Author Topic: Mind Control  (Read 15781 times)

Offline jc71

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Hey guys,

I was watching the Discovery Health Channel and they had a show on where this guy claims a person can heal their body both inside and out with their mind.

He even went so far as saying we can change the bodies of others with our mind.

I thought, wouldn't that be awesome if we could apply it to gyne and  just "think it away".  All the PS's would be out of business.  ;D

Didn't make much sense to me (maybe I don't know enough about it).  

What do you guys think?  :)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 08:29:03 PM by jc71 »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Well, you never know Dude! The experts say that we only use about 10-15% of our brains capability.  :o

Just imagine what we could accomplish if were to employ the remaining 85%!

Now there's someting to ponder huh....  ;)

John out....
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline zarathustra

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Didn't someone claim minor success using mind control?

Anyways, it's been claimed for pretty much the last 5000 years that you can influence your body through meditation.  

Find the stillness inside yourself and start making demands.  I'm working on it.  I'll let you know if I make progress.

Offline Blitz

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I know we only use a small percentage of our brain and this guy might be "special".  Some scientist think that if we could use most of our brain power, E.S.P.,telekinesis and even regrowing body parts would be possible.  I wouldn't mind having it for 5 minutes just to get rid of my gyne.  

Offline usernameX

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Well, you never know Dude! The experts say that we only use about 10-15% of our brains capability.  :o

Just imagine what we could accomplish if were to employ the remaining 85%!

Now there's someting to ponder huh....  ;)

John out....

Sorry to contradict you John, but the average human only uses about 3-5 percent actually. A few people have claimed they can use 15 percent but I dont know...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2005, 04:36:32 AM by usernameX »
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline zarathustra

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Those figures tell us nothing.

10%?  5%??

Of what???

Brain capacity?  Brain volume? Brain POWER??

The only measurable quantity here is volume which we could then relate to electrical activity, but even with these, we have no real way of knowing just how efficient our brains are because we have no known upper bound on the electrical activity.

Hahaha.  Sorry to be an ass, I just find it silly talking in such terms.

Offline jc71

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Didn't someone claim minor success using mind control? Find the stillness inside yourself and start making demands.  I'm working on it.  I'll let you know if I make progress.

Someone claimed minor success using mind control?  I somehow missed that thread.

You're working on stillness inside and making demands? Yeah, let us know if you make any progress. :)

Offline zarathustra

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I thought Graham_Ashe (I think that's his tag..) said he tries to use mind control.  And experienced some success.  Not sure what KIND of mind control he used though.

Mine is during meditation after yoga.  It sounds silly, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try.  Especially since I'd be meditating gyne or no gyne.

And no worries, I'll for sure let you know if it works.

I've definitely experienced significant reduction, however this is probably mostly fat reduction.  And also I have no real way of knowing how much is attributable to the mind control!  (If any.)

Still.  Our mind and body connects in many many subtle and not so subtle ways...  I definitely wouldn't be surprised if there is (some) truth in the original claim of this thread.  

Offline usernameX

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Zara, sounds you like you somewhat of a spiritual person. Do you know anything about past life regression?

Offline zarathustra

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Ummm I know nothing factual...  

I personally don't believe in past lives..  At least not in the sense that suggests my consciousness controlled another body before this current life...

The memories people recall are fabrications I think.

Subconscious fabrications.  Pretty much, I believe that every second you're asleep (or the stage of sleep where dreaming occurs), your mind is running through scenarios, solving problems, etc etc.  We get glimpses of these through our dreams.  Other people get glimpses when hypnotized and call them previous life experiences.

Why do you ask?

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To be honest with you, my mother and aunt are extremely spiritual people and beleive in them. But the reason I ask is because for some VERY strange reason I have a VERY negative association with with 1930's to the 1950's. Whenever I see it on TV, pictures, documentaries etc...the thought process is just so negative. My mother refuses to do a past life regression because she beleive she played a huge part in it and doesnt want affect my image of her in this life. She feels I had something to do with crime.

