Blarneystoner said:
someone mentioned that weed is phycologically addicting. yes this it true. but so are video games, sex, sweets, and ANYTHING FUN. it just means you like it so much you can't stop. you can say fat people are phycologically addicted to food.
now something like heroin is physically addicting (phycologically also). that means that when someone stops, their body goes through PHYSiCAL stress (vomiting, pain etc.) this is different than just wanting to smoke weed. get it?
My reply:
Alright. I think you had a point to make, but I am afraid you failed. Interesting. First, Video games dont list gyne as a side effect, so whats your point? Second, sex is addicting to SOME, but it is also nessessary for the human race to survive. Weed on the other hand, is not and once again, gyne is not a side effect of sex. Third, sweets are also physically addicting as well as mentally. Look at the research showing the direct link between sweets with artifical sweeteners and depression, obisity, and horomonal imbaliences. Most of which, COULD result in gyne in fatty or glandular forms. I have no idea how old you are but you can type, so you should be old enough to realize that not all fat people are overeaters, and not all overeaters are fat. However, for those who are, you can see the direct cause and effect, just like smoking and gyne. It affects some but not others, however NO ONE SHOULD DO IT. As for the part about herion, whats your point? We all understand physical and mental addiction and the dangers of opiates. Furthermore, no one here said weed was physicaly addictive, but it is interesting how you feel the need to come to bat for it, and how askew your points were. If getting rid of and the lessening of your gyne is your prerogitive, then it is logical to stop smoking pot at least untill a definitive answer to this question is posed by the scientific community. If smoking pot is your greater of two choices, smoke away and stop complaining about your gyne. A logical person takes all precautions to lessen his grief and does not go out of his way to possibly worsen it. Get it?