Author Topic: Marijuana  (Read 6349 times)

Offline Billy21

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Hi people. I am 21 and live in Australia. I have been smoking pot for a verry long time. i am sure that my puffy nipples are a result of my smoking. can any one confirmn this or has anyon had similar expirience? there seems to be alot of contraversey over wether or not mary jane can cause gyno. i am SURE it was the pot because i have a friend that smoked with me for years and has the same problem. i am proof you can develop it from smokin marijuana!

Offline Worrier

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well i did a bit of weed in my time but something elsecaused my gyno. ;D

But one of the first questions the doctorasked me  was did I smoke weed. So did the endo. In fact so did the PS I saw. Maybe some people  at a certain age are prone to it from weed I don't know.A friend of mine did a lot of pot and he got some fat on his chest. i can't remember if it was gyno or not , never new what gyno was then.  
      Maybe it was fat fromthe munchies? or maybe it depends how much you do whether weed affects it.

Offline daddynubbie

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Have you stoped the weed?
Suffered For 20 years, 36 years old
Had 1st Surgery October 2005
Had Revision August 18, 2006
Looking Good So Far

Offline Billy21

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 ;D.. yes i most certainly have... because it has also caused another very embarasing problem for me which is a stone in my saliver gland, every time i salivate (eat or drink) my neck puffs up huge under the right side of my chin. going to get it out soon, also going for surgery on the gyno soon. can't wait to put all these years of hard work at the gym trying to make my chest look good, into action mate.

thank to the gyno the rest of my body is CUT and strong cause i just would not except that i could not get rid of it. I tried so hard that i became really quite big and strong and i look good every where else which is what makes it look so wierd.

i have heard of people putting on weight to hide it. Want my advise, loos as much weight as you can and go in for surgery. thats what i'm doing.

Ps, i have read that allot of other drugs can do it too, you know... narcotics. i ahve unfortunately experimented with these aswell so i think it is a mixture.

bottom line. Want to look good? dont take drugs! any drugs! their illegal for a good reason.

Offline ganjaman

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If marijuana caused it then everybody in Jamacia would have gynecomastia.

"Field studies in Jamaica and Costa Rica find no difference between the hormone levels of non-smokers and marijuana smokers. In light of this, I feel the information presented is inaccurate to a large degree. "

Offline Billy21

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one they have had generations of smoking allot of pot to get used to it, two i don't think i have ever seen a black person with gynocomastia three i think it is a mixture of weight lifting and smokin?
if smoking CAN give you lung cancer then every one smoking would have it? think about what you are saying, i am saying it can and dose cause it. not it WILL cause it.

Offline Billy21

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 :-/ you just keep on smoking ganja man

Offline Paa_Paw

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Marijuana is often implicated as a contributing factor in gynecomastia.  This is not to say that everyone who uses it has or will get Gynecomastia, Just that users have a higher than average incidence of gynecomastia.

It is a gamble,  and not one that a sensible person would take.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Blarneystoner

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well if more ppl who smoke pot have gyno, how do we know they don't smoke pot BECAUSE they have gyno?
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline RottonDane

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Let me say this about pot and those who choose to smoke it.  You are never, never, going to convince a smoker that pot is bad for them.  They can site just as many studies form the pages of High Times and the like, to rebute anything that is thrown at them.  They can show how pot isnt physically addictive, great medicine, and a far better choice for you than booze ect.  They fail to realize however, that it is mentally addictive.  Look at most anyone you know who really likes their ganj.  They have expensive smoking devices, reading material, shirts, pictures, merchandise depicting, internet handles, all exulting pot and identifying themselves as stoners.  If it has this much of an affect on the human mind, then it stands to reason it would have some affect on the body as well.  If you believe it can be used a  med, then you admit it has an affect on the human body, and all meds have negative side effects, now dont they.  It has been shown over and over to affect horomone levels, sperm count, cause depression, ect. in many people.  This dosnt nessesserly mean however, that it will everytime.  The only thing to do is decide which is more important, and go from there.  Let pot become the most important and stop complaining, just remain comfortably numb, or be proactive about your situation are realize that you cant argue the fact that the body does not NEED pot to survive or function.  Seems like an easy decision to me, and let me tell you it was.  I smoked for years before I decided to stop, and the more I look around, the happier I am with the decision.   With out smoking, I dont every have to worry about ANYTHING pot related. ;)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2005, 12:50:00 AM by RottonDane »

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I would just like to concur with Paw Paw and say what a brilliant post that was by RottonnDane.

If someone wanted to find a wealth of research regarding the actual effects of marijuana and its impact on the endocrine system and hormones, they can use the search function on this site.

About a year ago I presented an enormous document that detailed animal studies- under the handle hypo.

Do a search if interested.

The studies were comprehensive and covered almost every animal imaginable.

In every study there was an adverse affect on the endocrine system and hormones.

Unless man utterly differs from almost every animal on this planet it would seem that marijuana has an adverse affect on our endocrine systems and hormones.

From what we know in humans we can say that there does appear to be a weak but certain negative association between the two as is shown by the increased frequency at which gynecomastia is found in groups of men who smoke marijuana as opposed to those that don't.