Zara, as far fetched as this sounds...listen to this. I dont mean to tell you my life story or anything but just read. My mother had a very miserable life with my father. Turns out in a past life, my mother actually killed my father. Now, in this life, shes paying back her karmic debt. She spent 30 years of her life with my father. Miserable as darn. Now is that ever fucked or what bro. Anyways yeah...ike my mom said It feels like I had something to do with crime. And im dying to know just what the hell happend. Ive never been able to explain my negative association with it...i cant put it into words.

Offline zarathustra

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So let's say we all have past lives, and retain some residue (karma) from them...

You think that in past lives, your mother then would be the same as your mother now?  This suggests some sort of soul interdependency...  which I think in some ways contradicts the idea of the soul, which is this limitless, unending, unbeginning concept..  not influenced at all by cause and effect.  ie.  your soul was caused by your mother and fathers soul.

Another thing to consider..
There are 6 billion people on the earth today and counting.
Chances are if past lives DO exist, you never had any.  You are a new soul.

And finally.. even if past lives do exist...
Past life regression and psychoanalysis I think are one and the same.  What people imagine as past lives are, in reality, like I said before, subconscious imaginings.  Dreams.

You know when you come to a realization and just KNOW how to solve a problem?  That happens because your subconscious has been working away at it while you slept, and it just get's 'delivered' to your conscience as a realization.

What I'm saying is, calling the phenomona 'memories of past lives' or calling the phenomona 'dreams' is just semantics.  In the end, the memories themselves DEFINITELY provide insight into your self because they are your selfs attempt to solve your selfs problems.  Does that make sense?

So if I were you, I'd definitely check this out, past lives or no.  Find out what it is about the 30's-50's that bothers you..  Despite your mother's fears.  Find out if it is some karmic debt, or maybe some weird subconscious association..  ie.  you associate the 30's and 50's with a traumatic (current) life event..  maybe the tv was playing a 30s documentary while you watched your parents fight??  something of that nature..
It's like Pavlov and his dogs.  You hear the bell and you start to salivate.  You hear about 30's-50's era, and you connect it to a life trauma and become uneasy..

So dig and find out.  And honestly, no matter what you did find out, would you hold it against your mother?  It did afterall, happen in a past life...

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No i wouldnt hold it against my mother. When my father found out he wasnt too pleased though lol

You said theres 6 billion people on earth thats correct. Now you said what are the chances you had a past life? I dont know the odds. But as for the chances of finding someone in a past life again in this life? Its called soul groups. It said every couple of "lives" people join and leave soul groups. For eg, my mom has a new boyfriend that she absolutly loves. They go so well together its unbeleivable (my mom can be really annoying) and never once has my aunt or mom seen him in a past life. She told me she recognized a few people. Its not like they look the same she said "you just know" My mom was a male in most of her lives actually. Its really messed up shit.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Sorry to contradict you John, but the average human only uses about 3-5 percent actually.

Me bad!  :-[

Sorry, I stand corrected!  ;D

John out...

Offline zarathustra

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I guess no one really knows the odds, but I have heard that there are more people alive today than you would get if you add up all people in the whole history of humanity (since we've been at this stage of evolution).

Mathematically this makes sense since populations obey exponential increase, especially when populations have no predators to speak of, like humans.
ie.  populations EXPLODE.  Look at bunnies in Australia for modern proof of this.

So mathematically, past lives don't make sense.  Unless we allow past lives in nonhuman form.  People like your mother who have had numerous past lives would be VERY VERY VERY RARE.

With this in mind, the possibility of soul groups existing becomes even more remote..  

Either way.  Sounds like you have something repressed that would probably do you a whole world of pyschological good to let out.  That, or start laying down the good deeds so you can pay your Karmic debt and no longer be haunted by the 30's-50's.  


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