Author Topic: My Story (please read)  (Read 3767 times)

Offline Bryan123

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I had bi-lateral gynecomastia since I was 14 yrs old.  At that time I was captain of my hockey team and the smartest out of my two brothers.  I thought I had breast cancer and was dying.  I had to pinch my nipples constantly to hide the puffyness (Ido not know if this made it worse.  They are bout 3-5 cm in diameter.  I worked out alot (sometimes 1000 push ups a day).  If anyone said anything about my chest I would have knocked them out.  My parents thought I was pinching my nipples because it felt good.  Actually, pubertal gynecomastia is painfull.  The pain subsided once the growth stopped.

I fought through this handicap and have a normal life.  Two degrees Chemistry and Computer Science.  I am married and have a full time job at a pharmaceutical company.  

Only when I hit 29 years old did I get the courage to investigate this problem.  It was my dad who gace me the courage.  He developed unilateral gynecomastia at 55 years old.  He went through the same thoughts I did "breast cancer".  I told him he was going through andropause and that doctors probably will not remove it, but give him hormone therapy.

Well, lets talk about my condition.  I staterd reading on the web about Klinefelter syndrome, testicular cancer, and other strange adrenal tumors.  I thought I am in big trouble.  Not only did I hide this condition by cold showers, pinching nipples, and builing big biceps.  I decdived my wife.  I stand a good chanced of being infertile and she did not deserve this.  

So I told my wife she thought I was vain and there was nothing wrong with me.  So a week later I did a TSE check and found tubes/lumps behind my left testicle.  I thought it was cancer.  Told my wife and we disputed if it is or not.  Then it started to hurt.  Now at 29 I know this did not happen at 14.  I measure both testicles they are 4.5cm (the long length).  I had an Ultrascan done and they were only cysts found.    

Now, I just
ruled out Testicular cancer.  What about Klinefelter syndrome.  I could shave twice a day, I have more body hair than my brothers.  I bench 250lbs and squat 275.  I am near my target weight of 170 lbs (actual 185).   I have never taken a steroid in my life, and have normal testicle size.  I also am the same height as my brothers.  SO the chance if this being KS is about 50%?

I have a physical with my doctor on Aug 28 and I will ask for a complete hormonal blood work up.  The last time I asked a doctor for this she looked at me like I was smoking crack.  (I did not get done then thanks to her).

I do not know what is going to happen with these tests, but it is time for the lumps under mu nipples to die.  As for teens who get this condition.  Go to a doctor ASAP.  You do not want to end like me discussing TESE with your wife you are putting through nursing school while you are getting tested for testicular tumores and other fun conditions.

I wish I knew about this fertile and this condition back then (even though testicle size is normal), because I would have a semen analyisis.  Worst case I am infertile, but at least I would no not to promise something to your partner on you may not be able to.  


Offline headheldhigh01

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i made the same mistake of thinking it was a remitted cancer too.  

welcome to the boards.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline lopher

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There was something odd about that post  :-/

Offline Bryan123

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What was odd.  Sorry if I gave to much information.  This has taken alot of stength just to admit I have this condition.  What is worse no one belives me.  The two lumps under my nipple say different.  No when I first googled this condition every site basically predicted that if your gyne did not recess after puberty you have Klinefelter syndrome.  After reading fertility rates and gyno I became very depressed.  Almost thought about leaving my wife to give her a chance with someone else.  So I prayed that I hormone levels ballanced after 18 and I just developeddense brest tissue period.  To prove this I basically have to get a doctor to rule out alot of different embarssing conditions.  And then pray for normal hormone results just to be told after all that stress thatit is a cosmetic procedure and your insurance may or may not cover it depending on how the doctor ights the insurance.  I am just glad testicular cancer was ruled out.  On Aug 28 the fun of the physical exam begins.  I hope you still do not think I am odd.  We need support groups to get the info out to the medicall community that this is a terrible condition that no one wishes on any child.  What if a girl started to grow a penis at 14 would that doctor tell her to lay off the roids, it will go away, lose weight, or just live with it.  Most likely the lifetime channel wuold have movies and candlelight marches to raise reaserch and funding to cure this condition without surgery.   :-[
« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 04:24:45 PM by Bryan123 »


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Thats the problem with diagnosing yourself by reading the internet. It always winds up worse than it really is.

Its almost 5 in the morning and i've had a rough night but I'll describe this the best way i can.

During puberty your hormones are screwed up. Guys sometimes get a little "breast tissue" when they shouldn't. It usually goes away on its own but sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't go away then you can have surgery to have it removed.

As for having klinefelter syndrome and being infertile i think your just being paranoid.

If the looks of it bother you, get the surgery. If it doesn't, to hell with it.

Offline lopher

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I just think it's all nonsense.

Oh no, oh no i have a 50% chance of kinfelters syndrome... oh i'm so sorry to my wife because now i must be infertile... but i'm so clever.... and mommy mommy look at me i'm so big and strong...i have 2 degrees... i work in the pharmaceutical industry... and i'm dying of

Sorry guys but that's just a load of trash, and i don't buy for one second that shit about all i found was how I must be dying. Pure bollocks. Maybe if you type "Death and breast lumps" into google you might get something to back your findings up.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 06:28:03 AM by lopher »

Offline headheldhigh01

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he didn't say he thought gyne was killing him, he said he initially mistakenly believed he had a breast cancer, which can happen to men though not often, easy mistake.  and it's not hard to imagine coming across misleading info on klinefelter's either, there isn't even 100% consensus on everything about gyne either (or any other medical subject for that matter).  and he's right there's a need for good info out there.  

looks like a normal gyne story to me.  
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 06:02:58 PM by headheldhigh01 »


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