Author Topic: marijuana  (Read 5463 times)

Offline aggie13

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im about to get surgery to correct gynecomastia. if i smoke marijuana occasionally is there a chance me gynecomastia will come back?

Offline Paa_Paw

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After surgery with a well qualified surgeon and a good preoperative workup, the chances of regrowth are slim.

That said, There is a chance of regrowth and you have more to do with this than does  the surgeon. If you were less than completely honest in relating your medical history to the surgeon you may have concealed a potential problem. Post operatively, engaging in behavior known to increase your odds of developing gynecomastia initially will increase your odds of regrowth as well.

Since Marijuana use is on virtually every list of gyne causes that I've ever seen, I would consider its use to be quite risky.
Grandpa Dan

Offline KWS86

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I disagree with his theory.

If you took a survey of men who have never smoked marijuana vs. ones who have, I'm sure you would find the same ratio have gynecomastia under both categories.

My surgeon told me that he doesn't believe marijuana to be a cause.

I had a puffy chest ever since I was 10 or 12. I didn't smoke dope chronically until I was in my 20's. The gyne never changed.

Puff away my dude.

Offline Paa_Paw

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While I agree that there is some dispute about Marijuana as a direct cause of Gynecomastia, There is not an arguement about the fact that Marijuana is known to cause an increast in estrogen levels in males.

I do not think there is a great deal of question about the connection between elevated Estrogen levels and Gynecomastia.

In any case, you just advised a young man That it was ok to do something that could land him in jail.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i tend to agree with paa_paw on this one.  even if it won't make it recur in every case, it's definitely not going to improve your hormone odds any.  but my observation of marijuana threads is

1. they usually go on for around three pages each and
2. they usually keep going in circles ;)   
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline EatingCake

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I used to be a chronic pot head in high school and now currently at law school (did a complete 180) and I have to say it is hilarious that marijuana and jail was put in the same sentence. Sure, marijuana is illegal and not good (for brain or lungs) but I would ask you, if there is even a slight risk of the gynecomastia coming back from smoking marijuana... is it worth it?

Is weed going to grant you success? Is weed going to get you laid? Is the small buzz worth all the risks? The answer to all these questions are **** no, as soon as I quit being a pothead its like I woke up from a nightmare.

I honestly would rather do coke before I ever did marijuana again.
op pictures: - 12th of December 2009 surgery

Offline KWS86

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I never told the boy to be a pothead, but if occasionally he decides to smoke a joint at a party or something... he's basically being told he will fail at life and grow his boobs back.

DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! Enjoy yourself bro. If smoking weed becomes the focal point of your life... then you may want to worry. Don't let it.

Besides, I find alcohol to be much more damaging than marijuana. But you probably wouldn't tell the boy not to drink. You'd just tell him to do it in moderation.

Same thing.

Keep in mind guys that I live in Canada. The attitude in this country about smoking weed is pretty lax. No one gives a nut. My manager at work smokes, so do several of the fulltime employees. My uncles smoke. My sisters smoke. The list goes on.

Again, the key is moderation.

Offline aggie13

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thank you for the comments. i have found the same that marijuana can be a cause for gynecomastia so it is something that i was worried about. smoking is something that i dont do all the time just every once in a while. i started to smoke occasionally well after i developed gynecomastia and i also agree that with smoking and drinking moderation is key. so i was asking if anyone had any personal experiences with marijuana and gynecomastia. in any case if i find it to be a risk to my gynecomastia coming back then its something that i would quit entirely. as a side note i did have the surgery and every thing is going well so now i am on the road to recovery!

Offline drpepper

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There is no evidence that marijuana use causes gyno.

The only point people ever bring up is that marijuana use has an impact on hormones - especially estrogen. The fact is, lots of things have impacts on hormones and estrogen. Alcohol for example, has a much larger impact on estrogen levels in men than does marijuana. Alcohol use causes dramatic increases in estrogen levels for both men and women. Dairy products and meats can also increase estrogen.

As far as I know - estrogen and other hormone levels will eventually return to normal after stopping the use of the drug causing the rise. Therefore, one would expect that anyone who attributes their gyno to marijuana use should see at least some reduction in their gyno after.

Yes - I am a cannabis user. I've also had gyno my whole life (long, long before using cannabis) and so does my father who only used cannabis a few times in his early life. I've been a regular user of cannabis for about 8 years and have had numerous periods of abstinence that have lasted 3 or 6 months in that time and never noticed a change in my gyno. I also know hundreds of men who are regular cannabis users - many who use much more for longer periods of time than myself and they do not have gyno.

I feel this is based on little more than reefer madness because if marijuana were to cause gyno by affecting hormone levels then there are plenty of other drugs that are commonly used that would be more concerning. Some people are dead set on their opinion of this - I am on mine. But I do think there is a lack of critical thought surrounding it.

After all - we've also been told that marijuana will cause white women to have sex with black men, that it will turn you into a homicidal maniac, that it makes you lazy and stupid (tell that to Michael Phelps and Carl Sagan), and according to the ONDCP you will either deflate or your dog will talk to you after smoking it.

After my surgery I will celebrate with a joint and beer and I know my gyno won't come back because of it.

Offline headheldhigh01

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see my previous comments about how pot threads never resolve and go on forever. 

on the upside, at least it's a huge iq booster ;) --   


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