like most of us here. Some days i just sit there and get upset for a while trying to understand why everything bad happens to me , why do i get braces, why i get gyne, why do i get glasses? i just realise that life is S*** and thats it. You have tremendous support here from everyone, so we will be here for you when you need us to be.

Granted i am in a similar situation to you but i am 17 and have only had it for 1 year and a half. But i used to take part in district county running events, relays but stopped after i realised i had breast englargement

Thanks for the words of encouragement.  I know surgery is the only way I will truly be happy again.  I miss being able to do things carefree like I did long ago.  I miss being able to wear white shirts. I want to work out and see results, and not be afraid to look in the mirror.  This changed my life drastically and I'm done with it. Fifteen years is enough!

I called my PS office and my Endo forwarded them my info.  Unfortunately he said it was semi urgent so I am on the 2 year wait list.  However when I asked about it she put me at the top of the short notice list and she's confident that I will get a call soon for my first consultation.

Thanks everyone for the support.  Also I didn't intend this thread to turn into an argument.  You all have valid points and I have massive respect for all who can live a normal life with this condition . My hats off to you.  I appreciate your input.

2 years for an endo?!? I guess im not the only one who had to wait... mine was available a year from when I called. Rather than wait I just got my primary to do a full hormone panel and sign off on the fact that the numbers were in proper ranges. But my goal was insurance approval rather than treating the underlying cause of my gyno ( it was pubertal) .

I saw the Endo.  Now I just wait for the first consultation with my plastic surgeon


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I don't care what kind of doctor it is, that kind of a wait is uncalled for! One should never be put on hold like that! I can understand one maybe two months for something not causing bad pain but that is ridiculous!

I have a similar problem switching my care to the VA. I was told I needed a new hip by my doctor that replaced my knees and now I don't see a doctor for my hip until Nov 23 at the VA so I get to live in pain, as the VA didn't see it as a priority!

Offline srnd2012

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I don't care what kind of doctor it is, that kind of a wait is uncalled for! One should never be put on hold like that! I can understand one maybe two months for something not causing bad pain but that is ridiculous!

I have a similar problem switching my care to the VA. I was told I needed a new hip by my doctor that replaced my knees and now I don't see a doctor for my hip until Nov 23 at the VA so I get to live in pain, as the VA didn't see it as a priority!

Yeah I hear you there. We're certainly at their mercy at times.  I was shocked to hear about being on a 2 year wait.  2 years for a plastic surgeon!! I immediately said that seemed like a excessively long period of time to just speak with the surgeon.  She then told me my endo put in his report that it was semi urgent (I admit my case is minor) so I was upset.  So I said to her that its a possibility that I may not have surgery for 2.5 years and if that was the case I will go elsewhere.  She immediately said I was at the top of the "short notice" list and that people cancel consultation appointments all the time. She assured me I would get a call soon so I will see what happens.  I hear great things about this surgeon so I'm going to be patient for now.

Offline srnd2012

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Well guys,  I had my first consultation today.  If you read my previous posts I mentioned that I was on the short notice list, meaning if someone cancelled last minute I would be called.  Anyway, I had a call to go today, so I left work early and drove an hour for my apt.
I feel really good about this surgery now.  If you saw my pics you'd see that I don't have an extreme case of gyne. I asked about whether I needed both lipo and excision and he said definitely only excision.  I have much muscle definition in my chest and all of my breast tissue is location at the nipple so he will be able to get it all from there.  He actually said he will be doing both excision and lipo, but only needs to extract from my nipple. Maybe some of you had the same done also.  I left the office feeling relieved and excited for things to come.  He is the highest rated and recommended PS around here. He has done 10 of these surgeries this year (might not seem too high, but its a small city).  He is sending my case to medicare to see if I can get full or partial coverage. I think the fact that I saw my family doctor, also and Endocrinologist helps my case. Also in our meeting today I told him what a serious psychological impact this had on me for the past 15 years.  Once he finds out about insurance I will be called back for my 2nd consultation and then make the apt for surgery.  Can't wait!

Offline cyanide

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Hey champ, I feel your pain really do, but ignor that dik xavier, gyno is not soley about women its purely about YOU, fair enough, its good to have mates that understand but what about those who dont? and the general public?? Its depressing as hell mate, I had it for around 16yrs, Im lying in hospital right now had my op last night and I already feel amazing!!! get it done and take back that life you crave, I only wish I knew about this surgery yrs ago but its all good, i have sports, swimming, wearing any clothes i want, naked sex, showering with gmy gf to look forward too!! SO HAPPY

Offline srnd2012

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Hey champ, I feel your pain really do, but ignor that dik xavier, gyno is not soley about women its purely about YOU, fair enough, its good to have mates that understand but what about those who dont? and the general public?? Its depressing as hell mate, I had it for around 16yrs, Im lying in hospital right now had my op last night and I already feel amazing!!! get it done and take back that life you crave, I only wish I knew about this surgery yrs ago but its all good, i have sports, swimming, wearing any clothes i want, naked sex, showering with gmy gf to look forward too!! SO HAPPY

Thanks Cyanide.  I also can't wait to do all those things. I feel I've missed out on so much, but that will end in a few months.  Good luck with the healing process. :)

Offline Wonderman

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Welcome, I do understand your feeling as I have felt that way on occasion.  Like your girlfriend, my current and many past gfs have never made an issue of it.  I did however have lipo and plan to go back for a follow up for some additional lipo and gland.  It's what made me feel better about myself.

Bottom line is that no one here can say what is best for you.  You should read through the site and make up your own mind about surgery or acceptance. 

Best of luck and peace, either way you decide.

Offline Xavier

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Hey champ, I feel your pain really do, but ignor that dik xavier, gyno is not soley about women its purely about YOU,

Wait a minute....

Says I am a dik
Then haves surgery himself.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:23:14 AM by Xavier »

Offline cyanide

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u make no sense Xavier, go troll somewhere else. No one on this site needs ppl like you and your stupid comments.

Offline Xavier

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I am not sure where your aggressiveness comes from. As far as I know you had the surgery because you chose not to accept the deformity (or condition) called Gynecomastia. All I said is that I find it unhealthy to recommend to young guys on here to accept this deformity.

Your post in another thread:

but I think anything is better than having a handful of feminiaty and ppl staring, at least my real life has finally begun!


Offline xelnaga13

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I am not sure where your aggressiveness comes from. As far as I know you had the surgery because you chose not to accept the deformity (or condition) called Gynecomastia. All I said is that I find it unhealthy to recommend to young guys on here to accept this deformity.

Your post in another thread:

but I think anything is better than having a handful of feminiaty and ppl staring, at least my real life has finally begun!


@ Xavier-Give it a rest. You're entitled to your opinion, but your approach brings nothing but negativity to every thread you appear on. If you're trolling that's one thing, if you're not then you need to take a break and consider why you feel the need to be so negative and confrontational on a supportive forum.

Offline cyanide

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no aggression here Xavier?? and whats wrong with that quote?? thats how I FEEL, of course I dont want to except having female breasts, its the cause of so much humiliation and depression in my life. And i will happily reccomend any young person to get the procedure done ASAP. I sure wish I had of got it done when I was 20, at least then it was alot less surgery needed and the scaring would be basically invisible by now. Not to mention the things I could have and would have done with my life. Do us all a favor and listen to ya mum when she says "If you aint got nothing nice to say then dont say nothing!!"


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