Does this mean that all men who smoke marijuana will go onto develop gynecomastia, no of course not, does this mean that smoking marijuana is as likely to cause gynecomastia as taking aromatizable steroids, no of course not (with those the association is strong).

So what does it mean?

It means that if you are someone who is unfortunately predisposed to gynecomastia, smoking marijuana may turn you into one of the statistics that proves the association.

If that happens I don't think you will feel happy about the fact that although you have gynecomasia statistically speaking most other people will be fine.

Whether you choose to smoke marijuana recreationally or not is up to you as an individual, I am not for it or against it.

Everyone has there vices and I am not going to hypocritically tell anyone what they should or should not do; but being informed is a better position to be whatever you choose- and if you want that dig out the research that via a search of this site.


I was prescribed a form of marijuana called Nabalone back in 1991 to stop me being constantly physically sick on chemotherapy.  

It was the only thing that worked and prior to that I had been sick so much that bile was actually burning the lining of my throat- so I know that this is not just a bad drug.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2005, 03:09:36 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline Paa_Paw

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That Marijuana has the potential of medicinal use especially for nausea associated with chemotherapy is well known.  I think is borders on being criminal that more research is not done on its potential beneficial uses. It is a potent drug.

As with any other drug of equal potency, I think it should be used with medical monitoring.  The recreational use of Marijuana is (to me at least) unwise.

Offline Blarneystoner

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someone mentioned that weed is phycologically addicting. yes this it true. but so are video games, sex, sweets, and ANYTHING FUN. it just means you like it so much you can't stop. you can say fat people are phycologically addicted to food.
now something like heroin is physically addicting (phycologically also). that means that when someone stops, their body goes through PHYSiCAL stress (vomiting, pain etc.) this is different than just wanting to smoke weed.
get it?

Offline RottonDane

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Blarneystoner said:
someone mentioned that weed is phycologically addicting. yes this it true. but so are video games, sex, sweets, and ANYTHING FUN. it just means you like it so much you can't stop. you can say fat people are phycologically addicted to food.
now something like heroin is physically addicting (phycologically also). that means that when someone stops, their body goes through PHYSiCAL stress (vomiting, pain etc.) this is different than just wanting to smoke weed.  get it?

My reply:
Alright.  I think you had a point to make, but I am afraid you failed.  Interesting.  First, Video games dont list gyne as a side effect, so whats your point? Second, sex is addicting to SOME, but it is also nessessary for the human race to survive.  Weed on the other hand, is not  and once again, gyne is not a side effect of sex.  Third, sweets are also physically addicting as well as mentally.  Look at the research showing the direct link between sweets with artifical sweeteners and depression, obisity, and horomonal imbaliences.  Most of which, COULD result in gyne in fatty or glandular forms.  I have no idea how old you are but you can type, so you should be old enough to realize that not all fat people are overeaters, and not all overeaters are fat.  However, for those who are, you can see the direct cause and effect, just like smoking and gyne.  It affects some but not others, however NO ONE SHOULD DO IT. As for the part about herion, whats your point?  We all understand physical and mental addiction and the dangers of opiates.  Furthermore, no one here said weed was physicaly addictive, but it is interesting how you feel the need to come to bat for it, and how askew your points were.  If getting rid of and the lessening of your gyne is your prerogitive, then it is logical to stop smoking pot at least untill a definitive answer to this question is posed by the scientific community. If smoking pot is your greater of two choices, smoke away and stop complaining about your gyne.  A logical person takes all precautions to lessen his grief and does not go out of his way to possibly worsen it.  Get it?

Offline Billy21

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Thanks allot guys. i can not tell you how much i apreciate having somewhere to gain opinions on this apparently emotive subject. Some of you seem verry smart and obviously have allot of knowledge on this problem.

Isn't it funny how we fight for, and defend our addictions? I think Blarneystoners point was that at least smoking pot dose not lead to sex addiction, junk food addiction, video game over use and heroin use.
or dose it?

I am going in for surgery soon and am looking forward to it! i just realized that a major contributing factor to my gyno would have to have been the artificial sweetners i used to endulge in allot while i was stoned.

 Any way, look guys i will never condone the recreational use of marijuana! I started to sell it to serve my purpose which was to sit at home all day playing video games, screwing my girlfriend, and basically slothin around. i pulled it of for 4 years untill the police complained to the housing department.

Through selling pot i:

1 turned into an arse hole and lost the most beautifull girl i have ever known (that one hurts the most)

2 became a MASTER of playstation 2, which i now realise dose not serve any purpose what so ever.

3 through the people i met i ended up taking every other drug you can imagine, from which i still suffer (keep this in mind please, you do not know how much the drugs are stuffing you up  untill you try to stop, trust me)

4 aged at an emence rate and cause the deep acne scarring i have now.

5 lost respect and love from my family (pot will tear you from your friends and family and anyonelse trying to stop you from smiking it then it will leave you wondering why no one loves you as much as you think they should after you have benn defending this thing that they can all see is RUINING you)

6 developed gynocamastia.

sorry for the life story i just feel that some people on this forum need to hear this and i hope it just for a second may make some one realise it's just not worth it!


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